Episode 321 – Start Up the Presses

Joe Biden keeps screwing up the country. And he’s not finished yet.

Andrew Cuomo may not be able to deny this one.


Oh, This Guy…

Not only is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris screwing them up, but they are also trying to cover it up and they are doing a poor job of it. Mind you, I don’t think they care. That was their goal and they are getting a lot of help.

The Border

The border crisis is becoming worse. Or should I say, continues to be bad:

  • It is estimated that 6000 people are picked up per day. That’s close to 200% a month.
  • It is estimated that there will be 25,000 underaged, unattended children to cross this year. That’s 2400% up from last year.
  • The cartels are heard on camera saying they are making a lot of money, $14 million a day.
  • The border centers are at 1500% over capacity. So centers are just being released.
  • The Biden administration is asking foster homes to take in more children up to 26 per home.
  • 10 to 20% of thos who cross have COVID.


How does the Biden administration deal with this?

  • Kamala Harris has been appointed border czar, whatever that is.
  • Neither Biden nor Harris has visited the border yet and have no plans to.
  • The gave $86 million for the housing of the illegals in hotels and opened other facilities including a Texas football stadium.
  • It has just been reported that illegal alien children are being taught in California while schools for American have been shut down over the last year.
  • There is a gag order on anyone seeing the border centers. Even the media is beginning to call this out (audio-Chris Wallace, Fox News).
  • Ted Cruz was harassed by a Biden appointee when he started filming what he was seeing (audio- Ted Cruz R-Tex).


Chris Wallace and Jen Psaki on Fox News:


Ted Cruz and a Biden staffer on the border:

Again, the lack of effort by the Biden administration shows that this is intentional. But I think the honeymoon is almost over.


Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money

Biden isn’t finished spending either and this has a lot of people nervous.

  • Will announce, on Wednesday, a $3 trillion infrastructure bill (Recovery bill after the Rescue bill).
  • He said the bill will create a bunch of government jobs. I hate this.
  • Republicans said they will not approve a bill unless they know the money is actually going to infrastructure. I hate this.
  • They are talking about making the $300 child credit a permanent thing.
  • Biden is talking aboutĀ anotherĀ COVID stimulus bill. I didn’t get shit from the last one and many haven’t gotten their checks from the last one. Not to mention, they haven’t spent all the money from the first stimulus.


This is idiotic and completely irresponsible.

  • We do not have the money. Even if we were taxed 100%, we would not have enough money for all this. It is being printed.
  • Inflation is going to go insane in about two years.
  • Taxes are going to have to be raised (more on that later).
  • People are learning to be independent on government.



Remember when the income tax in the United States was suppose to be temporary? Seriously. We were only suppose to be taxed for a few years to recover from a war than it was suppose to be repealed.

Yeah, no.

Now that we are looking to spend $5 trillion in Biden’s first three months and haven’t even talked about money needed just to run the government. So, the Biden administration, right now, is looking to raise some taxes.

Here we go:

  • Raises taxes on any home making $400,000. This is is bullshit.
  • Jen Paski has let the cat out of the bag that it will be families making over $200,000.
  • There will be no benefits for married couples. If the family makes $400,000 (so they say) it is the entire family. There are no benefits if it is a couple make $400,000. This takes away the incentive to be married, destroying the nuclear family. This is not an accident.
  • They want to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. There go jobs for the working class. This is also an attack on Trump’s tax cuts.


You know what they are going to find? This isn’t going to be enough (duh!). The Democrats are going to have to get creative on how to raise money. They are not talking about this but this stuff is being mentioned.

  • Say goodbye to the Trump tax cuts.
  • Say hello to Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax.
  • Pete Buttigieg mentioned putting a tax on mileage one drives.


Put on your seatbelts. Here we go.



It’s Done

Andrew Cuomo is done.

  • There are now nine people accusing Cuomo of sexual harassment.
  • The latest accused him of trying to kiss her. Sherry Vill. She seems pissed.
  • Vill has hired Gloria Allred and has pictures. Oops.
  • Cuomo said he was trying to “comfort” her. He’s done.
  • It has also been reported that people within the Cuomo clan were able to get COVID testing before the regular people.
  • Why is he not being impeached for sexual harassment when his policies let to the death of over 15,000 elderly people and then covering it up?


He’s done.

  • https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-accuser-sherry-vill-new-york-kiss
