The Democratic Presidential race is down to one after Bernie bows out. But did he have an impact?
Joe Biden may the the Democratic Presidential candidate but his gaffes are being ridiculed by the Right and the Left demands that he stick with Comrade Bernie’s agenda.
The Wuhan flu is costing China as U.S. companies are leaving and Japan is encouraging business to relocate to anywhere but China.
And President Trump lays in to the World Health Organization for their repeated screw ups. Their response is typical.
Ciao, Comrade Bernie
Bernie Sanders has finally yelled, “no mas.” He has suspended his campaign paving the was for Joe Biden to gain the Democratic nomination.
In a speech earlier this week, Bernie said he could not see a path to victory and thought it would be better to pull out.
He said that, even though they lost the elections, they won the ideological war and the generational war. That their ideological fight was just beginning. And because the younger generations are accepting his crap about all the injustice in this country, they will win the war.
I’m thrilled Bernie is out. In this political climate, I was really worried he’ get the nomination. And that means he would have had a chance of winning. Even though it probably would have been a blow out, there was a chance.
But, worst of all, Bernie is right about some things. The ideological war is in his favor. Our youth, right now, has this chip on their shoulder. They like getting things for free, do not believe in personal responsibility and believe the our country is a crappy place.
What’s worse is that moderate liberals and conservatives have society stacked against them. The public schools and colleges teach socialism, the mainstream media confirms what the schools teach and the entertainment industry puts an emotional spin on the socialist ideologies.
The last two generations are so under educated when it comes to reason but are pummeled by ideology. Books like 1984, Animal Farm, The Gulag Archipelago, Fahrenheit 451, Atlas Shrugged, the Constitution and the Bible used to be required reading in high school. Controversial writers like Twain, Locke, Jefferson, Franklin, Sarte, Neithche and Camus, just to name a few, are not in high school curriculum whereas they were when I was in high school. These authors stirred debate. We didn’t all agree. And we students had to use reason to prove our arguments.
And that’s where Bernie has won with help from the education system, the main stream media and the entertainment industry.
Bernie is Out But Sleepy Creepy Joe Has Issues
So Sleepy, Creepy Joe is probably the Democratic nominee for President. Probably. We’ll get into that later.
Bernie is gone. But old Joe has got some issues. The guy is going to have to juggle to get all of the Democratic votes especially from the Left. And the Left is like a woman scorned.
Bernie’s group has issued a list of demand from Biden.
The Washington Free Beacon’s Brent Scher reported Thursday that the groups, calling themselves “leaders from a diverse array of organizations building political power for young people,” sent the letter to Biden just hours after Sanders announced he was dropping out of the race.
The following was read from the Daily Wire courtesy of The Washington Free Beacon’s Brent Scher.
“The letter demanding Biden embrace far-left policies such as the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a wealth tax comes from eight groups with diverging policy focuses, from climate change groups such as NextGen America to the anti-Israel IfNotNow Movement. The groups write in the letter to Biden that if their demands are met, they will spend $100 million targeting youth voters and ‘work tirelessly’ to help him defeat President Trump in November.”
“While you are now the presumptive Democratic nominee, it is clear that you were unable to win the votes of the vast majority of voters under 45 years old during the primary. With young people poised to play a critical role deciding the next president, you need to have more young people enthusiastically supporting and campaigning with you to defeat Trump. This division must be reconciled so we can unite the party to defeat Trump.”
“Messaging around a ‘return to normalcy; does not and has not earned the support and trust of voters from our generation. For so many young people, going back to the way things were ‘before Trump’ isn’t a motivating enough reason to cast a ballot in November.”
“If I’m the nominee, I can tell you one thing. I would very much want Bernie to be part of the journey. Not as a vice presidential nominee but just engaging in all the things that he’s worked so hard to do, many of which I agree with.”
Biden is in trouble. He will lose the Left if he doesn’t get crazy but will lose Independents and moderates if he does take on these crazy policies.
