I spent an hour and a half watching Rudy Giuliani’s press conference about the law suits presented in several states. Not much came out of them. Then again, quite a bit came out of them.
As Sydney Powell yells on Fox News, we will release the Kraken. Unfortunately, it wasn’t released on Thursday.
What Did We Learn Yesterday?
Former New York City Mayor and lawyer to the president, Rudy Giuliani, said that in states including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona, the legal team has found “more than double the number of votes needed to overturn the election, in terms of provable, illegal ballots.”
Mr. Giuliani cited general “lawsuits” and “affidavits” to support his claim, adding that he hopes to make more affidavits public.
The press conference lasted for an hour and a half. Listen to some of Rudy’s comments:
Some things that Rudy brought up:
- The media is ignoring this whole legal process.
- There are a ton of affidavits of people whose identities have to be protecting due to harassment.
- He says that there is systemic corruption by the Detroit voting commission. That’s a pretty serious charge.
- Though he offers an affidavits and it is direct evidence, it still is very loose evidence.
He continues:
Here’s what he said here:
- He has named states that he believes are promulgating corruption. But he is not sure of the level. If there is some corruption but it will not change much the numbers, this will accomplish nothing.
- He says, in several states, that they have more than enough evidence to overturn the election in those states. That’s great but he offers no proof during the press conference.
- He says that if the media wants to know what the proof is, all they have to do is look at the lawsuits and affidavits. Why not bring them up here in the 90 minute press conference.
The other person who spoke was Sydney Powell. She made some very serious charges. She said that the voting machines from Dominion were corrupted and ripe for change in ballot counts. She pointed out that these machines were the same ones used in Venezuela during the Hugo Chavez reign. These are some serious charges because, not only was the Presidential election rigged but she’s saying all the elections were rigged, including ones Republicans won. She said that the election can be completely overturned and will show that Trump won the election by a landslide.
She was very passionate about it. Listen:
I love her passion and, if this can be proved, this will be the biggest scandal in American history, bar none. But, besides passion, she offered no direct proof. Now, as a guy who has the basic knowledge of hacking, I know that it is easy to prove hacking. But no one seems to be really interested in the media to investigate. It just takes some questions.
But I am also concerned with Sydney Powell herself. She does have a very good reputation but she seems very touchy about presenting evidence. Tucker Carlson has offered a full week on her show to present evidence. Not only did she decline, she said that Tucker was harassing her. That’s not a thing. Ben Shapiro asked her on one of his many shows. She declined. She said she was going to, “release the Kraken” and, yet, we still haven’t seen any hard evidence.
Finally, she is dealing with Rudy Giuliani. I like Rudy. I thought he did a great job in New York City as mayor. But, as he has gotten older, he’s gotten a little…say…conspiratorial. This does not raise my confidence much. Not to mention, they have dropped the corruption charge in Pennsylvania and don’t see to be pursuing things in Wisconsin. Does this strike one as thinking there has been widespread, provable fraud in these elections?
There Were Some Funny Moments
There were some funny moments in this press conference.
Apparently Rudy Giuliani dies his hair. He’s, like, 100 years old so that’s not a shock. Rudy also has a tendency to sweat like a Thai hooker. Combine sweat with hair dye and the dye starts to run. That’s what happened. Of course, the Leftist media and the trolls on social media focused on Rudy’s “Just for Men” debacle. Apparently, his leaky hair is enough reason to ignore the other 89 minutes of the press conference. I thought it was funny. But that did not stop me from listening to what he and his brethren said.
In another comical moment, a reporter asked Giuliani a question that was probably a really stupid question. I did not hear the actual question but it must have been a dumb question. Giuliani asked the reporter what company he worked for and he said CNN. At that point, Giuliani and his compatriots just started laughing and pointed to another reporter.
That went viral on Twitter but no one reported on it.
Remember I told you politics should be fun? That, if Biden does win the election, we are in for a lot of things that haven’t happened before in the history of the United States? Have fun with this.
I was looking on Twitter yesterday and saw the expected Tweets. The Conservative commentators were saying the the press conference revealed huge swaths of corruption and election interference. It did not offer any evidence of anything.
The Left was saying that Conservatives were delaying the inevitable and nothing needs to be looked at. Though there was no evidence, there was enough in the accusations that could be proven or disproven if someone would just look. No one is looking or cares to look within the Leftist media.
It’s actually quite sad. No one wants to prove their position.
I don’t trust Rudy Giuliani. He’s kind of a conspiracy theorist. I’m not fully trusting of Sydney Powell. She’s presented grand arguments but provided no evidence. I definitely don’t trust the Leftist news media and Leftist social media because they want all this to be forgotten.
We are running out of time. Powell says there’s some sort of Kraken she is going to release. I haven’t seen anything yet. If she had a Kraken, she should have released in a week ago. She definitely didn’t release it yesterday. So far, it hasn’t been released today. If it isn’t bullshit, she needs to get on it and release her evidence.
Do I think this election was rigged? Yes. Do I think Biden is going to get away with it. Yes. Is Biden going to be my President if he get inaugurated on January 20th? Yes. Do I think this was a legitimate election? Absolutely not.
The Left cheated. They got what they wanted (sort of). But we need to call this election for what it was: corrupt and stolen. We need to change our laws, maybe even our Constitution, to require voter ID and same day voting. We need to eliminate mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.
That’s really what this comes down to.