Episode 150 Show Notes – Trust But Be Wary

Good news! COVID-19 has allowed me to lift the Dave Rule and go for however long I want! Not sure I’m going to take advantage of it but we’ll see.

There is some good news with the virus. But there is some bad news too.

The media continues to be dumb and change the narrative again.

The World Health Organization continues to spread Chinese propaganda. Remind me again: why are we giving them half a billion dollars a year?

And COVID-19 must also be a brain disease because it is making supposedly smart people really stupid.


The Good News

Dr. Anthony Fauci was interviewed this week and he had some rather hopeful news. This is kind of refreshing because Fauci is the realist and his news usually strikes against what Trump says in his press conferences. This is not a real surprise because Trump is there to give the country hope and Fauci is there to give the country facts. But his words gave us some encouragement.

Auido clip from podcast

Now Fauci’s words are cautious. The fact is, he doesn’t know what exactly is going to happen. None of us do. But if a man like Fauci sees good news, I am going to believe it is good news.

There is more good news:

  • On Tuesday, Trump showed off a device that can test for COVID-19 in five minutes.
  • Russia’s Putin is sending medical supplies after a phone call with President Trump. The supplies include PPEs such as gowns, shields and masks.
  • The is positive signs that we are going to have a blood serum test. This will show whether or not someone actually had the virus without having any symptoms.
  • The My Pillow Company will stop making pillows and make 50,000 masks.
  • GM and Boeing are changing their production lines to make respirators and ventilators.




The Bad News

But there is bad news. And Trump laid it out.

Play audio lip in podcast.

This was a rather somber press conference. The reality is we have not seen the worst of this. San Diego County, where I live, went from about 100 people being affected to close to 800 being affected in two days.

Not this shouldn’t be overdone. The numbers are going to go up simply because we are testing more. But the realities of us seeing a lot of people being affected in now hitting us right in the face. And we are probably going to be seeing the death and hospitalizations are affecting the other cities.

President Trump, to this point, has been positive. And he’s gotten a lot of crap about it. Now he is being realistic. Can’t wait to hear what the media and the Left will come up with now.



We Need to Stay Three Dimensional

In a Tweet, Donald Trump stated that Iran was at it again and was planning an attack on U.S. troops through one of their proxy groups in Iraq. Trump issued a very strong threat that would dwarf the retaliation we had before when Iran attacked our embassy in Iraq.

So, during his COVID-19 press conference, Trump announced that the United States was making its presence known with the drug drug cartels of Mexico and South America. Remember, about two weeks ago, Nicholas Maduro was indicted on a slew of drug trafficking charges.

Or do you remember? Probably not because this COVID-19 thing has been sponging up all the news. And that is a problem. Trump put us on the right path today.

We have to remember that the world has not stopped turning just because we are in the midst of a pandemic. Our enemies see us as weak and might decide to take a shot at us.


The Ugly: The Media

The media continues to act like children. Looking at their ratings, I’m apparently not the only one who thinks this. Let’s take a look at the infuriating Jim Acosta during Tuesday’s COVID-19. I still don’t know why Trump even lets him ask a question.

And that’s exactly what he should be doing. But what is the point of Acosta’s question? What information does that question hope to expel? The question does nothing but tries to make the President look like a dolt. No answer Trump could give would mean to anyone sitting in their home for the past two weeks or who is sitting in a hospital, struggling for breath.

But that’s the point of the press. They aren’t after information. They are out there to make Trump look bad and incompetent. They’re out there to blame Trump for this mess. They don’t blame China for this mess. I bet you could watch CNN all day, and they are doing nothing but talking about COVID-19, will only mention China when saying how great they’ve handled this compared to Trump. It’s disgusting.

Another example of TDS in the media comes via Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe on MSNBC. He said on Wednesday that everyone knew this virus was coming. Everyone except Trump. He was quoted saying:

“They saw this coming even several weeks ago. Doctors I know very well, scientists, health care professionals were saying, “Mr. President, 100,000, 200,000, 500,000 people could die from this virus if you don’t start moving.” The president didn’t want to hear it. This is, after all, a president who talked about one person dying and one person from China, but we’ve got it taken care of, it will be zero. And then soon after that in February, he was talking about, oh, we have 14, 15 people who were infected but we’ve done such a good job it’s going to go down to zero. Then, of course, he said the media was overblowing it, that their coverage was a hoax of the pandemic, that it was going to go away. And then he said that it would go away in April, the sun would come out, it would magically go away.”

Really, Joe? Did everyone know except for Trump? Here’s a clip from Grabien that says differently:

That montage by Grabian were composed by press and Democratic politicians over the last three months. They has no idea what would happen with the virus. Or they didn’t care.

Trump, while in the middle of his impeachment trial, banned travel from China and even mentioned the virus during his State of the Union speech. Joe Biden and the rest of the Left’s sicaphants called Trump a xenophobe.

This is the unfortunate detail the Left has forgotten: we live in an age were everything is recorded.








Just Stupid




