Trump is coming home!
The media flips again.
Joe’s got some issues.
COVID Update
Here’s an update on President Trump’s COVID-19 situation. This come from White House physician, Sean Conely:
“President Trump continues to do well, having made substantial progress since diagnosis. This evening he completed his second dose of Remdesivir without complication. He remains fever-free and off supplemental oxygen with a saturation level between 96 and 98% all day.”
“He spent most of the afternoon conducting business, and has been up and moving about the medical suite without difficulty. While not yet out of the woods, the team remains cautiously optimistic. The plan for tomorrow is to continue observation in between doses of Remdesivir, closely monitoring his clinical status while fully supporting his conduct of presidential duties.”
There was a little concern on Friday. It was reported:
- Trump was fatigued.
- His temp was rising.
- He was having shortness of breath and his pulseox had dropped to concerning levels.
- There was never a thought of implementing the 25th Amendment.
We can’t really know the condition of the President. Only what they are telling us. But, right now, he could be released as early as Monday.
So the media is being completely awesome. The Daily Wire reported:
According to The New York Times’ Ben Smith, top reporters at three of the major newspapers in the nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times, have been assigned to update President Donald Trump’s obituary.
Those reporters include Peter Baker at The New York Times, Marc Fisher at The Washington Post and Mark Z. Barabak at The Los Angeles Times, Smith claimed people from the various papers confirmed to him.
Smith noted of the “reporters arrayed at Walter Reed military hospital on Sunday” that “the White House press corps is working with admirable aggression and openness. We need to know who is in charge of the government, and to understand the outcome of President Trump’s long evasion of the coronavirus crisis as Americans begin to vote.”
Earlier this weekend, it was pointed out that Trump, while taking a picture signing a document, was signing a blank document. I saw it but I didn’t think anything of it. Maybe he was, maybe he was signing a document that only had a few words in it and they could not be viewed. Maybe the White House edited the picture because he was signing something that was classified. Question for you: who cares?
Then, there was another story that said that the pictures taken, showing Trump throughout the weekend working, were actually taken all at the same time. He was using a photo-op to make him look like he was working hard from the hospital.
Come on guys. Do these guys really have to assholes all the time.
An Uh-Oh for Creepy Joe
On Saturday, the day after it was revealed that President Trump had contracted the coronavirus, a new poll from John Zogby Strategies was taken, and it showed something startling: former Vice President Joe Biden was leading President Trump by only two points, 49%-47%.
Zogby’s July 8 poll found Biden leading Trump by seven points, 49% to 42%, while their August 29th poll found Biden leading by six points (48% to 42%).
The poll, which surveyed 1,006 “likely voters” across the nation, stated that Biden “is leading among Democrats 91%-8%, voters 18-29 years of age (60%-35%) and those 30-49 (50%-45%), as well as among women (56%-41%), Progressives (85%-15%), Liberals (85%-14%) and Moderates (58%-36%). He also leads among Hispanics … 61%-34% and Blacks (87%-11%).”
Zogby wrote:
Contrary to my own observations, it looks like the President has not been hurt by his debate performance nor his hospitalization. His 47% performance is actually one point higher than his vote percentage in 2016. For now, he appears to have consolidated his base of Whites, parents, conservatives, men, and his own party’s voters. Joe Biden looks as if he is on his way to doing the same with his base. His numbers among Hispanics are respectable but not quite at the 66%-67% he really needs. The same with Blacks. His 86% is better than our last poll but he needs to hit 90%, especially in those key battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Georgia. His 60%-35% lead among young voters is about where he needs to be … Our last poll had Mr. Biden leading strongly among independents but now the two candidates are tied with 12% still undecided.
Zogby has been pretty accurate. In 2008, got 49 of 50 correct.
In 2016, a statement was released by Zogby after the election:
Zogby’s 2016 prediction:
Three weeks before the election, despite Hillary Clinton’s double-digit leads in most polls at the time, he declared, “I can’t tell you who’s really going to win. Tell me who will vote, and I’ll tell you who will win. If we get around 132 million votes, as we did in 2008 and 2012, Hillary wins. If we get 121 million, as we did in 2004, Trump wins.”
We actually got around 126 million, giving Clinton about a 2 million vote lead. Shortly after Election Day, with 122 million votes counted, her lead was closer to 200,000. Several million non-voters, particularly Democratic-leaning people in the north central states, helped tip those states to Trump. So Zogby’s assessment looks quite accurate.
Zogby continued on his procedure:
Zogby did not poll the horse race after two weeks before the election, though our last poll had Clinton leading by 2 points. With that said, I think it was more a combination of a misunderstanding of how to read polls and a media that really wanted Donald Trump to lose — so much that they screened out any other possibility.
As for the inability to read polls, I think our expectations are too high. Even a poll the day before the election cannot capture the last minute decision-makers, and there are many that do not make up their minds until the day of the election. Polls are samples and have a margin of error we cannot forget. But I correctly read the trend-lines. The race was clearly tightening over the last week, especially in the battleground states. Thus, in New Hampshire, HRC had a 10-point lead 10 days before the election and that evaporated down to a tie just before the election. The same for North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida. The trend lines suggested either a tightening race or Trump momentum.
Here’s the problem with polls:
- Their sample sizes are too small.
- The organization who take the poll may be biased.
- The questions may not give pollsters the right direction.
- Likely voters versus eligible voters.
- Finally, people lie or refuse to answer.
They Are Sooo Predictable
Never let a good crisis go to waste. I seem to be saying that a lot lately. Makes me wish I came up with it.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on Republicans, again, to delay the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, saying it wasn’t possible to hold the committee proceedings safely at this time.
Schumer said:
“It makes no sense. If it’s not safe for the Senate to meet in session, it’s not safe for the hearings to go forward.”
“For Mitch McConnell to go ahead with the hearing endangers the safety not only of senators, but of staff who work diligently on the Hill, and they ought to be delayed. There is no reason on God’s green earth why these shouldn’t be delayed other than an effort to rush a witness through in an inadequate hearing where people can’t even see the witness face to face. So we are demanding today, along with millions of Americans and many, many groups, that the hearings be postponed.”
Mitch McConnell said, no way. The hearings would go on.
“A virtual hearing is virtually no hearing at all. You need to be with the witness, and have direct cross-questions and back and forth with them.”
Here’s the problem: They have been having virtual hearings for months. Suddenly, they don’t work?
This is just a temper tantrum that is not going to lead anywhere. Amy Coney Barrett is:
- Going in front to the Senate Judiciary.
- The Senate Judiciary IS going to recommend a confirmation vote.
- The Senate is going to vote.
- The Senate is going to vote to confirm.
- President Trump will swear her in.
- She will get that snazzy little black dress thing.
- She will be a Supreme Court justice.
It’s a done deal. There’s nothing Democrats can do about it. And you know what’s going to happen in the legal world? Probably not much. Abortion will still be legal. Obamacare ain’t going anywhere. Gays can still get married. Jim Crow is not going to be reinstated. And no one is going to die of the Wuhan Flu because of the confirmation hearings.
The Left is being so dumb about this.