The impeachment continues and no one cares. Hillary has a legal situation. And does Greta Thunberg EVER go to school?
Impeachment Update
Here’s whats New:
- Trial went on well passed midnight. That’s when the fireworks started.
- Jerry Nadler accused The Republicans of covering up Trump’s crimes.
- Chief Justice Roberts admonished both sides.
- All eleven amendments to the rules submitted by were tabled.
- All in all, it was really boring and nothing new came out
Things they lost include voting for witnesses before the opening statements and calling witnesses like Mick Mulvaney. Cocaine Mitch set this up just like the Clinton impeachment. Even Richard Romney thought the requests were unreasonable.
Updates today:
- Opening statement by the prosecution.
- Adam Schiff speaks first. Bring nothing new up.
- Again, really boring.
Adam Schiff, who is speaking now, must have been at the podium for six hours. He’s just brutal.
And Democrats are being the same drum when outside the chambers. Republicans are covering this up in the Senate, that the evidence is overwhelming and orange man bad.
Question: if the evidence is so good, why are the Dems complaining that they need more witnesses? Sounds to me like they don’t have enough evidence and they know it.
But Adam Schiff, late last night, told us what he though of a democracy.
Finally Being Called Out
Here’s a little fun one. Remember when Hillary Clinton suggested that Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian asset being groomed to be a third party candidate to throw the elections to Donald Trump?
At first, Gabbard got mad and just tore into her. Gabbard is an officer in the National Guard and even missed a debate because she had to do a tour in Iraq. She does not strike me as a Russian plant.
Well, he candidacy is beginning to wane. She’s at 3%. So she decided to sue Hillary Clinton for slander to the tune of $50 million. That should be an interesting trial.
I honestly like this idea. I think these people that go in and ruin lives should be held. accountable. I Nick Sandman’s lawsuit against the media, where he actually won against CNN, is a good thing.
I hate that people’s reputations are ruined by politics. Examples? Robert Bork, Brett Kavanaugh, Mike Pence, Donald Trump George Bush, Clarence Thomas just to name a few.
Tulsi won’t win. She’s a celebrity and the rules are different. But she should.
But there are two questions here. First, why are people still listening to Hillary Clinton. She looks like Jabba the Hut without the sexy tongue. And why aren’t Democrats rooting for Tulsi Gabbard? If she went up against Trump in November, she would win.
Does She Ever Go to School?
We seem to forget, because of the BS of impeachment, that Donald Trump still has a job to do. He is in Davos, Sweden (or Switzerland, whatever). for an economic conference. Of course, he rocked. He gave a great speech. He’s just promoting us.
But, like a puppy chasing a car, the climate activist, Greta Thunburg, decided to show up and give a speech at the conference.
It was the same thing. Capitalism bad. She doesn’t say that because her mental disability prevents her from being able to pronounce it. Don’t give me crap. She’s autistic and has obsessive compulsive disorder so she does have mental problems. I also find her very off-putting. Every time she speaks, he words drip of disdain against Western Civilization.
This little girl has problems and we now know she doesn’t come up with that garbage on her own.
- Her parents are both in the entertainment industry.
- If she’s asked questions and has to ad lib answers, she can’t.
- It was found that her father was doing all her social media. Not her.
Why isn’t she in school learning to deal with life?
Why, at 16, is she so worried about dying because of the client? She would not come up with this on her own.
Where are her parents and why are they not being dragged in front of a magistrate on charges of child abuse.
I do believe this little girl thinks what she thinks. But isn’t a parent suppose to calm the fears of a child? Like if she sees a monster in the closet?
And is this really changing minds like mine?
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag
I think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a great spokesman for the Left. The reason I think this is because she is really stupid and says things that she realizes later she should have never said.
People should listen to her because the things she says are actually truisms and show the real agenda of “Democratic” Socialists.