Things are getting worse in Afghanistan as the Taliban is being the Taliban. What’s worse is it looks like Al Queda and ISIS have joined them.
Joe Biden is looking more incompetent and his cabinet looks like they’re getting nervous about it.
What’s the Update in Afghanistan
Afghanistan is a mess and it keeps getting worse. In a few minutes, we’ll talk about what the Biden administration is doing (or not doing). But here are the updates:
- There was a fire fight with a “hostile actor” this morning. Several were wounded and one Afghan soldier was killed. No coilition force were injured.
- The reason this is considered a hostile actor because there are reports that, not only is the Taliban in Kabul, but so it ISIS and Al Qaeda. Great, Trump got rid of ISIS and and they’re back after seven months of a Biden Presidency.
- The Taliban has set up multiple checkpoints, some seven deep blocking the airport.
- At these checkpoints, Americans who try to get to the airports are having their passports taken away and then are being beaten up. We are in a hostage crisis at this point.
- The United States is saying that Americans should stay in place because the United States can’t guarantee their safety. But they also say that the only way to get out is to get their way to the airport. This is happening while French and British forces are pulling their citizens out.
- The Kabul airport is getting worse.
- The temps are over 90 degrees and people are getting heat stroke.
- The U.S. troops are trying to give out water since there is none.
- Afghanis are spraying water from hoses into the crowds.
- The crowds are so heavy, people are getting trampled. This includes a 2 year old child.
- The violence continues and it is on film:
- Translators who helped the United States are being pulled from homes and hung.
- Houses that have women in them of a certain age must have an “X” marked on them so the Taliban can take the women.
- Any house with women and no “X” are broken into and the entire family is killed.
- According to Fox News, women are being set on fire if they cannot cook.
- With ISIS, Al Qaeda and Taliban all in Kabul, political scientists are expecting there to be violence as the groups fight. There will by collateral damage.
- The Taliban has said, today, that the United States military need to leave by August 31 or ISIS and Al Qaeda will start attacking the airport. (Play audio)
What is the Biden Administration Doing?
Not a heck of a lot. Here’s what’s happening:
- The Biden administration continues to say that Americans will get out. There are a couple of problems with this:
- There are no plans on how they should get out or how the government will help them get out.
- They are telling Americans they have to get to the airport to get out but but not to leave their homes because they can’t guarantee their safety.
- The administration says they have pulled out of 30,000 people. This can be a little misleading. I believe we have pulled about 12,000 people, mostly Afghans. His numbers are based on coalition forces.
- The Biden administration refuses to expand the perimeter for fear of a military conflict.
- The Biden administration is considering a plan to bomb the sites that hold American military equipment. This is probably not going to happen because they are also afraid of escalation.
- The Biden administration wants to implement the Civil Reserve Air Fleet, or CRAF, created in 1952 in the wake of the post-World War II Berlin Airlift, to provide nearly 20 commercial jets.
- The jets will airlift people from countries outside of Afghanistan to bring people back to the United States.
- While the people are in these other countries, they will be given background checks.
- Airlines will include Delta, American and Hawaiian airlines.
- For some reason, Biden was suppose to go to Delaware for another vacation. He cancelled that due to the criticism from the media.
- They have not addressed the August 31 deadline and whether the will extend it. With the threat from the Taliban today, either Biden is going to ignore them and need to escalate or we will run away and there will be a hostage situation just like in Iran in the 70s.
Where Kamala?
So, you might be asking where the hell Kamala is? This is kind of important because, as we shall see, she is going to be President within the next couple of months (we’ll talk more about in a few minutes. Well, she decided it would be the perfect time to head to Vietnam and Singapore.
They need to fire that travel coordinator.
She had this to say at the airport on her way out of the country:
This is a bad answer. This is a woman who bitches quite a bit when someone cuts her off and she had no issue doing it to this reporter.
The other problem I have is that laugh. It has to be a nervous tick or an attempt to misdirect. But it is really off putting that she laughs at something like this while she is going to another country during one of the worst foreign policy crisis in U.S. history.
