Episode 426 – Out of Bounds

Old Joe made a speech about raising the debt limit, further unifying with Republicans.

Yes, I’m being sarcastic.

And the Left’s go-to strategy for “persuading” Senators to vote for the Build Back Better bill goes out-of-bounds.


I Hope He Didn’t Lose His Dentures While Biting Republicans

Old Joe just keeps being unifying.

He made a speech yesterday about Republicans refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

  • According to Janet Yellen, we will start defaulting on our debt on October 18th.
  • Democrats want the debt ceiling raised now.
  • Republicans, in the shadow of $5 trillion of spending, say, no, if Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling, they will need to use reconciliation and own the debt.
  • Democrats don’t want to use reconciliation because they want to pass other bills.
  • If they don’t, Republicans will use the filibuster which will require 60 votes in the Senate. Dems would not have the votes.

So Joe made a speech and it was very unifying. He blamed Trump and the Republicans. He said the world would be destroyed by fire and brimstone. It was a tough speech but it had very little bite. It didn’t change anyone’s mind. Let’s look at some of it.

So, let’s go through some of the highlights:

Some things:

  • Not true. Our credit rating actually did drop in 2011 from a AAA to AA+ rating. That’s because people were afraid of our debt!
    • By the way, who was President in 2011 and what was his excuse (hint: it was Bush’s fault)?
  • Standards and Poor’s rating says, because of the debt and our unstable political system, says our credit with the rest of the world is not great.
  • He’s using fear to push his agenda. These people are going to get paid.
  • Our tax revenue can only pay the interest, not the principle. I know this is suppose to be OK but no. Our debt could get so high, we won’t even be able to pay the interest. That’s when the fun starts.
  • Question for you: Can you borrow off your credit if your credit is overextended? I bet no.


Some things:

  • We pay our interest, not on the principle on our debt. That’s why our debt keeps going up.
  • Our credit is not the best in the world.
  • I remember our founding fathers went out to pay all our national debt. How far we’ve fallen.


Some things:

  • Notice, he’s talking to people like children? You can tell he’s actually trying to talk to the people. Maybe he should do it in prime time (his bed time) and not at noon Eastern Time.
  • I call BS.
    • It has everything to do with the trillions he wants to spend this year.
    • The $1.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion bills (which will cost a lot more in the end) are not $0.
    • The government does not make enough money to pay for these bills even if they pass their tax bill.


He’s pushing fear again. He does this a lot because he’s talking to the people and the people are iditols. Here’s the thing: people are going to get paid. None of that is going to be cut because if it is, the people shouldn’t trust the government.


Some things:

  • Here we go. The blame game goes on.
  • According to statistics, we added $6 trillion in debt because of the China virus. A little over $3 trillion was from Trump.
  • Joe Biden wants to spend almost $8 trillion this year!
  • This is why Republicans don’t want to raise the debt limit.


Some things:

  • More scary talk. A default will probably not lead to mayhem.
  • It may do some of the things he said but it is going to have to be done some time. We can’t continue this way.
  • If we continue this way, our children and grandchildren are going to suffer.
  • If we have to suffer to fix this, we should suffer now.
  • This will also show us how f-ed up our system is. Social security, for example, in a Ponzi scheme.


Some things:

  • Yes, so let it.
  • Everyone was spending. He’s right.
  • But he wants to dump another $5 trillion (which is actually about $8 trillion) after spending $2 trillion earlier this year.
  • Remember when Bernie Sanders and AOC said we should be spending $10 trillion a year and people laughed at them. That’s what Old Joe is doing!
  • We need to cut the spending in general.
    • We need to cut programs.
    • We need to cut bureaucracy.
    • We need to cut taxes.
    • And we need to cut the debt, no matter the pain.


Some things:

  • Here we go with the filibuster talk.
  • Biden was against ending the filibuster before. It sounds like he’s warming up to it.
  • I just want to point out that the filibuster was used over 300 times when Trump was in the White House.


