California is making it a law that it is suppose to be a crappy state.
Joe Biden keeps showing us how moderate he is with his two latest picks to his administration.
And Kamala Harris is a disaster waiting in the wings.
Keeping Up With the Joneses
Gavin Newsom is on fire. Since he won his recall election, instead of thinking he’s going to do better as a governor, he decided to act more like an a-hole that will drive California further into the sewer.
Vax Mandate
I told you this was going to happen after New York decided to force nurses and doctors to get vaxxed or lose their jobs.
Gavin Newsom announced that K-12 grades will require their students are vaxxed in both private and public schools. He said:
“We are all exhausted by this pandemic. We are all exhausted by this. And that is the purpose of this. We hope this encourages folks to get vaccinated.
“We have no trepidation, no hesitancy in encouraging local districts to move forward more expeditiously.”
You know what we’re tired of? People like Gavin Newsom making a big stink of the flu that’s never going away.
He added in an interview with the Sacramento Bee:
“I believe we will be the first state in America to move forward with this mandate and requirement, but I do not believe, by any stretch of the imagination, that we will be the last state. I anticipate that other states will follow suit.”
Whenever you hear, “we are going to implement the most progressive whatever in the country,” that means California will try a take a shot at doubling down.
I talked to Josie about this and she has one word about this: No!
Jeez, That’s What We Need
California has some major issues:
- Drugs.
- Mental health.
- Homelessness.
- Crime.
What better way to solve these problems than blame the police and try to reform them so they can’t do their jobs. What he wants to do includes:
- Raising the minimum age for police officers from 18 to 21.
- Allowing their badges to be permanently taken away for excessive force, dishonesty and racial bias.
- Limit law enforcement’s use of rubber bullets and tear gas for crowd control.
- Restrict the use of techniques for restraining suspects in ways that can interfere with breathing.
- Legislation increasing transparency of peace officer misconduct records.
- Eliminate certain immunity provisions allowing police officers to face lawsuits.
Newsom said:
“Today marks another step toward healing and justice for all. Too many lives have been lost due to racial profiling and excessive use of force. We cannot change what is past, but we can build accountability, root out racial injustice, and fight systemic racism. We are all indebted to the families who have persevered through their grief to continue this fight and work toward a more just future.”
Question for you: Why would anyone want to be a cop?
- Your life is constantly put in danger but you, seemingly, aren’t allowed to protect yourself.
- Your susceptible to any complaint.
- You can be sued by any criminal because he doesn’t like you.
- The mere mention that you are a racist, and all white people are racist, and you can lose you job.
- You can lose your job because there might be impropriety.
- And every criminal you catch gets let off.
Needless to say, every police organization in the state thinks this law is bunk. Be prepared to see a lot of police, sheriff and CHP quit and the academies being empty. The trash one has to go through just isn’t worth it.
The End of the Suburbs
Gavin Newsom has decided to end the suburbs in California and force us all to live in apartments. Kind of like they do in China and the Soviet Union.
According to the San Jose Mercury News, Newsom “essentially abolished single-family zoning in California – and green-lighted a series of bills intended to bolster the state’s housing production.”
SB9 states:
Under the law, local governments will have to approve the applications if the projects meet size requirements and local design standards, fall outside historic and environmentally sensitive districts, and do not require the demolition of housing that is rent-restricted or has been occupied by tenants in the past three years.
In other words, if someone wants to build a house, the house has to be a certain size and the government must approve it. Essentially ending property rights in California.
The second law, SB10 “will allow cities to rezone some parcels in urban areas, including those near public transit, for up to 10 units.”
Not sure what that means for houses already in the rezoned areas. Can the be taken through imminent domain? They’ve done that in downtown Los Angeles.
These laws will not make California a better state and it does not address the regulations, such as rent control, that discourage people from building multi unit dwellings.
This law turns California into an institution.
Why Not? It’s Worked So Far
Be prepared never to see a Republican elected to office again in California.
