Episode 443 – What he Screaming About?

Republicans just don’t get it.

Joe Biden is looking less competent by the second.

And we have an update on Afghanistan.


Republicans Just Don’t Get It

What did I say last week when Republicans kicked the crap out of Democrats in last Tuesday’s elections? Stay sane and don’t give Joe Biden any victories. Well, they already f-ed that up.

On Saturday morning, the House of Representatives voted on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and it passed. That is amazing considering none of the squad voted for the thing. How did it get passed? Thirteen Republicans voted for it. Better yet, thirteen RINOs voted for it. Without those votes, the bill does not pass.

The thirteen “republicans” that voted for the bill are Don Bacon of Nebraska, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Andrew Garbarino of New York, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, John Katko of New York, Nicole Malliotakis of New York, David McKinley of West Virginia, Tom Reed of New York, Chris Smith of New Jersey, Fred Upton of Michigan, Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, and Don Young of Alaska.

All those people should be voted out of office.

Before you think I am pissed off about this because Joe Biden is president and I want him to get his ass kicked in 2022 alla Bill Maher, remember that I also hate the bill. It could have been cut down to, maybe, $300 billion because most of it has nothing to do with infrastructure and we really don’t need to be spending all this money with the deficit where it is. It deals with crap like “helping the environment and free wi-fi. It’s stupid.

It also, when all is said and done, will probably cost closer to $2.5 trillion because there are some programs that are going to have to be paid beyond the life of the bill. It’s just a really bad bill.



Good Job, Joe

In a real shock, CNN actually did some journalism.

They reported on a sad situation that is happening in Afghanistan. Families, who have no money because the economy is crashing, are selling their young daughters to become brides of old, rich men. I cannot say anything stronger than hos CNN reports it. Listen:

What a depressing story. Next time Joe Biden or his administration says anything about the patriarchy or women’s rights, I think he needs to be reminded of the radical patriarchy he unleashed in Afghanistan. We knew this was going to happen. It’s not like the Taliban is not known for this. But, to the Biden administration, out-of-sight-out-of-mind.

It is refreshing to see that the Leftist media is reporting this but where was this reporting when we were abandoning them? Where were the reports about what the Taliban did when they were in power in the 90s? Where were the videos of the lighting people on fire, throwing gays off of tall building, of women being beaten in the streets because they didn’t wear their clothing right, of the beheadings? Where were they then?

I told you this stuff is going to come out and it is and we seemed shocked by it. We shouldn’t have been. We should have know or, at least, reminded.

In other updates in Afghanistan, members of the Afghan Security Forces, the military supported by the United States, are now joining ISIS-K because they fear the Taliban. So the people that we are supporting are becoming part of an organization that wants to destroy the west and the United States. And I bet they’re motivated after being abandoned by the United States.


Peter Doocy is Creating Election Campaign Commercials

Peter Doocy is becoming a real problem for the Biden Administration. He keeps pounding on things that are important to the people and that are not being questioned by the legacy media. One of the things he won’t give up on are these $450K payments the DOJ is contemplating to settle a lawsuit brought up by illegal aliens that were separated from their children, per United States law, in 2018. He pounded her for three straight minutes:

Some things:

  • Peter Doocy did ask questions about this the previous couple of days but there have been no answers. Biden has been saying something totally different than the DOJ or his own administration, the administration is referring to the DOJ and the DOJ won’t answer any questions. Meanwhile, the ACLU is saying that this is happening.
  • It is an important question. That’s because we don’t want tax payer money going to illegal aliens. This is going to be a talking point in the 2022 elections.
  • She continues to blame the Trump administration. The Zero Tolerance policy of the Trump administration wasn’t actually a policy Trump created. He was just following the laws that Congress wrote and the president signed into law.
  • By the way, the zero tolerance policy worked. It got illegal immigration down to 30K a month compared to the 200K a month we have now.
  • I’m also sick and tired of the “babies being taken away from their mothers” garbage. The “babies” are being separated from their mothers because the “mothers” are criminals. Stop blaming the government for people committing crimes. Blame the “mother” for doing something dangerous and illegal, putting her child at risk.
  • And why not fight this is civil court? Why settle with the illegal aliens and the ACLU? Because this administration thinks the country is evil and doesn’t believe in its sovereignty.
  • Doocy got some crap for his question about not paying legal immigrants, but he shouldn’t. It’s a good question. I would have even expanded on it.
    • Why not give American criminals who have children $450K? They’re separated from their children also while serving in jail or prison.
    • Pregnant women in prison have to give up their kid after birth if they’re still in prison.
    • Watch, in the near future, there will be lawsuits arguing just that and those lawsuits will be brought up by, you guessed it, the ACLU.
  • Why can’t Jean-Pierre answer the question about what the president thinks? Isn’t that her job? Didn’t Biden say twice the story was bunk? That this wasn’t happening?
    • Doocy also wasn’t asking about what the DOJ was doing, he was asking what the president thought.

But it isn’t just the Democrats that are annoyed by this. Joe Biden seems to be getting a little snippy when asked about it. Here’s Joe yelling at a reporter on Saturday when questioned about the payouts to illegal aliens:

Some things:

  • Joe Biden’s lying has got to be getting on nerves. That’s a lie about him saying the story wasn’t garbage. Peter Doocy asked him that question and Biden said the story was garbage…twice. Doocy actually asked him to confirm it.
  • Again, he’s blaming the Trump administration for following the letter of the law that was passed by Congress and signed by the president at the time. Why isn’t he changing the law.
  • What the hell is he yelling at?
  • What about compensation for the criminals who are American citizens who are serving time in prison and are separated from their children?
  • I know he’s trying to look tough but all he looks like is an old man yelling at the kids for playing on his grass.

This is not going away. This will bite the Democrats in the coming year before the elections. If I were Peter Doocy, I’d keep asking about this until he gets an answer and keep the zingers coming. Each is a campaign commercial.


Let’s Do a Little Culture

I saw this video on Twitter from an account called Libs of Tik Tok. Surprisingly, this account is run by a woman. Interesting to have a woman forward the patriarchy.

Anyway, this video was released by Columbia University and was explaining how people should set up their E-mail signatures using their preferred pronouns. Listen:

Now, I don’t know about you but Columbia produces a crapload of doctors and lawyers. If I was to get a lawyer from Columbia who told be his preferred pronouns, I’d be out of the office in seconds. I need a lawyer who is exact with his language and doesn’t just make words up. So much for the education of a $79K a year ivy league university.

Then there’s this one that’s far more disturbing. Here’s a little boy with makeup drawn all over his face, claiming he’s a little girl. This wouldn’t be so bad except his woke mother is egging him one. Listen:

This is why I was against gay marriage. This is why the Give a Mouse a Cookie Principle is so important. This woman she be arrested for child abuse and the kid, the little boy, should be taken from the family. This is Munchausen Syndrome. Don’t be shocked if this kid isn’t a puberty blockers next year and having his penis cut off a few years from now.

Here’s my big question: Where’s the father?