Some things:

  • Joe Biden coughed a lot during this speech.
  • He also looks worn out. I don’t know how long he’s going to last.
  • He did seem more lucid than he usually does.
  • This is the selling point. Democrats are the saviors, Republicans are the obstructionists. This is a really old talking point and they have been using it for years.
  • The filibuster has been used by both parties since its inception. It is hardly a “procedural trick” or an “elaborate procedural scheme”. .
  • The meteor has already hit the Earth in the form over overspending by the government. The “work” that Democrats want to do involves putting gasoline on the fires caused by the meteor by raising taxes and spending more on new programs that will deaden the economy, cost jobs, drive dependence on the government and prevent innovation.


Some things:

  • I want to point out that Joe Biden didn’t want to raise the debt ceiling in 2004 during the debt ceiling.
  • Again, if the debt ceiling is not lifted, he is going to have problems passing the additional $6 trillion he wants to pass. Republicans want him to own it.
  • This isn’t Russian roulette. We will be able to continue on. We will just require the government to spend less and pay off the debt.


The infrastructure bill is going to get passed. The reconciliation bill is going to get passed (though it will be cut). The debt limit is going to be raised and the swamp will continue on. I don’t think Republicans have the balls to stand by their beliefs.

That’s why they got Trump in 2016 and that’s why they are going to get Trump, or someone like him, in 2024.



The Gall of These People

The Left must be scared because they have been reduced to harassment of those Democrats who do not want to go along with these radical economic policies.

Here is Kyrsten Sinema at Arizona State University, where she teaches, being harassed all the way into the women’s restroom by a couple of student (one of which is an illegal alien). Listen:

One of the people harassing her, while in the restroom, was a guy.

I also want to point out that this illegal alien with the sob story about her grandfather is blaming Sinema because she’s here illegally and can’t just leave the country and come back in? Is this a debating point?

The chick that created this video wrote a statement:


Some things:

  • She’s an illegal alien.
  • She’s so used to breaking the law because she’s an illegal alien, she and her partner do care that they committed a felony by harassing her in the ladies restroom.
  • I am tired of hearing about this stolen land crap. This land was not stolen.
  • No one owes this bitch citizenship. If we want to, we give it to you.
  • And, because she’s an illegal alien, she doesn’t deserve it and should be kicked out of the country.

But that wasn’t it. Kyrsten Sinema was harassed on a plane, heading back to Washington DC. Listen:

Some things:

  • Again, another illegal alien.
  • Sinema is not her Senator.
  • And where the hell are the flight attendants here?
  • If a 2 year old doesn’t where a mask, she’s tossed from the plane.

To her credit, Sinema is one tough cookie. She said that this harassment was completely inappropriate and does not influence her in any way. I’ll venture a guess. I bet it pisses her off and makes her less motivated to vote for that garbage bill.

It also shows you how stupid these people are. Legal citizenship must be pulled out to the Build Back Better bill (such a stupid slogan). Remember, the Senate Parliamentarian said that condition cannot be in a reconciliation bill.

Finally, the balls on these people and the cowardice of our law enforcement. These people are illegal aliens. They are breaking our laws in this country and they think they we owe them something! If we had any balls, law enforcement would be at their homes and bussing their asses out of the country.

Joe Biden was asked about this and he had a really flippant answer.

Some thing:

  • Really, it happens to all of you? I don’t remember the last time a Leftist got kicked out of a restaurant.
  • Also, this is part of the process? I don’t remember a Leftist got harassed for this boondoggle of a bill by a Conservative. Trust me, most Conservatives are definitely concerned.
  • In fact, any Conservative who protests against Leftist policies are usually called a white supremacist and/or a domestic terrorists.
  • That’s exactly what happening when these school boards are being yelled at about teaching critical race theory or critical gender theory by parents.

But sleepy, creepy Joe’s response is still better than how the media portrays it. They think Sinema deserves to be harassed in the women’s restroom while she’s trying to pee. Ana Navaro, the obnoxious Leftist from The View made that clear:

The reality is this is the Left’s weapon. But I think it’s going to get worse.



Joe Concha from Fox News made a very good point.

These people weren’t trying to convince Sinema to vote for a bill. If they were, they wouldn’t have been filming it. They were trying to create a viral video. Notice that these videos are escalating. Harassing someone in the restroom is against the law. A felony I believe but they do it anyway.

The question I have is what are people going to do in the future to create a viral video? When is someone going to get hurt? We already see that some of these people are nuts. We’re going to find out because you know someone is planning something to be a Leftist hero and create that viral video.




The President’s Speech in Full