The election looks like it’s been called. Well, the media called it. No votes have been certified. There are a bunch of lawsuits happening and there are signs of shenanigans. So, ignore the media and the coronation of Joe Biden. It’ll probably happen eventually but it’s not here yet.
Let’s talk about what’s going on.
The Results
So, What Happened?
Trump, who had a 600,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania, somehow, in the middle of the night…again…lost Pennsylvania. He also lost Nevada. That gave Biden enough electoral votes to become President.
Trump isn’t lying down about this. He is challenging the vote counts and he may have somewhat of an argument. Stay tuned for that.
Biden accepted that he is going to be President (allegedly). He said in a statement:
“I am honored and humbled by the trust the American people have placed in me and in Vice President-elect Harris. In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. Proving once again, that democracy beats deep in the heart of America.”
“With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation.”
Here is his acceptance speech, though Trump never conceded, he said:
I know it was a little long but it is a historic speech. Couple of things:
- The campaign is not over.
- There was no mandate here. This is going to be one of the closest election in history and the Democrats lost everything else.
- If he believes in systemic racism, he has already given up on unity.
- He will not control COVID-19.
- His COVID response will be about “compassion, empathy and concern?” Is that a great way to create policy?
What About These Legal Challenges?
The Trump administration has set up a load of legal challenges. These states include Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona. There have been complains of illegal ballots being counted and, in Wisconsin, ballot counters actually “fixing” votes, which is illegal.
We don’t know a lot about his legal challenges. We will this week. Trump’s legal team is going to have some serious evidence to actually make a difference. He might have it. They are confident about it. There’s a ton of video out there. There’s a ton of weird statistics out there.
There are also going to be a bunch of recounts. Georgia has already said there will be a recount. I think Nevada and Arizona will not be far behind. The election was just too close.
Now, do I think anything is going to change? Probably not. Recounts will only change the votes a few hundred votes one way or the other. The courts have a hard time changing election results and usually want to stay out of it. I think even the Supreme Court will be a little jittery about touching this unless there is something really glaring.
We’ll have to see.
Is Biden a Dually Elected President?
Sort of.
If the votes are certified, Sleepy, Creepy Joe will be President and should be President. He will be my President and I hope he does the right things. He won’t. Joe Biden is a fuck up and has been for 47 years. But he will be my President.
The “sort of” part comes with the jacked up election process that the Democrats created to get a Democrat into the Presidency. It stinks to high heaven. I think they destroyed the electoral process because they couldn’t win without the help of cheating. How does a guy who promises to raise all our taxes, promises to end our energy industry, promises to open our borders so anyone can come in, promises to implement the same horrid healthcare system that his predecessor set up, has been wrong on every foreign policy decision is his life, including being against the killing of Osama Bin Laden and hasn’t campaigned in six months because he’s scared of getting the China Virus?
I can almost hear you through the microphone. That wouldn’t happen. But it did. So, what happened?
How Did This Happen
Trump is only losing the popular vote by 2 points and that’s amazing considering the obstacles he has been put in front of him. He suffered from a false narrative of Russian collusion. He had to deal with paying off some stripper he had been sleeping with. He was impeached. Every move he made was demonized. But there are things that really damaged him throughout this campaign.
News Media
The first and most damaging attack on Trump’s campaign has been the media. All the media. All this bullshit about being non-partisan really came out during the election. Just listen to Van Jones on CNN after they projected Trump would be the next President:
“Trusted source of news,” my ass.
What a ham. Everything Van Jones said had nothing to do with Trump. Nor is Trump the devil. Nor is the world going to be a better place now that Joe Biden is President. CNN has been pushing the Russian collusion thing for three years. Then they pushed the Ukraine impeachment for a year. Now it is COVID-19, which no one has controlled. But they failed to ever talk about:
- Spying on the Trump campaign.
- The unverified Steele Dossier.
- The growth of the economy.
- The unemployment rate including record lows for minorities.
- They don’t talk about the United States lowering the COVID death rate by 300% or that we do the most testing throughout the world.
- The corralling of countries like North Korea and Iran.
- The killing of Solemani and Al Bag Dadi.
- The destruction of ISIS.
