Joe Biden pumps up his 76th Executive Order. It’s a doozy.
And Hunter adds another splinter to daddy’s butt.
That Makes 76
Joe Biden decided to sign a very expansive executive order on Friday. It hits everything from your iPhone all the way to tractor repair. It also is going going to really mess with the smart phone apps all of us love so much.
A lot of people say that this is the executive order for big business. All I know is that it is an executive order that is going to cost consumers money because of the regulations it puts on business. Here’s what Old Joe says:
Yeah, Joe giving a speech on economics and capitalism is like me giving a speech on brain surgery. He’s been a politician for 50 years. He’s never created or run a business. He’s never hired a single employee. He’s qualified to tell me about the economy? I have run a business and worked in the business world?
Let’s take a look at it.
Here’s what it’s going to do:
- For healthcare:
- Calls on the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a plan within 45 days to combat high prescription-drug prices.
- Calls for HHS to consider rules within 120 days to allow hearing aids to be sold over the counter.
- Directs the Food and Drug Administration to help expedite imports of prescription drugs from Canada.
- Encourages the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission to revise guidelines for hospital mergers.
- Calls on HHS to back hospital price transparency rules, addressing surprise hospital billing; and standardize plans on the National Health Insurance Marketplace to help comparison shopping.
- The prescription drug thing trips me out. Donald Trump already did what Biden wanted and Biden reversed his order.
- I think the government, for the most part, stay out of how hospitals do business.
- The transparency in hospital billing has always been a thing. Blame the government for that, not the doctor. They put so many restriction on doctors that the doctors do the cheapest thing and then get into trouble when they need to charge more.
- Concerning Internet Services:
- Encourages the Federal Communications Commission to prevent internet service providers from making deals with landlords that limit tenants’ choices for broadband services.
- Calls on the communications regulator to require service providers to report prices and rates and limit early termination fees.
- Encourages the FCC to restore “net neutrality” rules undone by the Trump administration.
- This tries to bring back Net Neutrality where everyone gets the same bandwidth no matter their usage. Here’s a secret, bandwidth is finite. If person A doesn’t use the Internet much and person B uses it all day, The company will limit person’s A bandwidth to meet person B’s needs. This is conversation.
- It bans pre-installed Internet so that building can’t be wired.
- The best way to limit pricing is not restrictions but more competition. That is happening now.
- Big Tech:
- Pledges greater scrutiny of mergers by dominant internet platforms and the acquisition of smaller competitors.
- Urges the FTC to establish rules on large platforms’ use of surveillance and gathering of user data.
- Urges the FTC to create rules “barring unfair methods of competition” that could harm smaller businesses.
- Encourages the FTC to curb cellphone manufacturers’ restrictions against repairs by independent shops or consumers.
- Just asking for more regulations on Big Tech without actually doing anything.
- Limits Big Tech from acquiring smaller companies. This will make it that apps created will need to charge for their product instead of selling them to the Big Tech companies. By the way, that’s what app makers actually want.
- This also eliminates proprietary hardware and software that will allow users to fix their own equipment. I don’t agree with this because it is a business strategy of a lot of companies.
- Labor:
- Encourages the FTC to ban or limit the use of noncompete clauses and occupational licensing restrictions to limit workers’ mobility.
- Encourages the FTC and the Justice Department to limit employers’ ability to share, with other businesses, wage and benefits data to suppress outlays to employees.
- Essentially, this law wants to restrict states and federalize occupational licensing. If one has a contractor’s license from California, one will have to get another license if he moves to the state of Texas. I’m not sure if this is Constitutional.
- I have always said that the market should determine minimum wage. This takes this option away from the market.
- Transportation and Shipping:
- Urges the Transportation Department to issue rules requiring refunds of fees when airline baggage is delayed or when services like in-flight Wi-Fi or entertainment systems don’t work or aren’t provided.
- Urges the Surface Transportation Board to require freight railroad track owners to provide rights of way to passenger rail.
- Urges the Federal Maritime Commission to help rein in “detention and demurrage” fees that foreign shipping companies use against American exporters for time their freight waits to be loaded or unloaded.
- Though I hardly feel bad for any airlines, they are terrible and horribly overpriced, I hardly a government entity can run them any better.
- Let the experts in the travel industry deal with all the pitfalls that occur in the travel agency.
- Agriculture:
- Urges the U.S. Department of Agriculture to consider stricter rules for when meat can use “Product of USA” labels.
- Urges the FTC to limit farm-equipment manufacturers from restricting repairs on the equipment by independent shops or the farmers themselves.
- The first could actually help farmers, making sure that food stuffs actually have what they say they have. But I see a couple of problems with this:
- When has a rule of regulation ever lowered prices on products?
- If prices go up, won’t people stop buying as much meat and farmers could lose money and income?
- Again, I like the idea that farmers can fix their own equipment but isn’t that something the producer of the tractor should determine? And can’t the farmer buy another tractor if they want to fix their own tractor?
- Banking and Finance:
- Urges the Justice Department and other agencies to update guidelines on banking mergers and bolster scrutiny of those mergers.
- Encourages the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to implement rules to allow banking customers to transfer their financial data from one bank to another.
- I understand why mergers of financial institutions are analyzed, but those mergers are already analyzed by the government by law. There are a lot of mergers that end because the government says, “no.” What exactly is the government going to add to their existing analysis?
- And, as far as the transfer of banking data between banks, be prepared for more fees on your account. This is all rules like this create.
What is the most disturbing about this executive order is the expansion of bureaucracies. I hate bureaucracies. They are allowed to make rules and laws without any oversite by the people we actually vote for. Also, most of these bureaucracies are made up by people who know nothing about business, capitalism or even the function they are in charge of overseeing.
Where Did This Come From?
Where do these crazy ideas come from. Here’s going to be a shocker: They come from elites with no experience and an understanding of a lot of theories who will no be affected in the least by the policies that they put in place.
Let’s look at the architect of this executive order:
- The guy who came up with this mess is named Tim Wu.
- He is a law professor and a progressive antitrust advocate.
- He wrote several regulations under the Obama administration. All those were overturned by the Trump administration.
- He is a professor at Columbia Law School.
- He is a contributor for the New York Times.
- He is the founder of “net neutrality”.
Folks, he’s not even a lawyer. He’s a frigging teacher at an Ivy League school who reads a lot and understands legal philosophy. He has no practical experience in any of the fields that he is making policy for.
He’s not the first one. Jonathan Gruber wrote the Affordable Care Act. He had no experience in healthcare.
Do you know who would have been a great advisor for any business policy? Donald Trump. Maybe that’s why his crap worked.
We Really Can Trust This Guy?
Hunter Biden has got to be the biggest pain in the ass for the Biden administration.
- He almost derailed Joe’s candidacy by taking in millions of dollars from China and the Ukraine (Burisma anyone).
- He almost derailed Joe’s candidacy with his crack smoking and hooker-loving (possibly with underage kids) found on his laptop. Thanks to the media, that disappeared.
- His E-mails and text messages showed that Joe was probably involved in money gathering from Ukraine. The media ignored that.
- Hunter illegally purchased and disposed of a handgun. Tough for a pro-gun control Joe.
- Forget the fact that Hunter boned his dead brother’s wife and got a stripper pregnant.
Now, Hunter is doing something else that is leaving a bunch of questions.
- Hunter started doing “art” about three months ago. Surprisingly, by blowing paint through a straw.
- To say his “art” is “art” is a stretch. Most critics say it is garbage.
- He is now having an auction in September. His art could sell for as much as $500K.
- The art community is known for criminals laundering money. That is not out of the question here and this is becoming a headache for Old Joe.
- Joe Biden’s ethics chief has already said this is a bad idea.
- The White House made a deal with the brokerage house:
- Any suspicious bids will be rejected. I would think any of them would be suspicious.
- The bidders will be kept anonymous. They will not be known by anyone.
Yeah, no.
Jen Psaki thinks that this is not only a great plan, but it is transparent:
Yeah, no. This is the double-speak of the Democratic party.
Heck, even CNN is not buying this BS:
I have no doubt this is a money making scheme that can be done because Hunter’s last name is Biden. I also thinking this is probably money laundering scheme.
- Hunter has been doing art for three months. His art is crap. Why would anyone want it?
- The brokerage house gets 50% of the sales. You think a customer who wants to meet Hunter won’t be allowed to because it’s against the rules?
- Why can’t Hunter wait for three and a half years, when Joe is out of office?
You know why and so do I. If Old Joe was really worried, he would bend Hunter over his knee and give him a spanking. Though I’m not sure that would deter Hunter.
Why Is No One Reporting This?