Episode 364 – How Embarrassing

This has been a really bad week for the Biden administration as far as foreign policy is concerned. First, Kamala Harris screw up in Central America and Mexico. Now Joe Biden in Europe during the G7. We still have Russia to deal with.

Iran is feeling empowered, thanks to the Biden administration.

And the government, once again, proves they’re incompetent.


The G7 Disaster

Not You, Boris

“We need to make sure that as we recover, we level up across our societies and we build back better,” Johnson said, the New York Post reported. “And I actually think that we have a huge opportunity to do that, because as G7, we are united in our vision for a cleaner, greener world, a solution to the problems of climate change. And in those ideas, in those technologies, which we’re all addressing together, I think there is the potential to generate many, many millions of high-wage, high-skill jobs.”

“And I think that is what the people of our countries now want us to focus on,” the conservative PM continued.

“They want us to be sure that we’re beating the pandemic together and discussing how we’ll never have a repeat of what we’ve seen, but also that we’re building back better together,” Johnson said. “And building back greener and building back fairer and building back more equal and in a more gender-neutral and perhaps a more feminine way. How about that, apart from everything else. So those are some of the objectives that we have before us at Carbis Bay.”

The Outcomes

The Daily Wire summed up the weekend in five points. Mind you, the United States lost with everything this weekend because Joe Biden is a globalist and doesn’t care about the United States.

1. Biden’s “top priorities” were focusing on doing more for other countries while speaking in woke terms:

  • “Ending the pandemic and maintaining robust support for an equitable, inclusive global economic recovery were the top priorities of our nations as we got together. We know we can’t achieve one without the other; that is, we have to deal with the pandemic and — in order to be able to deal with economic recovery, which — as we’re doing in the States, but we committed that we’re going to do more for the rest of the world as well.”
  • “The fact is that we — the U.S. contribution is the foundation — the foundation to work out how we’re going to deal with the 100 nations that are poor and having trouble finding vaccines and having trouble dealing with reviving their economies if they were, in the first place, in good shape.”

2. Biden committed to helping fill a $40 trillion need to build infrastructure in other counties. 

  • “We also made a momentous commitment at the G7 to help meet more than a $40 trillion need that exists for infrastructure in the developing world. I put forward an idea that was called — we named the ‘Build Back Better World Partnership,’ which is — we’re calling it the ‘B3W.’”

3. Biden attacked the use of fossil fuels. 

  • “We also made a historic commitment to permanently eliminate the use of our public finance to support unabated coal projects around the world, and to end — and to end them by this year. The G7 agreed to that. And those who are not members, but visiting members who are participating in the G7, who have coal-fired facilities have also agreed that they would work in that direction as well.”
  • “So, transitioning the world to cleaner energy sources is urgent, it’s essential if we’re going to beat the climate. And there is — one of the things I — some of my colleagues said to me when I was there was, ‘Well, the United States is — their leadership recognizes there is global warming.’ And I know that sounds silly, but, you know, we had a President who last — who basically said it’s not a problem — global warming. It is the existential problem facing humanity, and it’s being treated that way. So we’re going to provide up to $2 billion to support developing company [sic] — countries as they transition away from unabated coal-fired power.”

4. Biden insulted the words of the Declaration of Independence, saying they sounded “corny.”

  • We’re unique as a country. We’re built on — we’re unique in a sense that we’re not based on ethnicity or geography or religion; we’re one nation that said we organized on an idea: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal.” It sounds corny, but it’s real.

5. Biden said that he would be open to handing people inside the U.S. over to the Russian government.

Biden made the remarks with NBC News’s Peter Alexander:

ALEXANDER: But [Russian President Vladimir Putin] said — then, just to conclude — today, he said that Russia would be ready to hand over cyber criminals to the United States if the U.S. would do the same to Russia and an agreement came out of this meeting coming up. So, are you open to that kind of a trade with Vladimir Putin?

BIDEN: Yes, I’m open to — if there’s crimes committed against Russia that, in fact, are — and the people committing those crimes are being harbored in the United States — I’m committed to holding them accountable. And I’m — I heard that; I was told, as I was flying here, that he said that. I think that’s — that’s potentially a good sign and progress.

Later, Biden’s staff said the United States would not be handing over Russian prisoners in the United States in exchange for criminals against the United States.

Another area that was not covered in the Daily Wire was the global corporate tax rate of 15%. This will allow other countries to tax U.S. companies that work outside of the United States. What’s jacked up about this is that European companies that work within the United States will not get taxed by the United States.

Who gets screwed with this global tax? U.S. citizens. We end up paying higher rates because companies we use will have to raise their rates to pay the higher taxes.

The final area of concern is the Biden agreed that the organization who should investigate the origin of the COVID-19 virus. They decided that the best group to investigate would be the World Health Organization. Yeah, they want the Chinese propaganda source that hid everything about COVID-19 because China wanted them to. These folks are slaves to China. Biden should be one that wants to find out what happened but he won’t do it.


The Gaffs

Biden had dozens of gaffs and he can’t get

  • Biden repeatedly mixed up Syria and Libya. He did this three times in his rambling, incoherent answers to a question on Russia.
  • Biden repeatedly called COVAX, an initiative aimed at supplying the world with vaccines, “COVID.” The White House made adjustments to the official transcript of Biden’s speech to reflect that he repeatedly got the name wrong.
  • Biden, at a separate G7 event, was laughed at by world leaders after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had to remind Biden of something that he just happened moments prior.
  • In his only solo press, Biden only took questions from reporters pre-selected by his staff.
  • In his final speech, Biden said four times that his staff was going to get mad at him if he continued to answer questions.
  • When speaking to French President Macron, staff threw all reporters out when they started asking him questions.
  • Joe Biden wandered into the wrong cafeteria for lunch and had to be led out by his staff.

This is your President. How do you think Biden is going to do when he faces Vladimir Putin? Well, he will not be holding a press conference with Putin because he did not want to get into a verbal sparring match with him in front of the media and the world. That’s because his staff knows Putin will eat Biden’s lunch.


Here’s what we got out of this whole thing:

  • Wokeness has struck all the leaders of the G7. If Conservative Boris Johnson gets woke, we are in trouble.
  • Globalism is on Biden’s agenda. He doesn’t care about the United States. He thinks we have too much and he feels the United States should help the world so everything can be more “equitable”.
  • Europe won big in this whole thing. Not only did they get to tax American corporations 15% but Biden promised to send American tax payer money to third world countries to improve their countries.
  • Meanwhile, what does the U.S. get? Nothing.
  • Biden promised to support NATO countries they way the United States did before Trump. In other words, pay for everything and get nothing.
  • But worse of all, Biden has shown how week he is and how out-to-lunch he is. I’m pretty sure every country, right now, knows they can take full advantage of him.