- Energy independence.
- The peace deals between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and, now, the Sudan.
- The creation of Space Force.
- The standing up to China.
- The replenishing of our military.
- The adding of 300 federal judges and three Supreme Court judges.
- And, finally, the fact he is the only President who has not taken us to war during his term.
But it is also the questions they did not say or question of Joe Biden:
- Why is he not campaigning? Why won’t he take questions from the press?
- What about his mental capacity?
- He’s always bitching about COVID. What would he have done different?
- What about Hunter Biden’s laptop? Was he taking money from other countries?
- If not, how did he get so rich being a career politician?
- Why won’t he reject Antifa and BLM?
- Does he support socialism?
- What happened in Ukraine with Hunter being on the board of Burisma?
- What are Biden’s policies? Gun control, economics and so fourth.
- What about the rape and sexual harassments allegations?
- What about eliminating fracking? Did you lie about that in the past?
- How about talking about his past statements that show prejudice.
It isn’t just CNN or MSNBC. The curtain was pulled back on them a long time ago. It was also NBC, ABC, CBS, the AP and Reuters. Even Fox News, the Fair and Balanced channel and considered conservative, screwed Trump. That could be seen when they announced Arizona went to Biden by their left-wing poll watcher before one vote was counted. I should have known Fox was going south when they hired Donna Brazile and keep Juan Williams on the payroll.
It has estimated that the media probably cost Trump 10 points in the polls.
Do, what do we do? I think it’s time to really turn to more conservative news outlets. Daily Wire, Blaze TV and One America News (OAN). I can’t get OAN, my dad does. He hates Fox News because he thinks it is completely liberal. I can’t say he is wrong. But I do subscribe to the Daily Wire and Blaze TV. Huge fan of Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, Candice Owens, Dave Ruben and Jeremy Boring. That doesn’t mean I will not watch liberal television. I will because it’s good to get multiple points of view.
With the behavior of the mainstream media, I have a feeling a lot of people are going to go in the direction of alternative media. After all, people like us are now the counter culture. I look forward to seeing Donald Trump starting his own news network. I’m pretty sure that will be a huge money maker.
Social Media
Social media has been horrid and they got worse as the election drew closer. Even today, President Trump’s Tweets are being censored and flagged for lies.
They are not going to get better either. With the Left in the Presidency, don’t expect to see a lot change. With four more years as President, Trump would have changed article 230 so that social media become publishers instead of platforms. That way, social media can be sued for censorship. Of course, with their craving of power, Democrats might do that on their own. They love regulation.
Polling has always been more art than science. That’s one of the reasons I am not very trusting of it. But, for the most part, polling in the past has been pretty accurate. That is, until 2016. And now, again, in 2020.
The pollsters have all been just wrong. They were wrong about the state district races, wrong about the governor races, wrong about the House race and wrong about the Senate races. Heck, they were wrong about the Presidential race. They never thought Trump would be this close. They keep talking about how Biden has 75 million votes and that’s a record (probably because of the next reason Trump lost) but they don’t talk about 71 million votes Trump got which is a record for a “losing” candidate.
So, why did they screw up so badly? There are three trains of thought on this:
- Pollsters have become tone deaf.
- People being polled lie.
- Pollsters are partisan and want to see a candidate win.
Whichever reason it is, no one will be trusting the polls again. They have been dead wrong for the second Presidential election in a row.
Mail-In Balloting
Mail-in balloting is a fucking disaster.
Here’s the deal: Voting is not a right. It is a privilege. If it was a right, resident immigrants would be able to vote.
Yes, voting in person can be inconvenient. It’s suppose to be inconvenient because people who want to vote know why. And they will wait in line to vote. Those who don’t care will not vote. And they shouldn’t vote. That’s because they don’t care and don’t know about any of the issues anyway. They shouldn’t be voting. Mail-in ballots make voting way too easy for those who don’t know crap.
The other problem is that the chain of custody is broken. When I am at a polling place to vote, I vote, walk up to the clerks and put my ballot in a box. With mail-in voting, you’re putting it in the mail and hoping it gets to the destination. This is a good thing. This is why we hear postal workers dumping ballots into a dumpsters. Yes, that did happen.
