Episode 144 Show Notes – Never Let an Emergency Go to Waste

The Wuhan virus is carving its way through the United States, giving President Trump the biggest challenge of his Presidency. Comrade Bernie got his ass kicked in Super Tuesday Part 2 but he makes a surprise announcement.


Wuhan Virus Update

We have gone into overdrive with the Wuhan Virus. Here are the latest statistics:

  • 135,000 have been infected that we know about.
  • 4972 have died.
  • 69,000 have recovered (that is a 7% death rate).
  • The United States has 1716 cases (+415)
  • The United States has had 41 deaths.
  • The WHO has declared this a global pandemic.
  • The NBA, NHL, MLB and MLS have all suspended their seasons.
  • The NCAA has cancelled March Madness and all other college sports national championships.
  • Disneyland has closed.
  • All plays on Broadway have been suspended.
  • New York and California have put limits on public gatherings.
  • New York has set up a containment area of a mile in radius and called in the National Guard. Not sure what this means but, OK.
  • California and Washington State have declared a State of Emergency.


President Trump held an Oval Office address to the nation on Wednesday. And there was only one thing he said that seemed to have any impact on people on the Left:

I can’t lie to you: this is a crappy speech. He looked robotic. He stumbled. He was also cussing on a live mic because he had a spot on his suit. What made this worse was the fact that there were mistakes in the speech that had to be walked back minutes after the speech.

Was this Trump’s fault. Well, yeah. The buck stops with him. He should be firing someone tonight.

Good news! You can count on the Left to be stupid and they didn’t disappoint.

Ayanna Pressley of the Squad, bald head and all, summed it up in a speech to Congress. And the media and other Democrats just repeated the same narrative:

Yep, racism. Against a government that started this pandemic. And, now, China is blaming us.

This is infuriating because this is Russia tried to do. Spread misinformation and propaganda to cause discord in the United States. Now China is doing it. Before an election. Against a President they don’t like!

Are these people THIS stupid? Apparently so. Because Sleepy, Creepy Joe and Comrade Bernie had press conferences and said the same thing. Per the narrative.

Trump needs to be more than an American. He needs to be Presidential.

  • He needs to take this virus seriously and let the professionals speak.
  • There is no way he knows where the economy is going. This is an unprecedented, black swan event.
  • This is the first time I say this: he needs to appeal to emotion. Panic is emotion. He needs to deal with the panic.
  • Stop falling for the Democratic trap of partisanship. Nancy, Chucky, Comrade Bernie and Sleepy Creepy Joe want to be partisan, ignore them.
  • He needs to fire the speech writer who wrote that crappy speech. It was a disaster.






A Very Disturbing Story





Is This the Beginning of the End

Bernie Sanders got wasted on Super Tuesday Part 2.

He lost all states except for Washington and North Dakota. But he lost the big state of the night Michigan.

On Wednesday, Bernie held a press conference. I thought he was going to resign and even his initial commentsmade it sound like he was done.

Not really sure where Bernie is going with this. My guess is he is going all the way to either gain more influence or wait Biden out to steal the election. Remember, Biden is showing signs of old age and dementia. Maybe Bernie thinks Biden will gaffe his way out of the election.

I can’t wait for the debate on Sunday. I hate to say it but I think Bernie is going to wipe the floor with him.

And this is why it is important for Trump to be smart about this Wuhan Virus thing. He can come out of all of this looking like a hero in a month. He just to make sure he takes the lead on this and forgets the partisanship by the Democrats.

He’ll do just fine in November.

