Episode 149 Show Notes – Crazy!

The Left goes insane because, apparently, $2 trillion isn’t enough. That two week thing doesn’t seem to be getting steam as Trump decides to quarantine parts of the country. The Kennedy Center gets a $25 million stimulus and and does the unthinkable.  Good job Nancy.

And what things are going to change when this whole thing is over? I posed this question to my girlfriend and she came up with some interesting answers.


Remember: You Voted for These Guys

The $2 trillion, bipartisan wasn’t loved by all. Some on the Left thought that it didn’t go far enough. And those who didn’t like it pitched an absolute fit when the bill was changed, removing all the regulation crap that Nancy Pelosi put in it.

One person that through an absolute fit is AOC. She became really ticked off when all the Green New Deal crap was pulled out of the bill. This includes the guarantee by the airline industry be at zero carbon emissions by 2025 if they take bailout loans. How this has anything to do with the Wuhan flu. I have no idea.

Listen to her insanity. If you get the chance, go to my website and look at the video. Her arms are flailing around like a mad person.

Never let a crisis go to waste. I find it amazing that the government shuts down the economy and then the government wants to put conditions on loans to keep these businesses moving during the stopped economy.

But the insane rant of the week came from congresswoman Haley Stevens (D, Michigan). I added the entire video clip. The reason I did that is because I honestly have no idea what she is talking about or what she is trying to say. She just walked up there and started screaming for two minutes. Listen:

Any wonder why Congress hasn’t had approval rating over 20% for the last ten to fifteen years? These people are crazy and are actors, doing anything they can to get attention and power. This gal said nothing. She makes no sense. She just walked up there and started screaming.

I would have gotten the Sargent at Arms to walk up there and drag her ass out of the chamber.

President Trump has been getting a lot of crap for saying that we could be getting back to work in some parts of the country in the next two weeks and we all might be back to work by Easter, which is April 12.  I even heard that from some in my own family.

But Trump, on Saturday, said that the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut should be quarantined. No one really knows what that means. The restrictions have already been met, especially by Gov. Cuomo in New York. In fact, this seems to be nothing more than an agreement by Trump by what Cuomo is doing.

In fact, no one is really sure what could be done if someone decided to break the quarantine. That little thing called the Constitution might get in the way. But this is an indication that Trump is listening to his advisers and is flexible enough to go against his statements for the betterment of the country.

On Sunday, Trump continued to prove that he will listen to the experts and do what needs to be done even if it means going against what he said. On Sunday, Trump said that we will not hit the peak of infection for another two weeks. We must keep being shut down for, at least, another month, throwing out the whole Easter-thing.

I guess this means I’m spending Easter with Josie.

Everyone thinks this is a bad thing. That Trump being overly positive made him lose credibility. They’re wrong. Trump needs to be positive.

Here’s to thing: we are going to get through this. But, the way Democrats and the media talk, we never will. Trump is setting way points. He’s giving us hope that this thing is going to end and it is in sight. Dr. Fauchi, his lead doctor, is the one who bring us back to reality. Trump isn’t fighting him. He’s not going to fire Dr. Fauchi. But Trump is responsible for making the people stop panicking.

The democrats want us panicking. They want the economy to stop and remain stopped until the election. They don’t care about the people. They care about power. That’s it.

Good Job, Nancy

According to the DailyWire.com, The John F. Kennedy Center for the performing arts received $25 million dollars for financial assistance. This was demanded by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.

Well, the Kennedy center took that $25 million, donated $5 million to the Democratic National Committee and then laid all their musicians.

That was a great use of $25 million. Good job, Nancy!


How Are Our Lives Going to Change?

How are things going to change in our lives when this crap ends? I have some thoughts. I’m thinking of gathering a panel to discuss this. Just hope I can get enough people. So let’s start with me:

  • Restaurants.
  • Shaking of hands
  • Staying at home when sick.
  • Stocking up for emergencies.
  • Washing one’s hands correctly.
  • Maybe, we’ll also take a little care of each other.



Another Fun Wuhan Virus Song



