Episode 260 – The Truth Always Come to Light

Sigh! This China virus thing just won’t go away.


Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued an order for residents to stay at home, warning that the city is approaching a “devastating tipping point” in its fight against COVID-19 that would overwhelm the hospital system.

He made it clear that if we do not cancel everything, we are all going to die. Listen:

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So, what does this mean? What does, “cancel everything” mean. Well, it means cancel everything. What things does he want to cancel?

  • Cancel all dining; indoor and outdoor.
  • Banning walking.
  • Banning running and jogging.
  • Banning driving.
  • Banning riding a bike.
  • Banning public transportation.
  • Banning riding motorcycles and scooters.


What was not banned:

  • Activities like golf and tennis. I wonder why.
  • Grocery stores and markets.
  • Healthcare facilities.
  • Faith-based, outside services (per the Supreme Court, this would have been banned otherwise).
  • Liquor stores and pot dispensaries because these are considered “essential services”.


Anyone over the age of 16 traveling into L.A. must complete an online form upon arrival to acknowledge they’ve read and understood a California travel advisory. Failure to submit the form is punishable by a fine of up to $500.

Gee, this isn’t tyranny. This is coming from people who do what they want.

You cannot go to barber shops or salons. But what if they need a haircut? They go to a barber shop and salon (ones they closed).

They tell you not to eat out. But what if they want to go out for dinner? They go to a restaurant. Usually one that is $400 a plate with no masks, inside and with other politicians and lobbyists.

You want to drive your car at 10:05 PM? You can’t without looking at a $500 fine. But a governor’s husband can use his sway to get his boat put on the lake so he can take a boating trip (thanks, Gretchen Whitmer).

They tell you not to travel and their are going to be restrictions if you do. But what if they want to travel? They do. And will lecture you via a Zoom post while sitting in their hotel rooms.

That last one is a thing. Let’s listen to Steve Adler, the Democratic mayor of Austin, Texas. He decided it was important to tell his subjects that they needed to stay inside and do no traveling. He even released a pre-recorded video telling us to stay at home, skip the holidays and don’t travel.

What a caring man. What a wise man. There’s a problem. He was in Cabo San Lucas attending a wedding with a couple of dozen people and probably not wearing a mask. The wedding would be less romantic that way. He made that announcement while in his hotel room. Ugh!

Here’s What’s Frustrating

People are beginning to see this for what it is. Control and power. Tyranny. They see this as a chance for the elites to take control of the population. And all of the people in power and creating the shutdowns are Democrats. All those who are being hypocrites are Democrats. You don’t see this from Republicans.

Rick Desantis, Republican governor of Florida, was caught having dinner at a restaurant. No controversy.

Kristi Noem, Republican governor of South Dakota, was pictured with fans in front of Mount Rushmore. No one wearing masks. No controversy.

Gregg Abbott, Republican governor of Texas was running around in his wheelchair in public with no mask. No controversy.

Why? Is it because the media loves Republicans? No. They never closed their economies. Businesses are able to continue. People are able to work and spend their money. All have the individual rights and choices to deal with the Wuhan Flu in the way they see fit. And each of these states have the lowest infection and death rates in the country.

Each of these states has not suffered the economic collapse that other states have suffered through extreme lockdowns like New York, New Jersey, Michigan, California and Illinois. All Democratic states. Hell, they are Leftist states.

Here’s the thing: citizens are fed up and are beginning to fight back.

  • Newport Beach, in California, held a huge rally, protesting the lockdowns.
  • Also in California, the Ventura, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino and Orange County Sheriff’s department have stated they will not enforce lockdowns because they are unconstitutional.
  • New York is having rallies involving hundreds to thousands of people supporting the continuing of businesses of bars and restaurants. The owners face arrests and extreme fines.
  • Gyms in Michigan are refusing to close. The owners face arrests and extreme fines.
  • Churches have gone to the Supreme Court to allow themselves to stay open. And won.


Listen to this guy. He owns a café. His entire family works there. He has been shut down for six months. Opened up and is being shut down again in Michigan. He found a reporter and went off:

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Good for him. This is what its going to take. We need to fight. We need to be brave and push back because, if we don’t, our lives can get a lot worse.

The Left is taking away our First Amendment Rights. They want to take away our Second Amendment rights. If we let them, what is to stop them from taking everything else.

Kind of sounds familiar, right? Isn’t that what Cuba, the Soviet Union, China, North Korea and Venezuela did?

Listen, the socialists of the Left aren’t talking about the “socialist” countries of Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Those countries do not have socialist economies. Our socialists like Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib are talking about the bad kinds of socialism presented by the above mentioned countries. So are Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti, Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, Bill De Blasio, Lori Lightfoot, Kamala Harris and Sleepy, Creepy Joe.

It’s all about power. Only oppression guarantees power.



China Lied, People Died

Remember about 11 months ago when we said China’s incompetence and disregard for its citizens and the world led to this pandemic burning through the populations of the world? Remember that, when calling is the China virus or Wuhan flu, one was being a racist? Remember when Trump closed our borders to China, Trump was being a xenophobe?

Guess what? CNN has received to classified Chinese documents that discuss how terrible the Chinese did when the virus was accidently released. These documents, I think, kind of confirm that the virus was released from a lab, by accident, and spread to Wuhan. The original leaked story is that a woman working at a lab accidently caught the China virus and then went to Wuhan where she spread the disease. A few plane trips later, the virus spread throughout the world.

We know that China has been lying about this thing from day one:

  • They said they only have had 5000 deaths. We know that is crap because the have closed their economy three times and yet have not seen another death since the beginning of the pandemic. There have been pictures of pallets of funeral urns, up to 35,000 of them. So, a couple more people than 5000 died.
  • Several doctors who tried to alert the world and China of the danger of the virus have “disappeared.”
  • They said the virus, which was confirmed by the WHO, was not transmissible person to person.


