Episode 100 – This Is Getting Old



Impeachment Inquiry

Garbage. Schiff is going to move on to impeach Trump.

The lead witness Gordon Sondland, who actually spoke to Trump, admitted that all his testimony was from his perception. That’s right, his opinion.

In fact, no witness had any direct knowledge of what is a quid pro quo. But we do know some things:

  • The witnesses did not like Trump’s foreign policy with Ukraine (not impeachable).
  • Some of the witnesses do not like the way Trump let Amb. Yovanovich go (too bad, not impeachable).
  • The evidence is second hand, all the way to sixth hand (hearsay is evidence but usually only supporting).
  • No one really knew if or why Trump held the aid to Ukraine (Investigate Biden, Ukrainian corruption, Trump didn’t trust Solinsky, Trump doesn’t like giving out foreign aid?).
  • Trump doesn’t like giving out foreign aid.
  • Sondland was told, directly by Trump, “I want nothing. I want them to do the right thing.”
  • ThatĀ allĀ of these witnesses were career bureaucrats that were never elected and thought they knew more than Trump.
  • None had ever said anything about bribery, which Schiff named in his new narrative, in their prior testimony.
  • None could name a crime Trump committed. Apparently they are all smarter than Trump on implementing crappy policies but aren’t smart enough to know any simple law.
  • Trump did far more for Ukraine than Obama did.


This whole thing is crap.Not one Republican mind will be changed.

Schiff is now working on a summary document which are the articles of impeachment recommendation. And Democrats are still riding the wave of impeachment, though…

And this is where I come in. There was no evidence. Here are a few questions:

  • What s the difference between a quid pro quo and negotiation? Democrats don’t know. That’s why they’re throwing out bribery?
  • Was Trump investigating 2016 corruption, whether Trump didn’t trust Solinsky, whether Trump didn’t want to give aid, or wanted the son of a political rival investigated? Intent matters here.
  • If this was bribery, what did we get out of it?
  • Where’s the intent?
  • Why are these career bureaucrats more trustworthy than a duly elected President?
  • Where’s the proof?


The fact is: none of these questions are going to be answered. Because this is the Deep State, a term I hated, versus and outsider. The Deep State doesn’t see it. They see themselves as the government, meant to uphold the status quo, no matter the results. As long as the Deep State isn’t questioned and is able to keep power.

Amb. Yovanovich has been in public service, an un-elected position, for 33 years. She did not like Trump, the outsider. She said so much many times while in Ukraine. She did not stop the corruption in Ukraine and the Republicans showed that during her testimony.

President Trumps biggest mistake was that he did not raze the establishment. Fire everyone. Put his own people in. I wonder if that level of compassion will be acknowledged by the Democrats.

Obama fired everyone.


The Democratic Debate

Right after the Impeachment Inquiry was complete, the fourth Democratic debate took place. What a crap show. It was so boring. I watched about 45 minutes before I realized I had other things to do. There are certain themes that were taken from this debate because of the Trump impeachment inquiry:

  • Koom Bye Ya – Yeah, I didn’t spell it correctly but you get it. The Democrats need to show unity. Tearing each other apart is counter-productive. But it made it very boring.
  • Some of the candidates are beginning to realize they need to be more moderate (Biden, Butt-gig, Booker) if they have a chance to win the general election.


But the candidates are beginning to separate themselves. Let’s look at each of them and how they are going to run. I’m going to base this on the relevant candidates and forget the others.:

  • Biden- Will get the nomination. Moderate, comfortable and old. Still gaffing left and right. But the Democrat base will vote for him. He just needs to get through the primaries which are being run by the Left.
  • Butt-gig- Intelligent, well-spoken and naive. He’s pretending to be a victim and seem disingenuous. But he avoided attack.
  • Warren- Done. She’s a liar and it shows with her “policies.” She has too much hate for successful people as can be seen with her “billionaire tears” mug she’s selling. Hate is never a good thing to run on. Not to mention the tax thing.
  • Bernie- Communist. No.
  • Booker- Better performance because he tried to make himself look more moderate. He looks Presidential. but he seems to try too hard.
  • Harris- Her laugh is creepy and her positions jump all over the place. No
  • Klobuchar-She’s the best candidate. She did really well. But she’s mean and that has already turned people off. She also has that weird voice. And what’s with the eating salad with a comb thing?
  • Yang- I like Yang and his ideas are truly progressive. His ideas are something we need to think about in the future as technology advances. I think he’s a better 2028 candidate.
  • Gabbard- A true moderate which is why she gets two questions per debate. She would beat Trump but she’s done.
  • Anyone not mentioned- Done.


This debate was a crap show. The MSNBC moderators really sucked and were highly partisan. This was truly a love fest. The Democrats are going to have some problems.



The FISA court report is being release. In it is being named an FBI lawyer that is named as being one who manipulated the warrants.

On December 11, We’re going to learn some things. And this impeachment thing is going to die.

More to come!


The Heat is Rising in Iran

I have always said that the Iranian citizen are for more progressive than their fundamentalist government. And it looks like those progressives are getting annoyed.

The Trump sanctions, limits on freedom and three proxy wars are beginning to weigh heavily on Iran and their citizens.But, worse, the Mullahs, who are in charge, shut down the Internet

No Instagram? Oh, crap.

The protests are throughout the country and Amnesty International has reported that about 200 people through 21 cities have been killed by the Revolutionary Guard.

The government has said that all the protests have been quelled and that there have been security forces killed also. But videos posted on social media show that the protests are continuing and are extremely including citizens being shot by snipers. There’s the reason why social media has been cut off.

The reason prices are going up is because the government is running out of money and the wealth gap is getting wider. In order to keep social programs running. Working citizens are doing more and getting less but have to pay more. And they’re pissed off.

Of course the media is not reporting this. The also are not reporting the centrifuges they are spinning in preparation for creating a nuclear weapon. That’s because it will go against St. Obama’s narrative.



Hong Kong, Like the United States, is Going Red

Just like Iran, there is chaos in China. And, no, the media is not reporting it.

Over the past couple of weeks, pro-Hong Kong protesters and Chinese sympathizers have been clashing. A couple of protesters were shot while scuffling with security forces. A pro-government sympathizer was set on fire by protesters.

Now, about 100 protesters took over the Hong Kong Polytechnic College and kept it under siege with crude weapons and lighting fires. Police, advised by the Chinese government, surrounded the building and the siege lasted for three days. That is when 1000 protesters approached the college a fought with the police and tried to help those in the college escape.

The Hong Kong government arrested over a 1000 protesters including 300 minors. Unsurprisingly, no injuries or deaths were reported by the pro-Chinese Hong Kong government.

The protests started because China, who was given the city-state by England in the 90s and has promised to let the city be independent until 2047, has changed the laws making it that criminals, mostly political prisoners, are tried in mainland China. Many of those political prisoners have just disappeared and never heard from again.

Gotta love communism.
