Episode 269 – Going Woke!

Some government hacked the US government and millions of businesses that could have an impact for years.

You will need to be a person of color to get the COVID vaccine.

The Eighth Amendment just ain’t that complicated.


Knew This Was Coming

THIS WEEK NEWS broke that United States government agencies and corporations alike—as well as international targets—were victims of a massive nation-state espionage campaign. But as the revelations continue to pile up, and new targets are discovered by the day, it can be hard to get a handle on what exactly happened and what it all means.

Rumors have it that this hack was implemented by the Russians but that still seems to be in the air. Trump this weekend contradicted Mike Pompeao and said that it was the Chinese. On Sunday, a forensic IT guy said that there was no real evidence on who did it. This is just too new.

The hackers, who have been widely reported as Russian, compromised high-profile targets like the US Commerce, Treasury, Homeland Security, and Energy Departments, as well as companies like the security firm FireEye.

All of the attacks appear to stem from one initial compromise of the IT infrastructure and network-management firm SolarWinds. Hackers had breached the company as far back as October 2019, then planted malicious code in software updates to its network-monitoring tool, Orion. Any customer that installed an Orion patch released between March and June inadvertently planted a Russian backdoor on their own network.

The hack allows a backdoor into IT systems in which the hacker can gain access to the network systems and all the information on the network. The hack is easily discoverable so hackers may be very careful when it comes to accessing the backdoor. This means that smaller companies may not be targeted for risk of the backdoor being discovered. Chances are only the government systems are targeted.

The hack is so invasive that the only way to fix anything is to take the systems completely offline. Turning the servers off is not a safe way to secure the hack.

I have used Solarwinds for over ten years. It is a huge IT management system. Network analysis, system analysis, remote desktop support, remote updating, network and system performance, DHCP, log analyzer and much more. It has access to absolutely everything on a network.

This was bound to happen. We, in this country, have been way too lax in cybersecurity. Even Europe has more stringent laws than the United States. The good news is that hackers in the United States are far more skilled. We should probably take this seriously.



Being Woke Will Kill People

According to Vox:

“By now, we all know that Covid-19 is not an equal-opportunity killer. Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people are getting the disease more often and suffering more severe outcomes than white Americans.

The most glaring statistic: 1 in 1,000 Black Americans have already died in this pandemic. In the US, Black residents have been dying at twice the rate of white residents.

There’s nothing about being Black, in and of itself, that makes people more biologically susceptible to Covid-19. Instead, the disproportionate impact is due to an accumulation of factors from centuries of systemic racism. Discriminatory housing policies like redlining have made it harder to maintain social distance. Unequal education and job opportunities have compelled people to take on higher-risk work. Worse health care access has bred more underlying medical conditions.

A society that has foisted all these conditions on minority groups, which now make them more vulnerable to Covid-19, has to ask itself: When a vaccine is discovered, should people of color get priority access?”

This is sick and goes completely against science. The CDC actually said, for equity’s sake, that people of color should receive the virus first before people who are over 70 and those with actual pre-existing conditions that could lead them to dying.

This is insane:

People under the age of 65 have a 99.95% chance of surviving. Someone over the age of 65 goes up in death to 95%.

Poverty is a reason why disease spreads.

People of color are differently when it comes to culture. Hispanics and blacks do respect their parents and elders. They have family get-togethers, even if they fear the virus. I see this with my fiancé’s family. They all fear the virus but they get together anyway.

The virus isn’t racist and this bullshit of applying “equity” to give a 20 year old black man the vaccine before an 80-year-old white woman with diabetes is just insane. It also has nothing to do with science. We now have doctors that are saying that giving people of color the vaccine over those who are susceptible to COVID is a way of “evening the playing field” historically.

This is a very dangerous game that the science community is walking down. It can lead to distrust and anger. Not to mention that the plan that the CDC is bring up is not going to increase herd immunity or prevent death. Young people do not die of this disease. Even doctors and nurses, who do not work with COVID patients and are not in the high risk category, should get the vaccine before the elderly.



I’m Glad They’re Raising My Taxes

A Wisconsin man who is imprisoned for having raped his own daughter is constitutionally entitled to receive a sex change at taxpayer expense, a federal judge ruled earlier this month.

According to The Post Millennial:

“Mark Allen Campbell, 49, who was sentenced in 2007 to 34 years in jail after pleading guilty to first-degree sexual assault against his daughter, now identifies as a transgender woman and prefers the name Nicole Rose Campbell.”

U.S. District Judge James Peterson ruled that Campbell is entitled to sex change surgery and that he should be moved to a women’s prison in the meantime. The ruling stated:

“The rights of transgender persons and sex reassignment surgery remain politically controversial, even outside the prison context. And some members of the public are outraged at any effort to improve the health and well being of inmates. But the true public interest lies in alleviating needless suffering by those who are dependent on the government for their care.

“I decline to impose any further prerequisites on Campbell’s sex reassignment surgery; she has waited long enough.”

As The Post Millennial reported:

The dissenting judge, Diane Wood insisted that the DOC was deliberately indifferent to Campbell’s condition which could lead to self-castration, if in Campbell’s dismay at not having surgery provided Campbell would undertake to remove her penis with her own hand. Campbell’s lawyer agreed, stating that while the DOC medical director was respectful towards Campbell in allowing her to live as a woman, they refused to change their policy to accommodate her request.

The judge wrote:

“The Eighth Amendment requires prison healthcare professionals to exercise medical judgment when making decisions about an inmate’s treatment. And they cannot completely deny the care of a serious medical condition.

“But cases recognizing those broad principles could not have warned these defendants that treating an inmate’s gender dysphoria with hormone therapy and deferring consideration of sex-reassignment surgery violates the Constitution.”

Here is the Eighth Amendment:

“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

That’s it. This is not an Eighth Amendment thing. If he has a mental disease, he can have counseling or given drugs to mellow him out. Giving him a $100,000 surgery at tax payer expense is not going to cure him of anything. Cruel and unusual punishment is not letting a man remain a man while he’s in prison. Cruel and unusual punishment is being put on a rack, put in an iron maiden or fed to rats.

This is nothing but pure judicial activism.