Now, with the documents CNN got, we know that:

  • Chinese officials gave the world more optimistic data than they had access to internally. China’s bureaucracy was a real problem here.
  • China’s system took on average 23 days to diagnose confirmed patients, and testing failures meant most received negative results until January 10. This led to more spread, bad contact tracing and more deaths. The United States was never that bad.
  • A history of underfunding, understaffing, poor morale and bureaucratic models of governance hampered China’s early warning system, internal audits found. We have seen this before where bureaucracy led by incompetents can cause a terrible disaster. Remember Chernobyl.
  • A large and previously undisclosed outbreak of influenza happened in early December in Hubei province. This caused the Chinese to disregard the Wuhan flu as just the normal seasonal flu.
  • It is possible this disease has been in the United States since December and, maybe, earlier. The disease started in China in September or October.


Of course, this is CNN. They had to throw Trump under the bus somehow even though they had proof in their hands that China lied and were incompetent. Here’s what they included in the article which was a quote from health experts when they found out China screwed up. This is from Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations, who has written extensively on public health in China:

“It was clear they did make mistakes — and not just mistakes that happen when you’re dealing with a novel virus — also bureaucratic and politically-motivated errors in how they handled it. These had global consequences. You can never guarantee 100% transparency. It’s not just about any intentional cover-up, you are also constrained with by technology and other issues with a novel virus. But even if they had been 100% transparent, that would not stop the Trump administration downplaying the seriousness of it. It would probably not have stopped this developing into a pandemic.”

They just have to blame Trump on everything even though it was defined as a screw up in China, by their government, health industry and propaganda department.

Just typical. I also want to point out that not even CNN is broadcasting this. I had to search for the article. But what do you expect from a pig but a grunt.



Speaking of Pigs and Grunting

So our supposed leader, Sleepy Creepy Joe did a short interview and was asked about the vaccine. He then threw out an idea that would stop the virus in his first hundred days.  Listen:

Audio Player

Couple of things here:

  • First, Tony Fauci is a doctor in name only. He is not an epidemiologist. He has flip-flopped about everything from school openings to mask wearing. He would not know a good vaccine if it stuck him in the ass.
  • This is still an anti-Trump thing. The fact we have three vaccines under the Trump administration. This is a big win for Trump and Biden doesn’t want to admit that.
  • Finally, someone show me one study that show masks work. There was one study in Sweden that said masks preventing spread is up in the air. There is a mask mandate throughout Europe and they have a huge spike in infections.


It seems to me that masks might not be a thing. Do I wear one? All the time. It is only logical to wear one. But saying that a mask is what will suppress the virus is naïve and dumb.

So we can see that the government isn’t doing anything to help businesses last almost a year after they have been shut down. Nancy Pelosi still hasn’t come up with a bill for a stimulus package and refuses to negotiate with anyone. Of course, the Democrats are blaming Mitch McConnell, probably because they don’t know how our government works. The lower house is suppose to come up with a bill and the upper house is suppose to approve it or manipulate the bill to their liking. Then the two houses negotiate. I can’t remember the last time this happened.

The problem is that Nancy’s bill will cost $2.4 trillion and will fund museums, colleges and Democratic run cities who are fiscally irresponsible and are in debt because they lost their tax base by either shutting businesses down or because people are leaving the state. Mitch McConnell of the Senate want a $900 billion stimulus bill where the money goes to small business and people who are suffering. Trump has pushed it to $1.4 trillion. But no one wants to negotiate.

But Nancy has been working. She has two bills on the House floor this week.

  • The main bill on the House floor this week is a measure to end a federal ban on marijuana and require courts to expunge prior marijuana convictions.
  • Lawmakers will also take up the Big Cat Public Safety Act, which would ban the ownership of big cats like lions and tigers — a bill spurred by the popular Netflix docuseries “Tiger King.”


Oh my God, really? These are Nancy’s priorities?

Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, blew a gasket. He said:

“The speaker of this House has denied the ability to [get] help to the American public, simply because she wanted to determine something would happen in the election, to harm President Trump and him getting re-elected. But what has happened is American people are hurting. That has got to stop.”

  • “Democrats have focused on cats and cannabis, but not on COVID. You’d think after a humiliating defeat in the ballot box this year … that Democrats would get the picture that Americans are demanding some action on these issues.”


“For months, Speaker Pelosi has done nothing to help Americans who are hurting. For more than 40 times Republicans have brought on the floor COVID relief votes that the Democrats have voted against.”

Well today, Friday, Pelosi decided to accept a smaller stimulus bill. A reporter asked her why.

She said:

“Perhaps you missed what I said earlier. Joe Biden committed to ending and crushing the virus and had a build better America initiative, build back better. A vaccine, answer to our prayers. An answer to our prayers of 95% effectiveness in terms of Pfizer and Moderna and there maybe others coming forward. That is a total game changer, a new president and a vaccine.”

“This has simplicity. It’s what we’ve had in our bills It’s for a shorter period of time, but that’s okay now, because we have a new president. A president who recognizes that we need to depend on science to stop the virus. A president who understands that America’s working families need to have money in their pockets in a way that takes them into the future, without any of the contraptions of any of the other bills that the administration was associating itself with [inaudible] before.”

So, Trump was President and that’s why she would not approve a bill that is meant to help citizens and small businesses.

Democrats do not care about you. They do not care about us. They are worried about animals and keeping us stoned. If we are stoned, we won’t complain. The problem is we are out of money and can’t afford pot right now.