California on Monday became the latest — and the largest — state to adopt the mail-in ballot system. Now, every single eligible voter in California will be mailed ballots for elections without asking for one.
Newsom tweeted:
Here we go:
- Mail-in voting was not suppose to be permanent.
- Mail-in voting has shown tons of corruption.
- Voting shouldn’t be easy and too convenient.
About Time
In a final stroke of genius by the Californian governor, he has decided to remove the term “alien” from the California code. It will be replaced by non-citizen.
“As the nation’s most diverse state, we are stronger and more vibrant because of our immigrant communities.
“This important legislation removes the word ‘alien,’ which is not only an offensive term for a human being, but for far too long has fueled a divisive and hurtful narrative. By changing this term, we are ensuring California’s laws reflect our state’s values.”
You know what should also be a state value? Law and order. Sovereignty. Citizenship.
In the past, the Newsom administration said the term is, “a political dog whistle to express bigotry and hatred without using traditionally racist language.”
According to the Oxford dictionary, alien means:
- belonging to a foreign country or nation.
- a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.
Josie is considered an alien because she wasn’t born here and isn’t a naturalized citizen. It’s not racist, it’s a term and has been through the English languages history. This is another example of Leftists trying to change the language.
No thank you. I’ll just continue to use the term “alien” in the way it was meant.
California is become a crap hold and our governor thinks he has a mandate to make it worse. I understand that a lot of people want to stay here because it is a beautiful state and the weather is great. They are hoping the political climate changes in the future.
I have been waiting twenty years and it’s only gotten worse. And the laws being passed make it that it will never change.
Old Joe Keeps Being Unifying
Joe Biden keeps showing how moderate he is with his two recent picks to his administration. Just kidding. Let’s take a look at them.
Tracy Stone-Manning
Tracy Stone-Manning has been confirmed by the Senate to the Bureau of Land Management. What’s the big deal about that? She’s a radical eco-terrorist.
Adam Brandon, president of conservative and libertarian advocacy group FreedomWorks, saying it “should come as no surprise” Biden’s nominee holds her views “seeing as she collaborated with eco-terrorist groups with ties to Ted Kaczynski.”
Stone-Manning’s bitter confirmation process was surrounded by controversy, primarily stemming from her links to a 1989 Earth First! tree-spiking plot in an Idaho forest.
She got immunity to testify against her group. She wrote a letter to the Forest Service as part of her deal. According to Fox News:
The letter told the Forest Service that 500 pounds of “spikes measuring 8 to 10 inches in length” had been jammed into the trees of an Idaho forest.
“The sales were marked so that no workers would be injured and so that you a–holes know that they are spiked,” read the letter obtained by Fox News. “The majority of the trees were spiked within the first ten feet, but many, many others were spiked as high as a hundred and fifty feet.”
“P.S., You bastards go in there anyway and a lot of people could get hurt,” the note concluded.
She has also said that she believed we needed to limit the population of the United States to protect the environment.
According to Fox News:
Stone-Manning also took heavy fire for her graduate thesis where she endorsed population control to protect the environment, writing that Americans needed to “breed fewer consuming humans.” She also wrote that parents should stop having children after having two and created a sample advertisement that called a pictured child an “environmental hazard.”
Biden’s new BLM director also wrote in a 1991 essay that Americans should “wage war on overpopulation” to protect grizzly bears.
“We can bicker and moan at each other in our battle about what is going to help the bear now, but ultimately we need to look at maps less, crunch numbers less, and begin to wage war on overpopulation,” Stone-Manning concluded.
Additionally, last year the newly-minted director of BLM shared her husband’s 2018 article suggesting to let houses caught in forest fires “burn.”
Does this sound like a person who cares about Americans?
Saule Omarova
This is insane.