Finally, that’s her answer? She hasn’t said a word in…forever. That’s the week ass answer she gives?
Then she went to Singapore and was asked about the pull out. According to Fox News:
“So, I understand and appreciate why you asked the question. And I think there’s going to be plenty of time to analyze what has happened and what has taken place in the context of the withdrawal from Afghanistan,” the vice president said. “But right now, we are singularly focused on evacuating American citizens, Afghans who worked with us, and Afghans who are vulnerable, including women and children.”
Harris added that “we have a responsibility and we feel a deep commitment to making sure that folks who helped us are safe.”
The vice president went on to praise President Biden for having “shown great emotion in expressing sadness about some of the images we have seen” but reiterated that the U.S. cannot be “distracted in any way from what must be our primary mission right now, which is evacuating people from that region who deserve to be evacuated.”
Unfortunately, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong didn’t get the narrative sheet from MSNBC. According to Fox News:
Lee was asked about American credibility in light of current events and said that what happens next will be key for how the U.S. is perceived in the future.
“What will influence perceptions of U.S. resolve and commitment to the region will be what the U.S. does going forward: how it repositions itself in the region, how it engages its broad range of friends and partners and allies in the region, and how it continues the fight against terrorism,” Lee said.
“Countries make calculations and take positions, and they have to make recalculations and adjust their positions from time to time,” Lee continued. “Sometimes it can be done smoothly; sometimes there are hiccups. Sometimes things go awry and take time to put right.”
Yeah, she’s going to be an awesome President.
The Elephant in the Room Is Being Addressed
The cat is out of the bag. We are talking about the elephant in the room. We are now yelling that the emperor doesn’t have any clothes on.
The competency of Joe Biden is being questioned.
A CBS News poll found that close to 70% of Americans think that Joe Biden has botched this Afghan pull out and is incompetent to be President. Listen to this question at his last press conference:
Reporter apologizes to Biden for having to deliver him poll results showing that the majority of Americans believe he is no longer competent to be president
Biden responds by laughing, claims he has not seen the mainstream poll that has been widely talked about in the news today
— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) August 22, 2021
What is he laughing at? Why do Democrats always laugh when someone asks a tough question? Why does this reporter thinks he needs to apologize to ask a good question?
I know I only have a 45 second clip but Biden’s answer was three minutes.
- We needed to pull troops out. No one was debating that.
- He blamed Trump.
- He never answered the competency question.
- And, I’m sure, he said something about wearing masks and it was Trump’s fault but I fell asleep in the middle of his answer.
But it gets worse.
When Secretary of State was asked if Joe Biden knows what’s going on, he said this:
Chris Wallace confronts Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Biden’s “flat wrong” claims on Afghanistan: “Does the president not know what’s going on?”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 22, 2021
Few things:
- You guys are emotional? Really? At this point, shouldn’t you guys be reasonable?
- No one asked Antoney Blinkin what he did? And he’s a terrible Secretary of State so I’m sure it wasn’t a lot.
- Why are we worried about what the Taliban wants? This shows the Taliban is running the show.
I don’t like Chris Wallace but he had Blinkin on the ropes. One other thing: Didn’t it sound like Blinkin was worried about saving his own ass?
But that’s not it. Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, wouldn’t talk about what he told Biden and even contradicted Biden about terrorist groups being in Afghanistan.
Hmm. Is Biden’s cabinet circling the wagons?
My Wild Guess
I’ve got some predictions here. I might be wrong but I’m going to look bitchen if I’m right.
- Joe Biden is finally being seen as impaired. Would have been nice if this happened during the election but, whatever.
- The cabinet is beginning to defend themselves, not the President.
- Kamala Harris is separating herself from the situation. She might think she is protecting herself but she’s looking worse.
- Nancy Pelosi is trying to push the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and the $3.5 trillion budget right now and combined.
- Biden will have to resign or be gone because of the 25th Amendment in the next 90 days.
- The Afghanistan thing is not going to be able to be spun especially when the beheading videos come out.