Episode 383 – They’re Coming!

Cancel Culture is in full swing.

The border continues to be a mess but don’t expect any changes.

And California follows the old adage, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”



Cancel Culture is Now Coming for the Enemy

The last story is important because now the Left is screaming that we must stop “misinformation” from being able to be accessed by people. The “misinformation” is the information that the Left doesn’t like. The reason it is so dangerous to ignore all this is because, eventually, the mainstream will go after you or something you like.


National Public Radio, NPR, a tax funded, Leftist news source, is going after my favorite news site, The Daily Wire. Is it because they said something wrong, lied about something or misled anyone with one of their stories? No. It’s because the Daily Wire is Conservative and Conservative information is “misinformation”.

Understand something, the Daily Wire is a Conservative news site. Every article states that it is a Conservative news site. All the hosts proclaim that they are Conservative. Their political stance is not hidden and honest (unlike CNN, ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, NBC, Reuters or the AP).

I also want to point out, in the two years that I have subscribed to the site, I have never seen a retraction, never felt offended by something the wrote or said and have only seen three corrections.

This is what NPR wrote:

Publicly the site does not purport to be a traditional news source. On its ‘About’ page, the site declares, “The Daily Wire does not claim to be without bias,” and goes on to say, “We’re opinionated, we’re noisy, and we’re having a good time.”

It’s not clear that the millions of people engaging with the site’s news stories every month recognize that. The Daily Wire’s content looks no different in Facebook’s newsfeed than an article from a local newspaper, making it potentially difficult to distinguish between more and less reliable or biased information sources.

  • Again, Daily Wire needs to be banned because people are too stupid to read an article and know there is a Conservative bias.
  • The reality is the Daily Wire is a news site. Just because they don’t like the spin they put on a news story or choose to focus on a specific news story doesn’t make the stories untrue.
  • People do have a choice. They don’t have to read the stories from the Daily Wire. People do because the writing is great, the commentary is great and they cover all sides of the debate.
  • They also bring stories that the mainstream media or Leftist news organizations ignore. That makes them stand out and draws readers to them.

Another section of the article states:

The articles The Daily Wire publishes don’t normally include falsehoods (with some exceptions), and the site said it is committed to “truthful, accurate and ethical reporting.”

But as Settle explains, by only covering specific stories that bolster the conservative agenda (such as negative stories about socialist countries and polarizing stories about race and sexuality issues) and only including certain facts, readers still come away from The Daily Wire’s content with the impression that Republican politicians can do little wrong and cancel culture is among the nation’s greatest threats.

  • So they are admitting the news on the Daily Wire is not “misinformation”.
  • The Daily Wire is telling stories people want to hear. Is that what I’m hearing?
  •  Most people are against socialism, the race baiting and the sexual perversions being embraced by the mainstream media.
  • Daily Wire Commentators are very open that they focus on the culture, not necessarily politics. They do this because politics is downstream of culture. They openly say this.
  • Daily Wire constantly criticizes Republicans including Donald Trump. Ben Shapiro didn’t even vote for President Trump.
  • Cancel culture is a threat. The goal of this article and the attacks on Fox News by CNN are openly calling for the elimination of these sites because they are “misinformation”.

That Was a Good Book

I used to buy electronic books. It was just easier and didn’t take up any room. Well, I don’t do that anymore. I buy my books and try to get them in hard cover, if I can, so I can have the physical book. That’s because Amazon has been banning books and, if you have an electronic version of the book or the audio book, they will actually pull the book from your device. They have done that before and all for woke reasons.

Why am I bringing this up?

A while back, I mentioned a book called  Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier. She is a reporter that does some freelance work for news sites like The Federalist. She wrote a book about the rising trend of teenage girls deciding they are actually trans-boys and their transition. The book is about:

  • How Internet influencers on YouTube and Facebook convert children.
  • How the schools deal with transition.
  • How families have been dealing with it.
  • The use of affirmative therapy by psychologists.
  • The trans movement and its attack on dissenters.
  • The physical transition process itself including:
    • Hormone therapy.
    • Mastectomies.
    • Genital transition.
  • The physical harm of physical transition.
  • The regrets for those who wanted to transition back.
  • How parents can avoid this problem.
  • She interviews and keeps track of about ten children and their progress.

The book gives an in depth view of this crisis hitting our teenage girls. It is not a far right book and is extremely empathetic. She also interviews people that transitioned and were happy they did. It’s not like everyone she interviewed regretted their decision. It was a very good, enlightening book. As a matter of fact, what I got out of the book the most had nothing to do with the trans issue it was how we need to get our kids off of their screens.