Joe Biden nominated Saule Omarova to be the Comptroller of the Currency. She is suppose to run the banks. Let me read what an Op-Ed piece from the Wall Street Journal said about this person:
President Biden checked off another progressive identity box last week by nominating Saule Omarova as Comptroller of the Currency. Some Trump appointees were ridiculed for having supported the elimination of their agencies. Ms. Omarova wants to eliminate the banks she’s being appointed to regulate.
The Cornell University law school professor’s radical ideas might make even Bernie Sanders blush. She graduated from Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. Thirty years later, she still believes the Soviet economic system was superior, and that U.S. banking should be remade in the Gosbank’s image.
“Until I came to the US, I couldn’t imagine that things like gender pay gap still existed in today’s world. Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best,’” she tweeted in 2019. After Twitter users criticized her ignorance, she added a caveat: “I never claimed women and men were treated absolutely equally in every facet of Soviet life. But people’s salaries were set (by the state) in a gender-blind manner. And all women got very generous maternity benefits. Both things are still a pipe dream in our society!”
Sure, there was a Gulag, and no private property, but maternity benefits!
This woman believes in the communist economy that the Soviet Union created and failed with.
She believes in a central, federal bank which people have to deal with. Private banks should not invest money, should not acquire other banks and businesses, should not be able to give out loans and should not deal with things like 401Ks. All should be done by the centralized, Federal Reserve.
Government sucks at everything. It took me seven months to get my passport “expediated”. Imagine trying to get a business or home loan from the government.
Also, the Soviet Union did have pay equality between genders. Everyone was poor.
Kamala Harris is a Disaster
Last week, Kamala Harris agreed with an anti-Semite high school student and created a scandal with one of our greatest allies in the Middle East. Listen:
Couple of things here:
- Israel is not committing genocide. That is a Leftist talking point.
- This girl should have been called out as an anti-Semite off the bat or, at least, said she was wrong or didn’t understand the politics over there.
- The worst term is “your truth”. There’s no such thing. Truth is based on provable facts. It is not subjective.
- Kamala Harris is really bad at this:
- She has f-up everything she’s been assigned to.
- She has no argument about anything.
- She has a creepy, cackling laugh.
- The Biden administration is trying to hide her from public view.
- The big problem is she’s a Leftist and needs to appease her Leftist base.
She is not ready to be President. I’ll even go so far as to say she will never be ready. She is an embarrassment in historic fashion for the first woman as Vice President and people are praying she doesn’t push Old Joe down the stairs yet to become President.
Harris’ staff contacted the Democratic Majority for Israel and its president, Mark Mellman, to reaffirm her support for Israel.
Mellman stated:
“We were pleased Vice President Harris’s senior staff reached out to us today to confirm what we already knew: Her ‘commitment to Israel’s security is unwavering.’”
Of course, this guy is also kind of a Leftist that is also against Israeli policies. This is a weak attempt to fix anything. The woman who is next in line to be President is looking like an anti-Semite.
So, what are you going to do? How about getting a couple of people to teach Kamala to be a human being. That’s what her group did.
According to Reuters:
“Lorraine Voles and Adam Frankel, who worked with Harris during the transition, have joined the team and will focus on strategic communications, long-term planning and organizational development, a White House official with knowledge of the matter said. Their experience has been and will continue to be a valuable resource for our whole team, as we map out long-term planning and fulfill the administration’s ambitious policy agenda.”
What does it mean to “fulfill the administration’s ambitious policy agenda”? It means they are going to teach her how to be a politician and lie better.
According to the Washington Examiner:
“Lorraine Voles, a crisis communications expert, and Adam Frankel, a former Obama speechwriter, worked for Harris during the presidential transition and have extensive experience crafting messages from the White House and the corporate world. Among the services Voles advertises on her website, ‘crisis management’ and ‘marketing and rebranding’ earn top billing.”
Not going to work. Kamala has sucked for way too long. Heck, her own state didn’t want her as President when she was running. I guess sleeping your way into politics (Willie Brown) does not make one a politician.
Good luck Kamala!