Episode 157 Show Notes – Good Luck Returning That!

I think this montage from the Daily Wire says it all about what is happening in our country right now.

What path are we going on? How can we stop it?


A Glimpse of Tyranny

There have been a lot of questions about whether or not politicians were going to take the Wuhan virus crisis and try to change our way of life. And it looks like we are getting the answers.

This could not be so obvious as it is in Michigan.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has put in place an order, enforcing stay-at-home orders during the outbreak. Now, normally, I would not say much to this. We should be social distancing and staying in as much as possible. The problem is Whitmer has taken it to a different level.

  • She has ban social gatherings of any kind and enforces this with fines and arrests.
  • She has banned travel of any kind, even within the state. If someone has two houses, he can’t travel between houses or risk a fine.
  • She has banned all “non-essential surgeries including heart and joint replacement surgeries.
  • She has ordered that stores must rope off parts of the stores that sell “non-essential” items such as paint, flooring, plants and seeds.
  • She has ordered the closing of gun stores.


Now, this might be O.K. except for what she allows.

  • The selling of pot and alcohol. I guess those are essential.
  • The exemption of travel for government employees.
  • Abortion is still allowed.


“A woman’s health care, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life,” she added. “It is life-sustaining, and it’s something that government should not be getting in the middle of.”

Meanwhile, a cop is arrested for playing catch with his six-year-old at an empty public park.

Am Easter prayer service on church grounds, where all the participants are praying in their cars, is raided by police and broken up.

The people decided they were not going to have any of this and started a protest called Operation Gridlock. This was made up of thousands driving around the capital building, blasting their horns. The message was clear:

The cure cannot be worse than the disease. And they are willing to risk their lives to re-open the country and salvage our freedom.

How did Gov. Whitmer respond to the protest? By saying she may have to put out more restrictions.

But Michigan isn’t the only place that is throwing a fit.

In California, Los Angeles is having trouble keeping people away from the skate parks in Venice Beach. Now, I understand that now being allowed to go to school doesn’t mean running to a skate park. But the city decided to fill the skate park with sand, essentially making it unusable.

In New York, Mayor Bill De Blasio, who already is a communist tyrant, released this chilling message:

That’s right: De Blasio wants you to report on your neighbor so “enforcement” can be contacted and the offender can be educated, or re-educated, on being obedient to the will of the government. All we need are some guys in brown shirts loading the “uneducated” into some cattle cars and shipped off to a gulag.

Here’s the good news: Americans know about what we had to do, the lives that were lost, in order to gain and keep our freedom. We won’t tolerate our government overstepping its bounds and trying to take our freedom away.

This should also make Democrats happen because Donald Trump has proven he is not a fascist. He used the Defense Production Act power to the minimum. From what I’ve heard only four times. He has never declared martial law, mandated anything (only offering suggestions), taken power away from state and local government and wants this thing to end as soon as possible to get life back to normal.

Democrats look like the fascists. They look like the tyrants. And, looking that Donald Trump is up to a 52% approval rating, they are going to get killed in the next election.

Unless they can get what they want. We need to talk about that in the next podcast. Because the Democrats are now trying to steal the next election.




Stupid Montage of the Day from Grabien

Grabien released another awesome montage about how the media reacted to the suspension of funds to the World Health Organization. Listen:

And they keep going.

Steven Colbert, Jimmie Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon are holding the “One World” online special to raise funds for, you guessed it, the World Health Organization.

Now, I already complained about the WHO. It was their incompetence and promoting of Chinese propaganda that caused this mess. In fact, 95% of this mess probably wouldn’t have happened if China and the WHO were honest and attacked this virus.

Here’s the thing: I don’t think we should give up on the WHO. They are smart people. Most are concerned with stopping the contagions in the world. But leadership needs to be replaced. All they have to do is get rid of the leadership and start over.

The World Health Organization needs to be concerned about the world’s health and not Chinese politics.

By the way, the WHO said that wet markets should be allowed to re-open. Yeah, the same markets that they said caused this whole thing should re-open.

There is a caveat. the wet markets need to meet stringent health standards. I’m sure we’ll see the WHO at the Chinese wet markets buying bats dogs and snakes for dinner.

Yeah, we should be giving the WHO $500 million a year.




You Bought It, Now Live with It

This is a refreshing story.

Some idiot in Australia tried to return some stuff at a grocery store and the manager released a viral video saying what happened.

John-Paul Drake from Drake’s Grocery Store told the following story:

“I had my first customer yesterday who said he wanted to get a refund on a 150 packets of 32-pack toilet paper and 150 units of one liter sanitizer!” Drake said. “I told him [shows middle finger] that. That is the sort of person that is causing the problem in the whole country.”

Good for him! Way to be a great American hero even though you are from southern Australia.



Closing Song

Finally, I took the DNA test from Ancestry and made a rather shocking discovery: I am 50% Irish/Scottish/British. almost 40% Irish. They even know what town I originated.

I think I always knew this because I’ve always been partial to American Celtic Punk. One of my favorite bands is the Dropkick Murphys, a band from Boston.

My favorite song might sound familiar. It’s from The Departed, a movie about the Irish mob in Boston. I’m not from Boston, I’m from Chicago. Chicago has a different type of mob. But my Irish grandmother is from Boston. And that’s good enough.

Let’ listen to I’m Shipping Off to Boston by the Dropkick Murphys. The only song where xylophones sound cool.