Episode 338 – Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Joe Biden has his first State-of the-Something speech. I bet if you talk to Joe Biden, he wouldn’t know what it was. Or what time it was. or where it was. Or what day it was.

Whatever, let’s talk about it.


How’d the Speech Go

This speech was suppose to be a, kind of, State of the Union and an address for the Congress. Basically, Biden has hidden himself so much that he, or should I say, his administration is getting pressure to start talking.

But there is also a reason he needed to talk. He wants to push his American Families Plan. This is another $2 billion plan that does all sorts of bazaar things that will put us further into debt. This stuff is going to get harder and harder to sell.

In his first hundred days, Biden has passed:

  • The COVID rescue plan that was $2.4 trillion.
  • Proposed an infrastructure plan that only provides 6% of the $1.9 trillion to actual infrastructure.
  • We still have to pay over $4 trillion just to keep the government open.


Biden wants to spend over $10 trillion of our money, which we don’t have, on garbage programs. Later, we are going to go through the American Families Plan from the WhiteHouse.gov website and talk about what this plan is going to give money to. I don’t even want to waste much time on the speech because it was simply a a bunch of platitudes and lies.

  • First off, there were only 200 invited guests in a hall that holds about 1800. Everyone was distant but all were required to wear masks.
  • As Biden was walking in, everyone was fist bumping. Seemed more of a backyard grunge party than a political speech.
  • Biden started by pointing out he had a black woman as President of the Senate and a really old white woman as Speaker of the House. I’ll point out that this is a man who believes gender is fluid so why does he care.
  • He started by talking about how America is awesome. Weird since he, this week, was saying how we were all systemically racist.
  • He started selling his new plan saying how great it would be and that it would not add to the deficit. What?
  • He said that his plan would only affect people earning $400K a year. A lie.
  • He said the rich need to pay their fair share. A lie.
  • He took credit for the COVID thing…again.
  • We would “build back better” by “building back better”. OK.


As the speech went on, Joe began to lose it. He began to stumble. Fifty minutes into it he started to get mean against the United States. Just when people stopped listening. Or, like Ted Cruz and Chuck Schumer, started falling asleep. He talked about:

  • America is racist.
  • Guns violence is an epidemic and we must get rid of a gun.
  • He talks about rifles having 100 rounds. I’ve never even seen one.
  • He lied about gun violence and the “assault weapons” ban of the 90s.
  • He brought up the “ghost guns” thing…again.
  • White supremacy is a threat and is terrorism.
  • He said that January 6 was the worst thing to happen to the United States since the Civil War. No talk about the riots of the last year.
  • Allow men to compete against women.
  • Violence against women act. Guess what? It’s already illegal to kill or beat a woman.
  • He said some things that are really bad. Listen to the first:


No, no, no!

  • OK, the deer in the Kevlar vest thing was kind of funny. But the number of rounds doesn’t count, it’s the size of the bullet that matters.
  • By the way, armor-piercing bullets are illegal? Really?
  • I’m a proud gun guy but I’ve never seen a 100-round magazine. In fact, I thought they were already illegal.
  • Anyway, who is he to say what I need? Maybe I do need a 100-round magazine. Maybe I have a bad rabbit problem who keep eating my “organic” lettuce and carrots? Maybe there are so many bunnies, their farts are eating the O-zone layer?
  • Gun owners do not support this. That’s a lie.
  • Or maybe I fear a tyrannical government is trying to violate my Constitutional rights and I want to fight that tyranny. That’s what the Second Amendment is about. Don’t believe me? Read it.
  •  Finally, the Constitution is absolute. If the law is not mentioned in the Constitution, then the law is up to the states.
  • In fact, the Second Amendment of the Constitution is so absolute, people were able to keep cannons in there homes and ships. Because it was absolute.
  • As far as the “You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater,” that’s BS. It’s not law. You can. If there’s a fire in a crowded theater. If you do and there is no fire, you are civically libel. Not Constitutionally.


This just proves that Joe Biden doesn’t not believe in the Constitution.

In the Constitution, “We the people…” does not mean all people. Those in the government are not considered, “We the people…”. The Constitution means citizens of the United States. It’s written to protect us from government.

Here’s the thing, the Founding Fathers were afraid we would free ourselves from one tyrannical government just to be overtaken by another, in this case organic, tyrannical government. Government officials are still considered citizens from “We the People” but were seen as very ambitious. So ambitious that they would become tyrants is left unchecked.