That’s Sleepy Creepy Joe’s First Issue
The second issue Biden is going to have is that he’s an idiot. He can’t keep his foot out of his mouth. And he has screwed up this Wuhan flu thing beyond all belief. Everything he suggested Trump do, Trump did before he opened his mouth.
The Daily Wire had a list of seven things Biden suggested that Trump do during the pandemic. Unfortunately, Sleepy, Creepy Joe must have been too busy sniffing the hair of little girls to pay attention to the news to know what Trump has been doing. Let’s go over that list:
- Biden called for coronavirus tests to be free 9 days after Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- Biden called for coronavirus testing to be available nationwide 12 days after Trump announced that testing was available in all 50 states
- Biden called for “cooperation” between the federal government and the states after numerous Democrat governors praised Trump for his work with them
- On March 27, while talking on CNN about how Trump is supposed to be working with governors, Biden said, “I mean, this is — there’s supposed to be cooperation here. I mean, this has nothing to do with politics. And it really — it really doesn’t. It really doesn’t.”
- On March 15, New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo praised Trump: “I often tell you when I am unhappy with the federal response to this state. The fairness dictates that kudos where kudos are due and here the President and the Vice President responded very quickly. So I want to thank them for that.”
- On March 19, California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom praised Trump: “We need more swabs… The president assured me, not only assured me, he was aware of where those swabs are being procured before I even offered my own insight. Not only is he on top of it, but they’re securing and beginning the process of distributing those swabs.”
- Newsom later said that same day: “Let me conclude by just making a few points to fill in that. We had today, a very important conversation. It was punctuated earlier today by President Trump and his press conference with the CEO of Gilead, it’s a California based company, around treatments. I want to compliment the President in his focus on treatments. It is a focus of positivity as we work to bridge towards a vaccine. It was a very encouraging conversation. … Here’s the good news in the State of California. I was talking to the Vice President and the President today, thanking them for the first national stockpile transfer of assets that we just received, where we received quite literally, hundreds of thousands of gloves and face masks. Not just N95, but also surgical masks.”
- On March 24, New Jersey Democrat Governor Phil Murphy praised Trump: “I want to thank the President and his Administration. We need hospital beds. So, we’ve got four field hospitals getting erected by the – by FEMA and the Army Corps, will – that will allow us to displace currently cared-for individuals, non-COVID, into those hospitals to free up critical care beds.”
Biden announced support for barring entry into the U.S. for individuals who had been to China 2 months after Trump announced a travel ban on China
Biden called for a CDC team to go into China 50 days after the Trump administration took action
Biden claimed that he called for the Defense Production Act to be used “before anyone,” which came shortly after Trump announced plans to use it
On March 18, Biden said Trump must, “Prioritize and immediately increase domestic production of any critical medical equipment required to respond to this crisis – such as the production of ventilators and associated training to operate – by invoking the Defense Production Act, delegating authority to HHS and FEMA.”
- On March 18, Trump said during a White House press briefing, “We’ll be invoking the Defense Production Act, just in case we need it. In other words, I think you all know what it is, and it can do a lot of good things if we need it. And we will — we will have it all completed, signing it in just a little while. Right after I’m finished with this conference, I’ll be signing it. It’s prepared to go. So we will be invoking the Defense Production Act.”
Biden called for someone to be put in charge of handling the coronavirus response 5 weeks after Trump tapped Vice President Mike Pence to lead the White House Coronavirus Task Force
On March 31, Biden said, “Who’s in charge, this is not rocket science it is consequential, incredibly consequential that there is certain things that can be done now – should have been done a week ago, three weeks ago, a month ago. The test for me is what does he do from this point on and he has significant responsibility – put somebody in charge. This is a war, you need a general. Put somebody in charge every single day that is accountable. Let people know exactly what is happening. Tell them the truth, they can handle it.”
On February 26, Trump announced that he had selected Vice President Mike Pence to run the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force.