Episode 103 – Geronimo!

The impeachment circus continues. I had about fifty other stories but things have blown up this week. And some of it was really funny. So let’s talk about the public hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee and what will happen next.


Impeachment Crap

The House Judiciary Committee decided to have their public hearings for impeachment. This is after Adam “I-don’t-give-a” Schiff decided to release his report recommending impeachment.

Now, I am bored by this and I didn’t watch most of it. Basically, the inquiry was made up of four college law professors telling us why Trump is a jerk. The problem is: Trump is a jerk and I’m good with it.

Seriously, there was nothing factual about this. The three anti-Trump witnesses chosen by the Democrats said we need to impeach right away because Trump is a jerk. The one ant-Trump witness chosen by the Republicans said, “Whoa, slow down”and could not support impeachment because there was no evidence for this (more on that later).

Of course, the Democrats interviewed the first three witnesses who were chosen by the Democrats. And the Republicans interviewed the last witness who was chosen by the Republicans. It was really boring and didn’t really enlighten anyone.

The one that stood out was Stanford law professor Pamela Karlen. Right off the bat, one could tell she didn’t like Trump. And that became especially clear when she went after Trump through his son Barron.

Melania Trump Tweeted her displeasure but it was Matt Gaetz who blew up Karlen. Not only he expose her bias (which was never really well hidden he told her she was a mean spirit. It’s a little long but worth it. Watch:

Eventually, Karlen apologized, sort of.

But it was Jonathan Turley, a liberal democrat and the witness for the Republicans that really hit it on the head. Turley is a law professor at George Washington University. He said this impeachment inquiry with no evidence of a crime is a dangerous path for the Democrats to go on.

He is exactly right. He even pointed out earlier that it was the Democrats that were abusing their power, not Trump.

All in all, this accomplished absolutely nothing. Just three people who hated Trump and one guy that didn’t see any reason to go after him. None of them brought anymore evidence.

And it was really boring.


This Guy Needs to Go Away

But it was Al Green that was able to define why the hearings didn’t go well and he was upset about it.

This guy is such a moron. He’s the same Al Green that said the Democrats had to impeach Trump or he was going to win another four years. This is the same Al Green



Nancy Pelosi had a meeting with her caucus on Wednesday. In that meeting, she asked, “Are you ready?” After the meeting, she did not answer any questions about what transpired. She did receive Adam Schiff’s 300-page report about his opinions about the impeachment inquiry.

It took less than 24 hours to get her reaction. Watch:

Nancy just jumped the shark. I really though she was a smarter politician than this but I underestimated the hate she had for Trump.

One thing I never see as these press conferences with her is any push back. Well, she got it this time from a reporter who asked her if she was doing this because she hated Trump. She went into a complete tizzy.

Hands and dentures were flying around. Four reporters suffered minor injuries when they were pelted by cracked dentures, dried Poligrip and fake finger nails.

Whatever. This trips me out about Nancy Pelosi. Every time someone says anything critical of her views of the President, she brings up that she’s a Catholic and she prays for him every night. That’s a crock. She doesn’t pray for him any more than he prays for her.

And then calling him a coward because he won’t support climate change, DACA and gun control is not the best way to show her unconditional, platonic love she has for him.

By the way, she is Speaker of the House of Representatives. Do you know what the House of Representatives does? They make law! Make laws. But they can’t because they’re too busy working on this stupid impeachment thing.

Finally, the Catholic thing is the most annoying. She supports gay marriage. She supports the re-defining of gender. She supports abortion to the moment of birth. She ain’t much of a Catholic. Heck, I’m not sure she would get Communion if she ever went to church unless she spent about four months in a confessional.


Final Thoughts

There are three articles that seem to be in play based on some of the graphics shown on Wednesday:

  1. Abuse of power and bribery.
  2. Obstruction of justice.
  3. Obstruction of Congress.


There are some real problems here.

  1. There’s no proof of any crime. They had no witnesses.
  2. These are intent crimes. One also has to prove intent. That’s difficult.
  3. There’s no obstruction of justice or Congress because people ignored subpoenas.


There are several things to look for which are going to make 2020 a very interesting year:

  1. What’s going to the Democratic Presidential Candidates? Warren, Sanders, Klobachar and Booker are Senators.
  2. Who are the Republicans going to call to the stand?
  3. What is going to happen after this sham is over? Will these people get to work (finally) or will they just bitch for the six months before the elections?
  4. Will the Democrats keep up the investigations?
  5. What is going to happen to the Democrats during the 2020 elections?


Here’s what I think is going to happen:

  1. The Republicans are not going to rush this.
  2. We are going to hear about real corruption.
  3. Trump will not be removed from office.
  4. Biden gets smeared in the impeachment trial and falls flat (Hilary?).
  5. Either Hilary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren captures the nomination. If Clinton enters the race, it will be late and it will be a contested convention (that will be fun).
  6. Trump wins the 2020 election.
  7. Republicans take the House.
  8. Republicans take the Senate.


It’s going to be bad for the Democrats. And we haven’t even seen the IG report yet.