Things are coming to a head in Washington. Articles of impeachment have been submitted by Jerry Nadler. The IG report by Michael Horowitz was also released on Monday and the media is trying to spin it.And the Democrats, trying to save face from this impeachment farce. has given Trump a big win. But did we win?
At Least These Articles Are More Entertaining Than Anything the NY Times Has
Here we go:
Notice that something is missing here? Where’s the bribery? Where’s the extortion? Abuse of power? Really?
Let’s look at these two articles because I know you guys aren’t dumb enough to read them. So let me explain.
The first article, abuse of power, shows that the Democrats are hosed. Abusing power is what leads one to commit crimes. In itself, abuse of power is not a crime.
If I am your boss and I sexually harass you, I am abusing my power leading me to do a criminal act. The criminal act is the sexual harassment.
In the impeachment case, they can say that Trump abused power by committing the crime or crimes of bribery and/or extortion. Bribery and extortion have legal structure and definition. Abuse of power has no structure or definition. It’s a concept. Intent, which is important here, is impossible to prove or deny. It’s a perception. It’s an opinion.
What do I mean by that. I’ll give you two examples: one really simple and one that hits closer to this. I walk up to you and exclaim I’m tall. You, who stand about a foot taller than me, and that probably true, say I am not. That I’m short. I tell you, no, I’m tall, you’re just taller.
Let me give something a little closer to this scenario. My boss tells me something. I don’t like him. He’s always telling me what to do. I point at him and scream, “Abuse of power!” What crime did he commit? Who knows? That wasn’t part of the dialog. I didn’t say.
Walk up to your boss and, when he says something, accuse him of abusing power. I guarantee he will ask what he did. Because abuse is power is not a crime and they can’t prove extortion or bribery.
Believe it or not, the second article of impeachment, obstruction of Congress, is even thinner. Congress can subpoena anyone want. But that doesn’t mean they have to go. I can ignore a subpoena. But, if Congress really want to see me, they will have to take me to court. Maybe they are calling me because they don’t like me and want to embarrass me.
That’s why they are three branches of government. Separation of powers. If the Congress does go to court, they order I have to testify and I still say, “no” then I’m obstructing justice. Obstruction of Congress in this case? No, not a thing.
I am going to hold my position: I think impeachment, to my chagrin, is not going to happen. I think Pelosi knows it.
Purple and Red state Democrats are kind of stand-offish and there is a request for censure on the floor of the House. To late for that. Some Republicans might have gone for that before but, seeing the case, not anymore.
I don’t think impeachment is a slam dunk and I’m going against a lot of smarter guys than me.
The IG Report
The media is thrilled with the release of the IG Report written and investigated bi Michael Horowitz. Listen to Chris Cuomo fawn over the report:
Well, here’s the problem for CNN, MSNBC, the New York Time, the Washington Post and all the other Democratic media outlets: The report does not get the FBI off the hook.
Though the report said there was no evidence of political bias, the investigation did not really analyze motive or go deep into the possibility of bias. Basically, Horowitz asked if they had any animus against Trump and if they said no, good enough. This was more of a report on process than intent.
The report says there were grave mistakes during the FISA process to get a warrant on Carter Page. Seventeen to be exact. They include:
- The omission that Carter Page served and a governmental agent from 2008 to 2016. He worked for them.
- The overstatement of the significance of the Steele Dossier.
- That the Steele Dossier was corroborated.
- Said that Steele did not give the dossier to the press when, in fact, he gave it to Yahoo News.
- Never mentioned that Papadopoulos denied that the Trump campaigned was working with the Russians.
- Omitted Page’s contention that he never met Manafort. This is important because he was accused of working with Manafort to contact the Russians.
This is just to name a few. I don’t know about you, but this seems pretty damning. Either these guys were after Trump or they are the most incompetent agency if the U.S government.
I prefer the former. My reasoning: all these “errors” always went against Trump. Weird, huh?
William Barr had a couple of things to say about this, especially the rather thin explanation of no partisanship in the investigation.
John Durham added:
“I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff. However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S. Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”
Don’t forget: Durham is on a criminal investigation, not a process investigation. This ain’t over yet.