Finally, we never know who is actually getting a ballot. California just sent out requests. They didn’t ask for any identification except for a signature then they sent me the ballot. What if I moved? What if the request wasn’t me? What if someone stole my ballot from the mail? See the problem?
Corrupt Elections
There is some evidence of corruption in this election. I take it back, there is a lot of evidence of corruption. Some include:
- Dead people voting
- Batches of votes turning up in the middle of the night, all for Biden. Thousands of votes.
- Votes were subtracted from Trump.
- Film of vote counters filling out ballots.
- Vote counters pre-dating ballots so they would count.
- Vote counters throwing away ballots.
- Republican vote watchers not being allowed to watch the vote counters.
- Illegal votes being counted. Legal votes not being counted because they are from a Trump county.
Now, does this mean Trump won the election? Not necessarily. But it does lower the trust I and a lot of people in the country have in our voting system. Because, as technology has grown, the stability of the voting process has gone down. We used to know who won an election on election night. It’s been a week and we still don’t know who won the election.
A lot of trust has been eroded.
Trump Himself
This statement I am going to make is not going to be popular: Trump ran a bad campaign. He did the exact opposite of what he should have done. That includes:
- He put himself in the spotlight. He should have let Biden take the spotlight.
- His Tweets were out of control and were negative. Every Tweet, throughout his Presidency, should have been positive.
- His first debate performance was terrible.
- He did not extenuate his accomplishments. Everything out of his mouth should have been about his accomplishments.
- His rallies were great but he always said something controversial.
Trump did not help himself in this election.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Republicans Lost the Presidency but Won Everything Else
Republicans did very well.
- They won every state legislature.
- They won a governorship.
- They gained 15 seats in the House of Representatives.
- They are probably going to keep the Senate.
- Trump was a lot closer to Biden than anyone thought. This was not a mandate on Joe Biden.
This election was a positive for Republicans and has really dampened any extreme policies the President Kamala…er…President Joe can implement. The next two years are going to be a lame duck session.
The Republican Party has been Remade
Forget about Trump’s personality quirks because Trump is going to be the most influential one- term President in United States history. He has done more than George Bush and Barrack Obama did combined. He has remade a broken Republican party. He has toughened them up. Look at Lindsey Graham into a man. Republicans like Nikki Haley and Dan Crenshaw are becoming serious threats to make huge runs for conservatives.
There is now some fight in Republicans. RINOs like Mitt Romney and John McCain are no longer heroes of the Republican party. The media has been called out for what it is. The Left has been called out for what it is…socialism. The United States has been called out for what it is…exceptional and great.
But, more so, he brought back patriotism in a way that the U.S. hockey team did by winning the 1980 winter Olympics over the Soviet Union during the Reagan era.
The Democratic Party is in Shambles
The Democratic party is a mess. There are three types of Democrat:
- The liberal – Kyrsten Sinema.
- The Progressive – Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer.
- The Leftists – Kamala Harris, AOC, Ilhan Omar.
The problem is that the Left, which is actually not very high in numbers, is pushing the liberals and progressives toward the socialist belief system. Liberals refuse to go in this direction. They are being cancelled or simply going to the Republican party.
Progressives are having trouble dealing with Leftists. They know that their policies are so extreme and will not be embraced by most of the public. But, Leftism (socialism) has become the base of the Democratic party. That spells disaster for the Democrats in 2022.
This was a Rejection of Leftist Values
This election was an outright rejection of Leftist values which includes:
- Socialism.
- The Green New Deal.
- Cancel culture.
- Intersectionality and identity politics.
- Institutional racism.
- Anti-racism.
- That America is an evil country.
Leftists are too stupid to see this. They just keep doubling down on it. Progressives see this is a losing strategy.
The Next Two Years Could Be Fun
We are going to have fun over the next two years:
- Biden will be out of the Presidency within six months.
- But, before he’s out of office, Biden’s gaffs are going to be hysterical.
- We are going to see a big difference between the free market capitalist policies of Trump and the socialist policies of Biden.
- Trump ain’t going away. But, this time, there will be no restraint on him. Can’t wait to see what he is going to say.