Episode 303 – This Guy? Really?

Merrick Garland goes through his confirmation hearings and I can’t believe this was Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

Joe Biden can’t stop deportations so he’s got to be sneaky about it.

I love when celebrities do this.


Garland Confirmation Hearings

This week, the nominee by the Biden administration for the attorney general, Merrick Garland, is going through his confirmation hearings.

If you remember, Merrick Garland was nominated for the Supreme Court by Barrack Obama after Antonin Scalia died. A confirmation hearing and vote was never taken by the Senate in 2015 because, well, the Senate was Republican and they didn’t want to. Neil Gorsche ended up becoming the Justice after Trump was elected.

I listened to this guy and thought to myself, “This guy is supposed to be a Supreme Court Justice? Really?” Every word was followed by an “uh” which were exuberated by questions that were “hard” from Republicans.

What is worse is, his answers. Let’s take a look at some of his answers during the hearing. Here is a quote of Garland responding to what he would do with trans women competing with women in sports. This is the least controversial answer he gave so I decided to address this one first. The question came from Senator Joe Kennedy. Listen:

This is not a difficult societal question. Should men compete against women because those men say they are women. It’s difficult because he has to keep up a narrative which is ridiculous. Here’s the thing” the Left complicates everything. It’s to keep society off-balance. The Right already knows the answer because it’s not complicated and science is objective. Men are different than women. Period. We are bigger, stronger and faster. Period.

That’s not insulting women. They are better able to handle stress, I’d say smarter and less reactionary and can survive child birth. They have their advantages and we have ours. But we are different.

I also think this is a cowardly word-salad of an answer. This is a I-want-to-be-nominated-answer. If I were Joe Kennedy, I would have said, “So you don’t have a problem with men competing with women in high school sports.” Next question.

Here’s a question by Senator Josh Howley about whether of not illegally crossing the border is a crime.

Immigration has been an issue for the last thirteen years. He’s never thought about it? Has he been living under a rock or is he lying to get confirmed.

Also, if one is in the country illegally, one has committed a crime. Weird how that works. This should have been a slam dunk question for Garland. It would have been true, satisfied Republicans and not given up his beliefs.

Resource allocation has nothing to do with prosecuting crimes. This was a political answer. He could have said, “Yes, I will prosecute crime” and satisfy everyone. He wouldn’t be lying. Unless he would be lying.

Garland has no intention of doing anything on the border. The reason he said what he said was because he would be nailed with perjury if he answered like I suggested.

Hey, but what does Merrick think about misinformation (not disinformation, there is a difference). Here is a question by Chris Coons about combatting misinformation. Not disinformation but misinformation.  Listen:

OK, so he’ll work with the administration about restricting “misinformation”.

We need to discuss the difference between misinformation and disinformation.

Democrats believe that disinformation and misinformation involve Fox News, OANN and Newsmax. Why is it misinformation? Because the Left does not like what they say.

With either definition, we also need to trust the people will actually look up information they learn to know whether the information is correct, a lie or inaccurate. I don’t think it’s the government’s responsibility to figure it out for us. Especially when one’s misinformation is another’s information.

They never discuss the misinformation we are getting from the mainstream legacy media. No one is talking about the lies CNN made up about the George Floyd or Armand Aubury deaths at police hands that caused the riots over the summer of 2020.

Finally, people are beginning to believe the misinformation of the mainstream media like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and the sort. In a poll from skeptic.com, we are finding that people are beginning to believe the BS about the George Floyd story. In the poll, it is found that most liberals believe that 100 to 10,000 unarmed black men have been killed by police in 2019.

How many unarmed black men were killed in 2019? Twenty-five. The fake media is having an effect. When we talk about “misinformation” we need to look at the mainstream media and not Fox, OANN or Newsmax.

In this final clip, Senator Josh Howley asks if the riots over the summer, some attacking federal court buildings, is considered domestic terror. This answer is incredible.

So, antifa and BLM are not terrorist organizations because the buildings they burned down and destroyed weren’t occupied? Because this happened at night it’s just what? Vandalism?

I would have asked these questions:

  • Is it terrorism when the police are in a police station and the riot threatens their safety to the point the police had to abandon the police station?
  • Is throwing rocks at the police terrorism?
  • Is burning down a business terrorism?
  • Is antifa a domestic terror organization?
  • Is BLM?


There have been 250 arrested for the January 6 riot. That’s over half the rioters. The rioters over the summer that were arrested is a fraction of that (14K out of, at a low end, 15 million). Most of the summer rioters were not convicted.

I am reading Any Ngo’s book, Unmasked. I bought this book because antifa threw a fit about it. I thought, cynically, it must be pretty accurate. The book is very enlightening about the workings of this anarchist communist group.

Merrick Garland is just another member of the Obama administration that is selected for the Biden administration. He is a radical. I’m sure he’s a great lawyer and judge but he’s a politician and a Leftist activist. Republicans want to change their ways, they should vote against his nomination.

  • https://www.dailywire.com/news/garland-on-if-illegal-border-crossing-should-still-be-a-crime-if-hell-prosecute-i-dont-know
  • https://www.skeptic.com/research-center/reports/Research-Report-CUPES-007.pdf