Prepare for massive corruption in California during next month’s recall election. The signs are all there.
The China virus is driving governments to push tyrannical policies and people are getting sick of it.
The Recall Election
There’s a recall election in California to get rid of the hypocritical and stupid Ken-doll, Gavin Newsom. I never thought that the recall had much of a chance. California has very loose voting rules that always seem to go in favor of Democrats. Heck, Orange County and Riverside, the most Conservative counties in the state, are Democratic.
But, then, Larry Elder entered the mix. A black man from South Central Los Angeles. Born poor and worked his way up to being a very respected Conservative radio host and has been in the public eye for decades. He put his hat in the ring and he was enthusiastically embraced by Californians.
That does not bode well.
The Media
Well, he has taken a lead in the polls and Democrats and the Leftist media are flipping out. For the first time, I think Elder could win. Why do I think that?
The Los Angeles Times released an article called Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned. I’m not kidding. The article by Erika Smith starts:
Larry Elder smiled the smug smile of a Black conservative who could very well be liberal California’s next governor.
“Where do you start with the damage Gavin Newsom has done to the state that we both love?”
He leaned forward to gaze across the room of white Republicans who had come to a hear him speak in Orange County.
“Rising crime? [It’s] because of this phony narrative that the police are engaging in systemic racism and cops are pulling back,” Elder said. “… When you reduce the possibility of a bad guy getting caught, getting convicted and getting incarcerated, guess what? Crime goes up.”
Then another smile, this one even more smug than the last.
“Can you say, ‘Duh?’”
I won’t lie. Few things infuriate me more than watching a Black person use willful blindness and cherry-picked facts to make overly simplistic arguments that whitewash the complex problems that come along with being Black in America.
And throughout his career — as a radio host, as a talking head for Fox News and now as a gubernatorial candidate — Elder has made a point of doing just that, usually with a lot of taunting and toddler-like name-calling of his ideological enemies in the process.
As longtime political consultant Kerman Maddox put it: “Larry Elder goes out of his way to be at odds with the leadership in the Black community and at odds with the thinking in the Black community.”
Like a lot of Black people, though, I’ve learned that it’s often best just to ignore people like Elder. People who are — as my dad used to say — “skinfolk” but not necessarily kinfolk.
Got that? He’s not really black. One of the things this broad doesn’t get is this is one of the things Larry Elder stands on: I think for myself and my color has nothing to do with it. I also want to point out that Elders is right about the crime thing. There really is anything “complex” about it.
By the way, the “skinfolk” comment is racist.
Then, Smith goes on to why he’s a white supremacist:
- He doesn’t have any political experience.
- Maxine Waters doesn’t like him.
- Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, doesn’t like him.
- He’s brash and doesn’t like the media.
- He likes Donald Trump.
- He opposes public give-away programs.
- He opposes the concept of systemic racism.
- He opposes criminal justice reform and support the police.
- He’s against CRT and its teaching in schools.
- He’s against reparations.
- He’s against vaccine and mask mandates.
Sounds good to me. As far as I’m concerned, she didn’t say one thing that would sway this mind. Everything she hates, he for. She ended the column with this:
Newsom hasn’t been perfect. It took far too long for the state to roll out COVID-19 tests and vaccines equitably. And if hundreds of thousands of Californians weren’t still waiting on their unemployment checks, the level of fraud and mismanagement of the Employment Development Department would almost be comical.
But, as Sydney Kamlager (D-Los Angeles) said, “I’m not interested in going back to Jim Crow because I want to have a Black person as governor.”
But this election has gone national. Here’s Jim Acosta of CNN interviewing Congressman Darrel Issa about Larry Elder:
Couple of things here:
- Jim Acosta is an idiot.
- I hate the way Acosta interrupts his Conservative guests.
- Issa’s swipe on him was right on.
- If Acosta did have something better than that, he would have played it.
- What Elder said in the bite was very non-controversial.
The Bureaucracy
The government bureaucracy of California is really working to try to get Larry Elder out of office.
Initially, he was not placed on the ballot because he did not turn over five years of tax returns. California law requires it when someone runs for governor. A judge found that this was not a gubernatorial election but a recall election and therefore he could be on the ballot.
This week, the California Democratic Party said that his income report was not completed correctly and, therefore, he shouldn’t be on the ballot. That’s not going anywhere.
This is just a lot of whining from a scared group of Democrats.
Then There’s the Cheating
California is already notorious for cheating:
- Mail-in ballots.
- Ballot harvesting.
- Never clearing out voter rolls.
Well, it’s starting again.
According to the Daily Wire:
Police in Torrance, California, announced on Monday that multiple agencies are investigating how and why hundreds of stolen vote-by-mail ballots for the upcoming gubernatorial recall election ended up in a parked car.
According to the Los Angeles Times, “Officers responding to a call Aug. 16 about a man who was passed out in a vehicle found more than 300 ballots,” other stolen mail, along with “a loaded gun, drugs, and other illicit materials.”
That won’t be the only story we hear. There will be far more.
Last Chance
California is a nightmare:
- Highest taxes.
- Highest cost of living.
- Lowest quality of life.
- High crime.
- High drug use.
- High homeless rates.
- Dirty.
- Bad land management causing terrible fires.
- Droughts.
- Rolling blackouts.
- High regulations.
- Government corruption.
- Illegal aliens are able to get education, driver’s licenses, healthcare and are protected from being deported.
- Gun control.
- The embrace of public unions.
- People are leaving.
- Businesses are leaving.
