Episode 436 – My Promise to You

So why did Barrack Obama say what he said at Terry McAuliffe’s campaign rally in Virginia?

Will there be an investigation into this?

And I’m going to take a pot shot at the miserable people in our society. I promise you right now, I will never be like this.


Is This Guy Kidding?

Barack Obama decided to give Terry McAuliffe a boost in his contentious governor race. Obama did what he usually does when people don’t agree with him. He ripped them. Listen:

I am going to give Obama a bit of a break. Well, no, I’m just going to tear him up as a lying, out-of-touch communist. There are two problems here.

  • He doesn’t know what’s going on in Louden County, Virginia, which is why McAuliffe is in trouble or…
  • He doesn’t care and he wants you not to believe your lying eyes.


What Happened in Louden County?

Here’s the story that has caused the entire conflict within the school system in Virginia that has gotten Terry McAuliffe in hot water. Mind you, this is the guy that says parents should have nothing to do with their children’s education. He actually said this in a debate.

Here’s the story:

  • The Louden County school board allowed boys who said they were girls to use the girl’s restrooms. This was temporary until the school board held the needed debate and then vote.
  • A girl was sexually assaulted in the girl’s bathroom by a boy who called himself gender fluid. I normally wouldn’t talk about the actual crime but the brutality of it might make you understand why I didn’t talk about.
    • He attacked her.
    • He sodomized her.
    • He forced her to perform oral sex on him.
    • This is the very definition of rape. Both were 14.
  • The father of the girl was called to the school and they said they were going to handle it internally. He got upset and the police were called and he was arrested.
  • The police were notified. A rape kit showed the rape happened.
  • The boy was transferred to another school within the Louden County school district.
  • The father shows up at a school board meeting telling his story and a woman said he was lying. The head of the board said it wasn’t true. Voices got raised and the police were called.
  • The father got arrested…again.
  • The federal school board sends a letter to the Department of Justice.
  • The Department of Justice releases a statement saying they won’t treat parents at school board meeting acting like domestic terrorists.
  • The boy accused of rape commits a second sexual assault and is arrested.
  • The Daily Wire finds out that the rapes were not reported as required by law. It turns out multiple sexual assaults were withheld by the schools.
  • The board issued an apology and two members resigned.
  • The national school board association retracted their letter to the DOJ and apologized.
  • Merrick Garland of the DOJ admitted that the only reason he sent out that order was because of this letter.
  • The father and the family have started a multi-million law suit against the Louden County School Board.
  • The boy was indicted on two counts on two counts of non-consensual sex (which is rape).

That’s why Terry McAuliffe might lose the governorship to a Republican in a blue state. That is what Barrack Obama is calling “phony culture wars”.


On the Culture War…

The Left has been bitching about a stand up comedy routine for over a month about some things he said in an hour long routine about how men can’t be women. Does that sound like part of the Culture War?

Yes. There are dozens more happening today. Everything from gay marriage to using the right pronouns is part of the Culture Wars. And it’s always started by the Left.

Why does Barrack want us to ignore this now? Because they lose the battle.

Mind you, this is a guy who made disagreement racist when he was President. When people didn’t agree with his Obamacare Program, it was because they were racists. He did that his entire presidency.


Will There Be An Investigation Into This?

The January 6th Commission has been going on for a month. They are now threatening Trump administration officials for not testifying. Steve Bannon ignored subpoenas by Congress over who he talked to on January 6th and who the President talked to on January 6th.

Normally, a person within the President’s cabinet or an advisor can be declared immune from subpoenas through Presidential privilege. That privilege is carried through to the next administrations normally though it is not part of the law. It’s just considered courteous.

Guess what? Biden won’t do it and he said this week that the Department of Justice is independent. They will make the decision what to do. Bet you didn’t see that coming.

I wasn’t going to bring this up but then Pramila Jayapal, who is one who is becoming a major member of the squad, made a little speech this weekend. Here it is:

Here’s my question: What about the other riots that are causing tons of damage in other parts of the country? What about investigating the Democratic leadership that is preventing the police from breaking up these riots that are causing millions in damage? I’m not talking about last year’s riots though should have been investigating. I’m talking about riots that are occurring now, not by white supremacists, but far Left anarchist groups.

In Portland, celebrating the death of an activist, decided to run around the city causing half a million in damage.

According to the Oregonian:

A group of about 100 demonstrators broke windows and left graffiti scrawled on downtown Portland buildings Tuesday night at the end of a gathering commemorating the anniversary of a local activist’s death. Police eventually declared the event an unlawful assembly, according to social media posts from the demonstration, after some people lit fires in the street and set off fireworks.

No arrests have been made and investigations are underway. The damage is believed to be over $500,000, and 35 separate locations were targeted, including banks, retail stores, coffee shops, and government buildings, according to police, who referred to the demonstrators as ‘anarchists.’

Do you expect any investigations into that? There were government buildings damaged which is what the Left likes to talk about with January 6th.

How about this, from Portland’s KOIN:

“Lt. Jake Jensen with the Portland Police Bureau joined the Pearl District Neighborhood Association meeting Thursday night on the heels of widespread vandalism in the area. Jensen said House Bill 2928 is the reason officers aren’t directly intervening as vandals damage downtown Portland property.”

“The reason that we did not intervene goes back to what we talked about last month with HB 2928 and the restrictions placed on us in a crowd control environment,” Jenson told the meeting. “That’s the way our legislature has said we need to operate in a crowd control environment. So that’s the way we are going to operate in a crowd control environment.”

What about that? Is that worth investigating especially since it led to criminals not being arrested destroying private and public property? How serious can one take this January 6th Commission?



Cowardice or Apathy

I have two shirts I wear all the time. A Free America shirt and an anti Che Guevara shirt. With the Free America shirt, I am complimented all the time. But some people ask me what it means. I tell them it means free America from tyranny and socialism. They say I’m nuts and then I point out the mask they have on their face and they walk away. That has happened twice.

The Che Guevara shirt has only gotten one negative response (which is encouraging). Kid, maybe 20, told me that Che was a great man. I said he was a genocidal coward who caused the death of tens of thousands of Cubans and he should not say that to a Cuban. He didn’t argue with me. He just rolled his eyes and walked away. Not surprisingly, he had tattoos, gauges in his ears and blue hair.

Why do I tell you this? Because tis is my attempt to rebel against society. And I am the rebel. Socialism, perversion and tyranny has become mainstream. I’m the rebel, the hippie now. We are.

Why am I telling you this? It takes bravery to do this. I don’t know how people are going to react to such a politically charged garment. I have empathy. I care for this country. I care for the people in this country, even the ones that are too stupid to know how great this country is.

One thing I have never been afraid of is fighting. Especially when I see injustice or someone being harmed.

A man named Fiston Ngoy was arrested on a train in Philadelphia for raping a woman. He was from Senegal, here on an expired student visa. He has been arrested before for sexual assault and other crimes but wasn’t deported. He was with the woman for 40 minutes and was harassing her. He then started ripping her clothes off and started raping her.

There were more than 15 people on the train at the time. Most were filming it instead of stopping this piece of crap.

The question I have is why did this happen? Are we, as a nation, apathetic or afraid to stand up for what is right?

I don’t know.

Smart phones have definitely affected us. When we see terrible things through a screen, I can’t believe that it doesn’t become fiction, like a movie.
