Episode 170 Show Notes – Unpeeling the Onion

Sleepy, Creep Joe says something ungood. So ungood, everyone ignored what he really said.

Let’s talk about it.


The Breakfast Club Drew Back the Curtain

Sleepy, Creepy Joe was interviewed by Charlamaign the God on Friday. I’ll get more into the “god” guy later. Joe made a very off-color statement at the end of the show. Because of this, no one actually listened to the entire video.

Fact is, I thought what got everyone’s panties in a bunch was rather timid and wasn’t really that big of a deal. But I am tolerant so I guess things like that don’t bother me.

But there are some minor issues we can take from it. The discussion in question happened at the end of the interview. Everyone has talked about it so I don’t want to spend much time on it. And the “contentious” nature of the part of the interview is kind of iffy (as Joe said later). Listen:

Joe apologized for this statement and said it was just an off-the-cuff statement that was in poor taste. It probably was. Another gaff.

But it does show something about Joe and the rest of the Democratic party. They feel entitled to the black vote. They really don’t understand why a black person would vote for a Republican. 

I consider this amazing considering that the first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln who ran on ending slavery. I find it amazing that Jim Crow was implemented my a Democratic Supreme Court. I find it amazing that the Jim Crow laws were enforced by southern Democrats. I find it amazing that the Civil Rights bill was passed by the Democrat (Lyndon B. Johnson) that said that every n….. would be voting Democrat for the next hundred years (Johnson was an ardent racist).

But we don’t do history in this country. We forget that Martin Luther King was a moderate Republican (though he has a soft spot for Marxism). George Wallace, the Democratic governor for Alabama, called in the National Guard to stop the integration of the University of Alabama. We forget that the Declaration of Independence was written based on the belief that slavery was wrong and slave owners like Thomas Jefferson believed that the document could hold no merit if slavery was allowed to continue.

The question I have for you is why did blacks start voting Democrat and when did Republicans become so evil? 

The answer is simple: because Republicans believe in the individual, individual success and the separation of the individual from government. The victim culture, which some blacks are part of, don’t like that. Lt me tell you: There are a lot of blacks who do not buy this crap. And they know their success would not happen with out the hands-off approach of the government.

Have any doubts? Ask Thomas Sowell, Candice Owens, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, P-Diddy, Kanye West, Larry Elder, Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Vernon Parker, Lynn Swan, Diamond and Silk, Alan West, Tim Scott and Herman Cain just to name a few.


Some Housekeeping Items

Here’s the thing: Everyone made a big stink over that off-the-cuff comment. But that comment was nothing compared to the actual interview. In fact the interview was quite revealing about Joe Biden and the goals of the Left. Revealing and disturbing.

One could tell where this was going to go by simply looking at the name of the interviewer: Charlamagne tha God. Yeah. He spelled Charlemagne wrong. He spells “tha” wrong. And he capitalizes the “G” in God. This piece of crap is trash.

And so are his interviewing skills.

The first thing he asks is about Biden’s capacity. Biden answers:

That was it. No follow up questions. No questions about his creepy behavior. No questions about his gaffs. Hell, I’ll save the suspense: No questions about the sexual assault allegations. That was the question about Biden being senile.

Here’s the thing: He is senile. He is definitely off. It’s not brought up for a reason. That comes later when he is asked if he’s going to have a black woman as his Vice President.

I already know, four minutes into the interview, this is a crappy interviewer who is trying to push a narrative.

Then he asks Biden about hiding out in his basement. Sleepy, Creepy Joe gave three answers:

  • He’s following the law of Delaware.
  • He’s winning in the national polls so it doesn’t matter.
  • And the polls today are different than 2016 because Hilary was incompetent.


OK. Great answers? Uh, no.

First off, Trump is pushing for freedom of citizens.

Second, Trump is in the public. He is living by example. He is answering questions and taking undeserved criticism.

Finally, national polls don’t mean crap. Remember, the Presidential election is not one election. It is fifty state elections. That’s what that electoral college thing that the Left wants to eliminate does. State by state, Trump is winning. He’ll probably lose California and New York which would explain why he is down in a national poll.


Pandering to the Mob

Here’s where the Left always has a problem when winning a national election. Biden lists some of the goals of his Presidency:

Here, he makes the Wuhan flu into a race issue. The reality is it’s not a race issue but a lifestyle. issue. It’s the same reason Spain and Italy have high levels of COVID deaths and they are all white.

He takes the Leftist position. We have to fight back. The United States did not cause the virus. People aren’t dying because of injustice. They are dying because of a virus.

Institutional racism does not exist in the United States. Do you know why I know this? Because it did for about 150 years and I know what it looks like. I have a story about the discussion of institutional racism with a family member who is black.

  • Emmett Till is an example of institutional racism.
  • Rosa Parks is an example of institutional racism.
  • Jackie Robinson dealt with institutional racism.
  • The reaction to the march on Selma was an example of institutional racism.


It does not exist anymore. And if there is even a scent of it, it is justifiably attacked and eliminated.

And this is the scariest words from Creepy Joe’s mouth: We need to transform our economy. This is really scary and what people should take out of this interview.

The United States and capitalism have created:

  • The Internet
  • The iPhone
  • The computer
  • Most drugs
  • The Pet Rock
  • The car
  • The airplane
  • Space flight.


Hell, we’ve landed on the moon and took the first pictures of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Our innovation and capitalism was able to create 100,000 ventilators and millions, if not billions, of PPEs in just a couple of months during this pandemic. We’re now sending this stuff to other countries because we have too much. And Sleepy, Creepy Joe wants to transform the economy?!

It may also cost Joe the election.


Charlemagne is a Tool and Biden is Arrogant

This clip shows how Biden is an arrogant piece of crap and Charlemagne is a crappy interviewer.

Notice something about this clip?

He never answered the question. He just talked about how well he did in the primaries. And Chrlemagne never followed up.

Here’s what I would have asked: What in eight years have you done for the black community? Under Donald Trump, black unemployment has gone down to the lowest since 1968. What did Biden and Barrack do in their eight years. Of course, there is no follow up. Because Orange Man Bad.


OK, I’m Pretty Passionate About This

Of course, we need to talk about Soma…er… pot.

I bet no one catches Biden’s black agenda (Charlemagne didn’t) assumes that black’s smoke weed and that’s why it should be legalized. That’s prejudiced and, probably, racist.

Again, Biden doesn’t answer the question. He just goes off on a study. This is a gaff.

I hate drug legalization. I am a libertarian and believe people know better than government. But I hate that we make a vice into a virtue. It also reminds me of Brave New World where the tyrannical government required the use of the drug Soma in order to pacify society.

But I do not believe in drug legalization because of following:

  • There is a societal cost including healthcare and unemployment.
  • It is a gateway drug for some.
  • It is addictive because of the THC and nicotine.
  • It is a health risk. Like cigarettes, it causes cancer.
  • It is a mental and emotional retardant.
  • It will be used by children and will retard their brain growth.
  • It does retard judgement.


We need to stop making a vice a virtue. And Biden’s black agenda is racist. I will go so far as legalizing weed for blacks is an example of institutional racism.


Why Identity Politics Doesn’t Work

This is just weird. And I hate it.

This is why identity politics fails. The best candidate; whether a man or woman, or black or white; isn’t important. That VP candidate has to be a woman and she must be black.

It’s sick and unhelpful for the country.

The reason this is a huge issue for Leftists is because Biden is not going to be President for long. That means the VP will be President. And the Left wants another black, female President.

I remember we used to hire and elect people because they would be great at the job. With identity politics, we do it because of their race and gender.


What Did Charlemagne Think?

What did Charlemagne tha God say after the interview? According to Fox News:

“I see black communities all across America catching hell regardless of who is in the White House. Because we have a bunch of underlying conditions created by systemic racism that have never been fixed.

“The whole system needs to be dismantled and rebuilt, and he’s been a very intricate part of that system.

“My take away from the conversation was, I heard him talking about things that he did for black people back in the day. But you know, ‘What have you done for me lately?’ is my motto.”






