What a mess we have.
Chaos seems to be the way.
This is just the start.
Trump Commutes Sentence of Roger Stone
Roger Stone, the former Trump advisor who was accused of lying to officials and impeding an investigation, had his 40 month prison sentence commuted. Listen, I am not surprised Trump commuted his sentence. He should have had his sentence commuted, is not, forgiven by Trump. This is a 67-year-old man who was charged with lying about a crime that never happened. Heck, SWAT invaded his home, fully armed, under the filming of CNN, at fine in the morning.
Forty months for a 67-year-old is a long time. Could be a death sentence. Again, for lying about a crime that never happened.
Listen, I have seen Roger Stone on television and he is a loud mouth and annoying. I actually turned off Tucker Carlson when Roger Stone was on because I did not care what he had to say. I also think characters like Roger Stone make Trump look creepy. But I think it was a good move by Trump. I wish he would have dome that for poor Michael Flynn but it is what it is.
Of course, the media is flipping out about it. They flip out about everything. They didn’t flip out that much when Obama released Bradley Manning (or Chelsea, whatever you believe) from a 57 year sentence of treason for selling state secrets to Wikileaks. The media didn’t flip out when Obama released a bunch of terrorists for a captured military deserter whose disappearance led to the death of a bunch of soldiers.
I know: It’s what-about-ism and that’s a shitty way to debate. But I’m not debating here. I just don’t care that Trump commuted Stone’s sentence and I don’t care what the media has to say about it.
What Am I Going to Do On Sundays?
I hated Charles Barkley as a basketball player. I still don’t respect him as an intellectual giant. But Barkley has somethings that I do respect: he’s funny as fuck, he had an awesome point move that caused chaos in the paint and he’s got a crap-load of common sense. Unfortunately, common sense has gotten him into trouble with TBS in the past.
Basically, Barkley said if the NBA made their games this year into a social justice project, they were going to suffer. Financially. Here’s what he said:
“We need police reform, we need prison reform. My concern is turning this into a circus instead of trying to do some good stuff.
“The last thing they want to do is turn on the television and hear arguments all the time. It’s going to be very interesting to see how the public reacts.
“I think you’d have to be foolish to think we could go that whole three months without getting positive tests, but I think we are all flying in the dark right now and I don’t think anybody knows what’s going to happen. That’s a lot of money for these players… and they can put it back in their community. So I think that’s the main reason to play.
“You’d have to be a fool to think your kids will be safe in school right now. A lot of kids who are at home don’t have access to the internet. That really makes the gap between the rich and poor even more so. This is a critical time in our country.
“I just hope we get some adults who know what they are doing and stop screwing around and dividing our country.
“We need the cops, most of the cops do a fantastic job, but instead of defunding and all this other stuff, let’s just do police reform. Everybody should be on board for that whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, conservative or liberal.
“The Democrats and the Republicans can’t even talk about police reform. That’s the number one thing they should do before they do anything else. That’s something we have been talking about since [former NFL quarterback Colin] Kaepernick kneeled, and these clowns in the Democratic Party and Republican Party, that’s the number one thing they should do before they do anything else.
He is absolutely correct. Sports is going to be a victim of capitalism. People watch and pay for entertainment. Not political commentary. I spend most of my day dealing with politics. I like politics. I like when my blood pressure rises because I am pissed off about something. But, when I am watching a football game, I really do not give a damn about Drew Brees’s politics and opinions. Throw the frigging ball and shut the fuck up. And since Colin Kapernick decided to kneel, I watched less and less.
Basketball is worse. I have not watched basketball in five or six years. I hate the new rules. I hate the whiny players. And, now, they think I want to hear what they thing about America, Black Lives Matter and Hong Kong? Do you think I really give a damn what Lebron James thinks about politics? He is a great basketball player but I think he is a moron. Now we actually have to read his political opinions on his jersey. Yeah, will not be watching basketball.
And, you know, I am not the only one. Lots of people are going to stop watching. The sport’s viewership will go down and then management will wonder why it happened. This is not cancel culture. I am not saying, “don’t watch basketball”. I am saying I will not watch basketball and football. I will not watch it because I will not enjoy knowing that Lebron James thinks burning the flag is fine and that the idiot from Philly hates Jews.
COVID-19 Update
California shut down again…sigh.
Things to know:
- Florida had a spike to 15,400 new cases in a single day.
- Florida had 150,000 test…in one day.
- The average age of those infected…24-35 years old. Hmm…
- The death rate has gone down.
- There is no spike in hospitalization. Hospitals are open for elective surgeries.
Ok, not a surprise. We open up the economy and test more than any other country, the virus is going to appear. Good for us, right?
- Trump and Betsy DeVos think we are in good shape. They want to open schools.
- The evidence shows that children are in no danger from the virus.
- There is evidence that shows that children may not pass the virus to others.
- Children are beginning to show emotional problems from being inside too much, including suicidal depression. Kids need friends.
- Parents need and want to work. School gives them this outlet.
- The Association of Pediatric Medicine says we should and need to open schools this fall.
Well, the media is pushing back:
- Teachers are going to die. Union teachers.
- Grandma is going to die.
- Trump ignores science.
- They point to Right-leaning states. They are the problem.
- Cuomo and other Leftist states have handled this beautifully…ugh.
- The protests had nothing (or will have nothing) to do with this surge.
Ugh. This is over This is done. Time to open the economy. The Left is politicizing the virus. They want to make everyone miserable so we will vote Trump out and prove that capitalism is the problem. Period.
What do Minneapolis, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, Dallas and New York City all have in common? There are actually three things: They are all run by Democrats, they have all had their crime rates raised by 100% and they all have proposals to defund and get rid of the police.
This is a real problem for the Left. Shootings are up 80% including the killings of children. Robberies are up 120%. And there is not a cop around to deal with it. New York City has gotten rid of their plain clothes police force and cut $1.5 billion from the police force. Los Angeles cut $150 million from their police force. Minneapolis has voted to completely defund the police. Philly has a 5-year plan to eliminate the police.
Why is crime going up? I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with do-nothing Leftist leaders supporting rioters and thugs over the police and innocent citizens. Maybe having no-cash bail and releasing criminals has something to do with it. How about cutting funds from your police force and disbanding the undercover police force that is responsible for capturing criminals while they are committing crimes?
Well, the Left has some ideas. Listen to AoC, the brain trust of the Left:
This idiot is blaming:
- Poverty
- Fear of homelessness.
- Starvation.
- The government not being fast enough to give them free money
Wow, ok.
But there is more! Bill DeBlasio blames COVID-19. Sheila Jackson Lee blames the lack of gun control. Good luck with that one. A group of the Left blames the police…get this one…for not doing anything.
Here’s the problem with the Left blaming everything and everyone besides their shitty policies. And when one tries to blame race and it turns out that most murders are within the same race, they need to shotgun a bunch of excuses and hope something sticks.
This is why I like Trump. He says, “this is fucked up,” then “this is how we are going to unfuck it,” and he unfucks it.
I do not know when people are going to learn. The Left only cares about talking points and narratives. And it is only to trick the people so that they give them power. And, when they have power, that real concern about the people will disappear. Hell you see it now. Look at Los Angeles.