Joe Biden meets with Vlad Putin and it doesn’t look like it went well.
I’m a White supremacist and a racist. I just need to look at what I did yesterday to prove it.
And why can’t people listen to those who’ve been there before.
Biden/Putin Summit
Today, President Biden met with President Putin from Russia to discuss, well, not really sure. I know we will have more to talk about tomorrow when the dust settles. The meeting lasted about four hours. When it was completed, the two held separate press conferences.
That is bad. President Putin said some things that were just not true and Biden wasn’t there to contradict him. It showed tremendous weakness.
This is what we got out of the Putin press conference:
- He answered about thirty questions and spoke for an hour.
- He said he never felt pressure and the conversation was friendly.
- He said there were no agreements established but he said they understand each other better though they had disagreements.
- He did not take responsibility for any of the hacks. He said the United States did most of the hacking in the world.
- When pushed on the imprisonment of his opposition Alexi Nelvany, Putin side-stepped it by comparing his imprisonment to the January 6th riot and the imprisonment of the rioters.
- When asked about their human rights violations, Putin side-stepped it by talking about the “racism” in the United States and our systemic racism.
Biden’s press conference was about half an hour. Here’s what we saw:
- In his opening statement, he talked about human rights and sounded strong with a loud voice. He was trying to sound strong.
- He talked about voting interference.
- He gave Putin a list of infrastructure areas that should never be attacked by cyber criminals.
- He spoke about the humanitarian issues in Syria.
- He talked about the arctic being a free zone from military settlements.
- He talked about how Iran cannot get a nuclear weapons.
- He expressed concerns about the Ukraine and Belarus.
- When he took questions, he, again, followed a list of reporters provided to him by his staff. We found out later he had a teleprompter.
- This makes the press conference look staged.
- The questions look like they were pre-approved.
- He kept looking at his notes as if he is reading the answers to the press questions.
- He did not call on Peter Duecy of Fox News. This would have been the one guy who would have asked hard questions. He did take one when he was leaving and it was about China and COVID-19.
- He took his coat off in the middle of the questioning because it was hot. A very strange move.
- The questions were very simple. No one pushed him.
- He got angry at the end because a reporter asked him why he was confident Putin will change his behavior.
It was a bad press conference. It was a good call that Biden didn’t have a joint press conference. Biden talked to seven reporters, Putin talked to eighteen. We ended up giving Russia the Nordstream pipeline but we got nothing. This whole thing has been a disaster.
Why Aren’t These People Being Interviewed
One of the reasons that I hold the beliefs that I have is because of my grandparent and family.
I fear communism and tyranny of any kind. I also appreciate the freedoms that our Constitution provides and know that they are unique throughout the world and history.
- My grandparents escaped Nazi Germany.
- The grandfather was wanted by the Nazis for being a spy and was then held as a spy for a time when he got to the United States.
- They came here with no money and was able to go from nothing without being able to speak English to very wealthy because of the opportunities that the United States gave them.
- My aunt was trapped in the USSR where her husband was a member of the Politburo.
- The aunt came to the United States once but came alone. She was not allowed to bring her family because they wanted her to return.
- She and her husband disappeared and it was presumed they were executed.
Their story of my family is not unique. Their experiences led them to love and appreciate this country and despise any tyrannical government. They have also always feared this country could end up like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. All it would take is people to stop appreciate what they have.
We are seeing this today.
Yeonmi Park, a 27-year-old who escaped from sex slavery in China after fleeing North Korea, is warning that leftist professors inside America’s top academic universities are indoctrinating students with extreme ideologies that remind her of North Korea.
This clip is long but I think her message is important:
This is someone who should be listened to. She has gone through about as much suffering as anyone could have ever gone through thanks to the tyranny fir in North Korea and then China. She knows what communism is. She know what socialism is. She in young, part of the same generation that is calling for communism in this country. The difference is that generation has never experienced communism and tyranny. They have become spoiled by the freedom they have.
I would suggest that any of these Antifa or BLM fools actually go to a communist country and see what is happening. Go to North Korea and try to burn a business like they are here (though there really aren’t any businesses in North Korea). See what happens. Go and protest the government in China, see what happens. Oh, wait, we saw what happened in Hong Kong but no one cared. Go to Cuba and talk crap about Castro and see what happens.
Of course, none of them will do that. They will continue to demonize people who appreciate this country, including this brave woman. And she knows it and says it’s already happening:
Listen, people will not learn. We will not be able to teach them. The way we end this scourge is remember who we are and fight against those who push back. That is happening now and we are seeing it almost on a daily basis.
- Rick DeSantis laws fighting all this woke crap.
- Greg Abbott building his own wall in Texas and making laws to fight this woke crap.
- Parents fighting against school boards to end CRT and the LGBTQ indoctrination.
- People moving from blue states to red states.
- Gun ownership sky rocketing.
We can and will take this country back and I am confident we will.