Video shows more.
Prepare for the second wave.
Trump…damn! Shut up! Ugh!
This Ain’t Good
Body cam footage was leaked by the Daily Mail this week. And it shows a really different story than the one we have been told for the last couple of months. Here is a short clip:
They charge officer Derrick Chauvin with Second Degree Murder. I thought that was kind of an overreach then. Looking at this video, I definitely think it is an overreach now. This is what we learned from the video:
- Floyd was not cooperative.
- Floyd, like his autopsy said, looked high.
- The police officers were not rough with him and only pulled their guns when Floyd would not show his hands.
- There were other people in the car. Nothing happened to them. Sounds familiar (hint: Rodney King).
- He was yelling that he was going to die and could not breath before he was put on the ground.
- The police tried to calm him before sticking him in the police car.
It was actually a really pathetic display by Floyd. Now, none of this clears Chauvin. What he did was a bad thing. It was definitely negligent. But is it Second Degree Murder level negligent? You know, Chauvin went out and said he was going to kill this guy?
I do not think so. Put that with the fact that he was on drugs, had a heart condition, had a criminal record including a home invasion and the medical examiner said he died of a heart attack (this was contradicted by a private M.E.).
This is bad folks and the media knows it. They have decided to ignore the whole thing or, as CNN did, just sugar coat it.
Again, there is no but excuse for kneeling on a man’s neck for nine minutes but can anyone prove intent which is what is required for second degree murder? I don’t think so. Chauvin should go to jail but I think there is going to be a chance that he gets off completely because that idiot attorney general, Keith Ellison, way over charged.
Prepare for the riots to come up again (if they actually ever stop). Because this guy is not going to get the sentence we all hope he gets.
Here is where my conspiracy urge begins to bubble up. I am trying to suppress it but it is not working. It is also very cynical of me. I think Ellison and the Dems in Minneapolis over charged on purpose.
- If they charged correctly, the Left would have flipped.
- If Chauvin gets off, more riots and Eliison could blame the racist system. And Trump.
- There is a chance the jury will get convicted.
Frigging Trump
Joe Biden continues to act like a dead person. His latest interview turned out to be a disaster again. Here he is asked about if he ever took the cognitive test. His response was precious:
Couple of things here. First, Biden already said he had taken the cognitive test. Now he says he does not need one? He cannot even get through the sentence without fumbling through the sentence.
Next, what is with the cocaine crack? To a black reporter? If Trump did this, what would happen?
Three debates have been scheduled and they will start in September. Here’s what’s fucked up: the first debate will be after voting starts. Mail-in voting starts on August 29th. Do not get me started on the fact that voting starts two and a half months before the election.
Biden, well his team, has really been controlling all aspects of the election season. He does not go out and campaign. He picks and chooses who interviews him. All the questions he gets are known before hand. He is setting when the debates are going to be and how many. He is never asked about his crazy policies.
He is lucky that Trump’s campaign team seems to be incompetent and not doing anything to push back. Biden is also lucky that President Trump has Twitter and has no fear talking to reporters. He should be afraid. Very afraid.
Last week, Trump Tweeted that it might be necessary to postpone the election. Ugh! That is a tad bit unconstitutional. Only Congress can change the date of the election.
Then, he had an interview with Jonathan Snow from Axios on HBO. Why would he do this? Axios is a Left wing media organization being produced on HBO, a Left wing platform. He sounded terrible.
Listen to this first clip:
This was terrible. If you are going to reference someone or a publication, you better know the name of the person or the book. Do not ever reference something or someone without being ready to issue a name. It is a crappy way to debate. That is why I do not listen to the news media. Whenever I hear a story from an “anonymous resource” I think it is probably bullshit. He just did what the news media does all the time. He loses all credibility.
Next, know your stats. The problem with statistics, you can prove anything. Use the stats that help your case. Or he could have simply said with more cases there will be more death. Do not act surprised by it and actually look sad about it. “Yep, there is more death and it is sad. We are working hard to curve this.” That is all that needs to be said. Done.
Finally, he needs to stop being so casual about things. When asked about the rise in the number of deaths, “it is what it is” is the correct, reasonable belief, but you cannot say that to a media that is looking to roast you. You know Biden is going to use this.
Then there was this:
This is a real non-story that Trump should have killed immediately. I never talked about this because it was a non-story. Even the Orange Man Bad media held it for about three days and never talked about it again.
- Intelligence received information about Russians paying Afghans and Iraqis to kill American soldiers.
- The Intelligence community could confirm nothing and never told the administration.
- Trump knew nothing about it.
This is what I would have said: “The intelligence community did not trust the information so they never reported it to me. There was nothing to talk about.” PERIOD. Next question.
But he argues and his answer is there but muddled. Any push back by Snow could have been rebutted with, “You want me to accuse another country of a moral crime based on rumor?” Done. Mic drop. Next question.
Trump vomits words. Either verbally or on Twitter. His point gets lost because he is vomiting words. He needs to stop doing this.This is why people do not like him and he could lose the election.
Then, the worst is this:
John Lewis fought for civil rights for blacks and got a broken skull for it. He believed in the American Dream and believed it should be achieved through peace and not violence unlike the Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam. He was the right-hand man of Martin Luther King. After Jim Crow, he became a state representative in the House for over twenty years. Yeah, he did not like Trump.
How about this for an answer: “He was an impressive man with an impressive history.” Done.
The other thing that is just a turn off is the arrogance and self-promotion. Who cares that Lewis did not go to your inauguration. Who cares? Why bring it up? He is dead! Throw him a bone!
It got worse. He stated that he has done more for blacks than every President except Abraham Lincoln. When Snow pointed out that LBJ signed the Civil Rights bill, Trump did not have an answer. Then Snow kept pushing for Trump to say that the Civil Rights bill was important, which Trump did not do.
Here is what I would have done.
- Lewis, good man.
- I would never say I did more for blacks than any other President except for Lincoln.
- If I suffered from a stroke and did say that I did more for blacks except for President Lincoln, I would point out that LBJ was an ardent racist and did not want to sign the Civil Rights bill but MLK blackmailed him into signing it.
This is so stupid. This is the problem when one has a bunch of yes-men around him. I know that is sexist. Is it yes-person. Fuck it. Do not care. Someone needs to tell Trump to “shut the fuck up, sir” so he can win the election. He is running against a corpse. This next election should be a landslide. Trump is making it close.
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