Not all of this is Gavin Newsom’s fault. But he’s not helping. In fact, he’s a lying, hypocrite. Remember the French Laundry?
This could be California’s last chance to get better.
The China Virus
I haven’t talked about COVID in, I don’t know, forever. Mostly because there is so much to talk about but also because I just don’t give a damn about it. Unfortunately, it’s driving everyone nuts, especially in government. Not because they care about people and don’t want them to die from a virus that will kill only .3% of them but because they are looking to gain further control.
The Pfizer vaccine (that’s the one I have) has been approved by the FDA. What took them so long? I dunno. One hundred and fifty million people have taken it. Now you’d think this would be no biggie. The problem is it might be the opportunity for the government and companies to force people to vaccinate. It also has been found that the Pfizer vaccine is only 40% effective against the delta variant though if you catch the delta variant, you won’t suffer at all.
So people are going nuts. Let’s look at some examples.
Australia has just gone insane. Or, the government, who banned guns a few years ago, has just become tyrannical.
- Residents are forced to wear mask outdoors.
- Residents cannot go more than three miles from their homes.
- Businesses are shutdown.
- Anyone breaking the rules is subject to arrest and a $5000 fine.
- The military has been called in to enforce the rules.
- Support dogs are being killed so their new handlers will not leave their homes to pick them up. I’m not kidding!
Why the panic? I don’t know. They were averaging four deaths a day out of a population of 25 million. They haven’t had a new case in a week. Seems like a little bit of an overreaction. Well, the citizens of the country think so. They protested and stormed the police. In Melbourne, 218 people were reportedly arrested, 236 were fined, and three were placed in custody for allegedly assaulting police. In Sydney, 47 people were charged with violating public health orders or resisting arrest, and police issued more than 260 fines.
Like I said, it was just ten years ago Australia banned guns. Ban guns, tyranny is next.
New Zealand
New Zealand is going through the same issues.
- They are in a level 4 lockdown. No one can leave their homes except for groceries and medical reasons.
- The borders have been closed since March of 2020.
- People outside the country have not been permitted to return because visas are slow to be processed because of…wait for it…COVID. Families have been separated as a result.
Why this mess? One person caught COVID. I’m not kidding!
Oregon Governor Kate Brown, another dumbass Democrat, made the following statement:
BREAKING: Oregon Governor Kate Brown imposes OUTDOOR mask mandate, regardless of vaccination status.
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 24, 2021
This is either idiotic or there are ulterior motives. I choose the latter.
- There is zero evidence masks work.
- The China virus does not transmit in the outdoors.
- If I’m vaccinated, I shouldn’t worry about it. Definitely shouldn’t need a mask.
This is about bending the knee. It’s about control. Democrats never want this pandemic to end. Guess what: It’s already over. The delta variant, though more contagious, is not more deadly. And the disease isn’t going anywhere. It’s going to be around and mutating and doing its thing for all time. It’s the flu. We know it’s not dangerous because it’s Democrats that have no issue flouting the rules they create.
But that isn’t it for Oregon.
On Friday, the University of Oregon and Oregon State University became the first Power-5 schools to announce that either a negative test or proof of vaccination will be required in order to attend football games for the 2021 season.
Yeah, no.
Now to Mississippi. According to the Daily Wire:
As COVID-19 cases rise in Mississippi, the state’s Department of Health on Friday sent out an alert warning those who test positive for COVID-19 to isolate for 10 days or face up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.
Fox News reported that the order issued Friday by State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said that those “infected with COVID-19 must remain in the home or other appropriate residential location for 10 days from onset of illness.”
Dobbs added that people isolating due to a positive COVID-19 test don’t need a negative test to end their quarantine, but they do need to be “fever free for at least 24 hours with improvement of other symptoms.” Further, any students or faculty in K-12 schools who test positive for COVID-19 are not allowed on campus during the isolation period.
Anyone who doesn’t follow this protocol, Dobbs wrote, faces stiff penalties.
“The failure or refusal to obey the lawful order of a health officer is, at a minimum, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $500.00 (41-3-59) or imprisonment for six months or both. If a life-threatening disease is involved, failure or refusal to obey the lawful order of a health officer is a felony, punishable by a fine of up to $5,000.00 or imprisonment for up to five years or both (41- 23-2),” Dobbs wrote.
My Thoughts About This China Virus Thing
I like to break this China virus into two areas: science and politics.
- The virus is spreading like fire because the delta variant is far more contagious.
- The delta variant is not as deadly as the alpha variant.
- There are no studies that state that lockdowns work (e.g. California and Florida).
- There are no studies or proof that masks work (e.g. California and Florida).
- Statistics show that children are not affected and do not spread the disease.
- Only 360 children have died in a year and a half.
- No teachers have died of the China virus.
- The vaccine is very effective against the virus.
- 95% effective against the alpha variant.
- 40% against the delta variant.
- The vaccine does counter the delta variant.
- This virus isn’t going anywhere and it is going to mutate.
- The best way to prevent the virus is to catch it.
That is the science. Here’s the politics: The government’s job is done. We have a vaccine. People can take the vaccine. People don’t have to take the vaccine. People who don’t take the vaccine, that’s their problem. It’s not my problem. It’s not the government’s responsibility. They did their job. Pandemic over.
By the way, I notice that my family, half of which refuse to get vaccinated, are still living their lives as they would without masks. They just don’t care and aren’t going to worry about it.
Tik Tok
The tolerant, empathetic left literally want you to die
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) August 22, 2021
WATCH: High school teacher comes out as non-binary to his students during class
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) August 24, 2021