In July, The American Bookseller’s Association sent out a promotional mailer to a bunch of retail sellers recommending Shrier’s book. A bunch of people on Twitter started whining about the book being anti-trans (here’s a little inside information: it’s not). As you might have guessed, the ABA issued an apology:

“We apologize to our trans members and to the trans community for this terrible incident and the pain we caused them. We also apologize to the LGBTQIA+ community at large, and to our bookselling community. Apologies are not enough. We’ve begun addressing this today and are committed to engaging in the critical dialogue needed to inform concrete steps to address the harm we caused. Those steps will be shared in the next three weeks.”

Walmart is no longer selling the book, which is a best seller, and activists are pressuring Amazon to pull the book. Two Amazon employees have already quit because Amazon is still selling the book.

Shrier made her dissatisfaction known on Twitter:

“If there were a Hall of Fame for capitulations to Woke bullies, the American Booksellers Association is hereby inducted. The ‘serious, violent incident’ they perpetrated? Including my book in a large box of new book samples sent out to independent booksellers.”

She later added:

“The book-banning Left is a totalitarian movement. It has no use for an open, liberal society with a broad diversity of viewpoints, and it will use shame, fear, and coercion to win. It can’t be harmonized with Liberalism.”

This is true. Couple of things here:

  • Abigail Shrier is no Conservative. She is actually pretty moderate.
  • She describes this type of strong arming by trans-activists in her book. They just proved her right.
  • The book is not anti-trans.
  • This should scare the hell out of everyone.
  • No one should ever apologize to the woke. Forgiveness is not a thing for the Left.



Border Crisis

Fox News reported:

“CBP said that 188,829 migrants were encountered at the southern border, an increase from the 180,034 encountered in May. It is also a sharp rise since when President Biden took office — there were 78,442 encounters in January.”

“The number of unaccompanied children encountered increased by 8%, with 15,253 encounters in June compared to 14,137 in May. Encounters of family units, meanwhile, surged by 25% to 55,805 from 44,746 in May.”

The Biden administration has been ignoring the huge problem since coming into power seven months ago. There’s a reason. They want more Democratic voters in the future after they approve amnesty, which they are now pushing. Kamala Harris hasn’t gone to the border (and that little BS photo op in El Paso was not a visit to a border) not because she’s lazy and incompetent (though she is) , it’s because she and other Democrats do not see this as a problem.

Tucker Carlson reported that he received a whistleblower report that the Biden administration is secretly using the military to transport illegal aliens to different parts of the country.

  • The report says that Laughlin Air Force Base is being used for the transport.
  • Carlson showed an image of an e-mail from Lt. Colonel Matthew Burrows stating that passenger planes will using the runways.
  • The planes will be used by the ICE and Border Patrol.

The E-mail said:

“Over the next few days, weeks or months you may see passenger aircraft on our ramp transporting undocumented non-citizens. Please review the attached public affairs guidance on this issue.

“In coordination with the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Del Rio Border Patrol will be using the Laughlin AFB runway to transport undocumented non-citizens via a Boeing 737.

“Do not take photographs and refrain from posting anything on social media. If anyone asks you about it, refer them to public affairs.”

Has this been confirmed? Not yet. I don’t even remember anyone asking about this yet. Do I believe it is true? Yep, I have no doubt.



This Has Already Been Tried and Failed

California continues to implement policies that have been tried, tested and failed multiple times. They just never learn.

  • California has unanimously voted to implement a Universal Basic income.
  • The UBI will be given to pregnant women and young people who just got out of foster care.
  • There will be no limits on how the money can be spent and they will receive it once a month.
  • The bill will cost $35 million.
  • This has been tried before in Stockton, CA and it failed.
  • This has also been tried by a couple of countries in Europe. It failed.
  • The Stockton mayor is one of Newsom’s advisors. Talk about failing up.
  • The goal, as one of the advisors said, is to make this a federal program.

Universal Basic Income is a disaster:

  • It does not encourage people to work.
  • It encourages unwed pregnancy and discourages the nuclear family.
  • This will lead to perpetual poverty and government dependence.
  • This is also taking our money and giving it to someone else or redistribution.



Internet Idiocy

There is so much dumbassery (yes, I made that up) is incredible. I’m going to do an entire Saturday on just the dumb things on the Internet. I decided to close each show with some of the great things I find on TikTok. You already know what I think of TikTok.

This video is a person asking random people some basic civics questions. I probably shouldn’t be surprised by their answer:

You know what’s really disturbing besides the failure of our education system to teach basic history is that these people vote. This is why I am all for people needing to pass a literacy and civics test before they can vote. If you don’t know basic history of this country, you shouldn’t be able to influence our future history.