Riots are working.
The media gets lit up.
AOC is dumb.
Big Win!
Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann announced on Friday that his legal team has settled its $250 million defamation lawsuit with The Washington Post.
The lawsuit centered around false coverage of an interaction that Sandmann had with Omaha tribe elder Nathan Phillips that portrayed Sandmann as an aggressor.
Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli said Friday that federal law enforcement agents may be able to bring libel claims against Democrats who have called them “Nazis” or “stormtroopers.”
Security Ken Cuccinelli said on Laura Ingram:
“When you see such libelous, slanderous comments from people who know better — Let’s not kid ourselves, the speaker of the House knows that she is using Nazi allusions to refer to correct, professional law enforcement officers. If I was a CBP agent or ICE agent, or FBI agent — and if I was an FPS agent — I might sue for libel.”
Pelosi tweeted on July 17:
“Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic. @DHSgov’s actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
“First Amendment speech should never be met with one-sided violence from federal agents acting as Trump’s secret police, especially when unidentified. This is disgraceful behavior we would expect from a banana republic — not the government of the United States.”
Slander is slander. People in high places should be able to sue, especially if people are being targeted.
It’s Going Downhill in the Pacific Northwest
Seattle and Portland are falling apart. This week saw sixty days of riots. Now I am not saying peaceful protest but actual rioting. And the garbage mayors and governors are not doing anything about it. Trump, trying to quell the violence, especially against federal buildings, has sent a bunch of federal agents (DHS and Border Patrol) to arrest the , mostly Antifa, rioters. And they have been met with less than peaceful protest.
- Businesses are still being burned.
- Three federal agents are being checked for sight loss because of heavy-duty lasers (there is video).
- Rioters have police and agents held hostage in a federal courthouse in Portland and the Antifa rioters are trying to break in.
- Rioters are using rocks, bottles of water, canned goods, lasers, commercial grade fireworks and mortars…yes, mortars…against police and federal agents.
- In Seattle, a bunch of jerk offs were actually dropping cinder blocks off the roofs of businesses.
Peaceful, huh?
The local governments, all Democrats, are doing nothing.
- Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago, keeps saying she wants Trump’s “troops” out but has secretly mad a deal to have them come in to help with the crime epidemic (Chicago averages 50 shootings a weekend).
- Jenny Durkin of Seattle also rejects Trump’s agents. The police chief said that citizens should not call police if there is a crime. Police are out.
- Seattle tried to ban pepper spray and impact balls. What are the police suppose to use? Foul language? A court overruled that.
- Ted Wheeler of Portland has also rejected trump’s agents.
- Federal agents were required to wear identification. The DoJ said they did not have to because of doxxing. A court overruled that.
- Portland sued to get rid of federal agents. They lost in court…again. You know why? Because it is not illegal what they are doing.
- Trump does not care. He sent them to Seattle and Portland anyway because of the attack on federal buildings.
The Democrats do not care or just want this to be forgotten. The media is worse.
Jerry Nadlar summed it up when he was questioned about the violence in Portland by Austen Fleccas of the YouTube channel, Fleccas Talks.
This whole thing has been blamed on Trump. If he does something, it is his fault. If he does not do something, it is his fault.
This is mob politics. The Left wants their way and they will burn and destroy everything until they get it. This is where a civil war will start. Because, eventually, we are going to get tired of this. And, by we, I mean normal people, not just Conservatives, and we are going to fight back.
It Is What It Is
Have you ever gotten into a fight with a co-worker and, when there was not going to be a resolution, just turn and said, under your breath, called that person a bad name? Heck, I have done that eight times today and twice while saying this.
Well, that is what happened between Rep. Ted Yoho and AoC.
Tell you what, let us listen to to AOC’s version of the story. I will not play Ted Yoho’s version of the story because I already believe him and AOC’s side makes her look worse. Let us listen: