Episode 382 – Big Brother is Watching!

The Biden administration isn’t even hiding it anymore.

Cancel culture and censorship is a virus and it is spreading.

And things are getting worse at the southern border but keep those Cubans out.


The Cat is Out of the Bag

What’s the Big Deal?

The Biden administration missed its goal on the number of vaccine shots it wanted to give out. This might be a big deal to the media and Democrats but not to me. I do not see this thing as a failure. Anyone who wanted the vaccine can get it. If they don’t want it, they won’t get it. No big deal.

But the Biden administration is taking this personally and they are slinging blame to social media. I think, because of the Vaccine “failure,” they have accidently let the cat out of the bag about what their intentions are.

The Attack on Social Media

The Surgeons General, Vivek Murthy, released a report last week called Confronting Health Misinformation.

In it, Murthy recommended imposing consequences for accounts on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) that post “misinformation” about the vaccine.

In a statement, Murthy said:

Health misinformation is an urgent threat to public health. It can cause confusion, sow mistrust, and undermine public health efforts, including our ongoing work to end the COVID-19 pandemic. As Surgeon General, my job is to help people stay safe and healthy, and without limiting the spread of health misinformation, American lives are at risk. From the tech and social media companies who must do more to address the spread on their platforms, to all of us identifying and avoiding sharing misinformation, tackling this challenge will require an all-of-society approach, but it is critical for the long-term health of our nation.”

One item in this list is to “Prioritize early detection of misinformation ‘super-spreaders’ and repeat offenders,” with Big Tech giants directed to “[i]mpose clear consequences for accounts that repeatedly violate platform policies.”

He also said he believes companies should:

  • Adjust algorithms so that misinformation is not amplified and “correct” information is.
  • Warnings should be used on any post that is considered by the Biden White House as “misinformation.”
  • Increase moderation staffing.
  • Moderate live streams as well as static posts.

Big Brother is watching!

The complete list of recommendations include:

  • Assess the benefits and harms of products and platforms and take responsibility for addressing the harms.
  • Give researchers access to useful data to properly analyze the spread and impact of misinformation.
  • Strengthen the monitoring of misinformation.
  • Prioritize early detection of misinformation “super-spreaders” and repeat offenders.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of internal policies and practices in addressing misinformation and be transparent with findings.
  • Proactively address information deficits.
  • Amplify communications from trusted messengers and subject matter experts.
  • Prioritize protecting health professionals, journalists, and others from online harassment.

Apparently, the Biden administration is already on the ball. They have been actively monitoring social media content for a while and working with the Surgeon General and the social media companies.

Joe Biden

Well, Joe Biden is rather clear about what he thinks about the social media platform.


Facebook did not take this lying down. They decided to hit Biden back. They pointed to all the things they did during the COVID pandemic including.

In a statement, Facebook said:

“We will not be distracted by accusations which aren’t supported by the facts. The fact is that more than 2 billion people have viewed authoritative information about COVID-19 and vaccines on Facebook, which is more than any other place on the internet. More than 3.3 million Americans have also used our vaccine finder tool to find out where and how to get a vaccine. The facts show that Facebook is helping save lives. Period.”

In an interview with NBC News, a Facebook official said:

“In private exchanges the Surgeon General has praised our work, including our efforts to inform people about COVID-19. They knew what they were doing. The White House is looking for scapegoats for missing their vaccine goals.”

I am bothered by this. Very bothered.

Jen Psaki

I love listening to Jen Psaki’s press conferences. She is the clarification of how radical and Leftist Joe Biden is. She always says the things that show us what the agenda of the Biden administration is. Old Joe, believe it or not, is not a good indication of where the policies are going to go. That is because he is either a great politician and can hide his intentions or he is a really old man that has no idea what is going on. You choose which.

When this report came out and, after the words of the Surgeon General, Jen Psaki was ready to blow the whole plan open.

Jen Psaki at her press conference:

I have a couple of questions here:

  • Who is determining what is misinformation? The White House?
  • Assuming the above question is the White House, why should we believe them? As we will see in the next section, they have been f-ing this up from the beginning. Both Trump and Biden.
  • Notice she switched from “misinformation” (which is mistaken information) to disinformation (which are lies). Again, there has been a lot of “disinformation” from the government over the last year. Some we haven’t even gotten to the bottom of it. Most of it is coming from the most trusted source of the White House, Tony Fauci.
  •  They are flagging problematic post for Facebook? Is the U.S. government not editing what Facebook can post? This is a big one because this is what President Trump’s lawsuit is all about: Facebook being an agent of the United States government.
  • And who are these “reliable sources” she’s talking about that we are suppose to trust? Is Tony Fauci one of them?

But Jen goes further. She seems to be all in on cancel culture. She thinks people who post what the White House doesn’t like, those people shouldn’t be welcome on social media:

This is really scary stuff. The government wants to be able to cancel you because you say something they don’t like. What’s messed up is they don’t know what is right and wrong themselves. They talk about how they are the party of science but they have been jacking this up from day one. Let’s review the past:

  • They said we had to wear masks even after vaccinated.
  • They held up the Johnson and Johnson vaccine because of an extremely rare condition.
  • The insistence that only certain protests spread the virus.
  • Kamala Harris saying she would never take the “Trump vaccine.”
  • The allowing of illegal aliens to come into the country unvaccinated.

Now, we are finding out that it isn’t Conservatives or even Trump supporters that are hesitant to get the vaccine. Most who will not get the vaccine. According to CNN (the hate Trump network):

“A look at the data reveals that the vaccine hesitant group, however, are not big Trump lovers. They’re actually likely not to be Republican. Instead, many of them are people who are detached from the political process and didn’t vote for either major candidate in 2020. The most recent Kaiser poll helps illustrate that the vaccine hesitant group doesn’t really lean Republican. Just 20% of the group called themselves Republican with an additional 19% being independents who leaned Republican. The clear majority (61%) were not Republicans (41% said they were Democrats or Democratic leaning independents and 20% were either pure independents or undesignated).” 

Just an FYI: 55% of those who will not get vaccinated are Republicans or right-leaning independents.

Anyway, the government telling us we are too stupid to make decisions on our own or can’t do our own research to make a decision for ourselves are pushing back. The bane of Jen Psaki’s existence, Peter Doocy, really landed some heavy blows on Paski. Listen:

Couple of thing here:

  • No, that was not a loaded or inaccurate question. The Biden administration just admitted they were watching people’s Facebook posts and flagging them.
  • She also said she thinks people passing “disinformation” should be banned from all social media platforms.
  • As far as saying they are in touch with all sorts of media platforms, that’s because the media is in cahoots with the White House.
  • The thing with the list is something that Democrats have been talking about since Trump lost the Presidency. Just look on Twitter.
  • Reality: most people who are not taking the vaccine have decided not to take the vaccine and are not paying attention to news opinions.
  • And to answer Jen’s question that it’s more important to worry about being monitored or dying of the China virus, it’s more important that we are being monitored.
    • Freedom isn’t free.
    • The virus isn’t that dangerous.
    • This is a method of monitoring that will never go away.


Some things to think about:

  • This is not the start of Big Brother. It’s been going on for years. Obama did it too. So did Trump, but he did it for different reasons.
  • Who is determining what is “misinformation” and “disinformation”? Where is the United States government getting their information? They do not have a great track record.
  • This is the government’s way of controlling information. Where does it end.
  • I am also bothered that the government thinks we are just too stupid to make decisions on our own.
  • This is tyranny. Unlike Obama and even Trump, the Biden administration isn’t hiding the ball.
  • The demonizing of people who do not share the opinions will go further.









