Episode 445 – Getting the Schiff Kicked Out of Him

The issues happening today are not problems. They are the Left’s solutions.

We know sidewalks are racists so it was only a matter of time before roads would be racist.

And Adam Schiff gets the Schiff kicked out of him about the Russia collusion scandal.


They Know, It’s Part of the Plan

The Biden administration has no idea how to handle the gas crisis. By the way, unlike the climate crisis, the energy crisis is a real crisis. People are spending 40% more on gas. Propane is up over 50%. Home heating right before ten degree weather is a thing.

The administration has no idea how to handle it. Here is a cut from News Junkies Archives that shows Karine Jean-Pierre giving the same answer about gas prices on two different days. Listen:

That is a spliced video clip. Jean-Pierre is giving the same answer on two different days to the same question on the second day.

I think this is funny but here is her real answer answer yesterday:

Gouging in the market? That’s what you guys are worried about? How about why prices are going through the roof?

Question for you: Do you think this is all an accident? Do you think this is just the ebb and flow of energy economics? Or do you think this has something to do with controlling the movement of people within the United States in the name of the religion of climate change?

Or, just maybe, this has something to do with controlling the movement of people. Or maybe its just about control.

Ooo! Conspiracy theory!

Okay. But then explain to me how this country was energy independent last year, actually exporting fuel, and this year, Joe Biden is on his knees, begging OPEC to produce more oil to lower gas prices in the United States. Joe Biden, single-handedly, has destroyed our energy industry. With gas up $1.50 a gallon, what does old Joe do? How about shutdown another pipeline?

This is not a new story. Gretchen Whitmer wanted to shut down the L-5 pipeline from Canada to Michigan. Energy for the entire Midwest is supported by this pipeline. A million barrels are pumped per day. Now Whitmer couldn’t cancel the contracts on her own. But, with the support of the Biden administration…

Here’s Peter Doocy lighting up Karine Jean-Pierre about the subject…again:

I think that there is a page in Jean-Pierre’s little book that says, “just call Doocy a liar.” I don’t even know what to say here. Jean-Pierre said it for me. The Biden administration is considering the L-5 pipeline. Which means, they are going to shutdown the pipeline. It’s going to happen.

So here’s the question I have for you: Is destroying the energy industry in the United States part of the Biden administration’s goal.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The answer is yes.

There’s a lot of evidence of this. Barrack Obama said Americans should get used to no traveling like they currently did. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that all travel in the United States will be done by rail. No cars, no planes. What’s the easiest way to eliminate travel and fossil fuel usage? Make fuel so expensive and hard to come, by no one can use it. This is Biden’s plan.

Let’s listen to Saule Omarova talk about bankrupting the oil industry:

Gas prices are meant to go up. They want gas prices high so no one buys it. They want to kill the oil industry.

Ilhan Omar said the same thing:

Any questions as to why the Biden administration doesn’t have any solutions to the energy crisis? They don’t have any solutions because this is the solution. This is the end goal. And they want to make it worse.

Inflation is also part of Biden’s plan. This whole experiment of the Left is to train people to do what the government wants. Read the Washington Post, New York Times, The Daily Beast or Vox. They all have opinion articles that tell us we need to get used to buying less. This will help the environment. This will make us a better country. This will lead to Utopia.

You think vax and mask mandates don’t apply here? Of course they do. It’s part of our training.

This is what tyranny is. The government tells us we don’t need this and that. We can survive without it. Of course, “this” is toilet paper and “that” is food. I can guarantee a couple of things: our elite overlords like AOC will have all the toilet paper and food they want. Only we peons have to suffer.

Is it a shock people aren’t voting Democrat?



That’s a Way to Get Us to Stop Driving

Here’s a way to get us to stop driving. The roads are all racist!

Listen to Pete Buttigieg answering an obviously setup question by CNN correspondent, April Ryan:

Wow. April Ryan, who doesn’t look like she’s missed a mean in twenty-seven years is telling us we should not drive because the greatest highway system in human history is racist.

There is nothing more crazy than Pete Butt-gigg’s answer:

Okay, I think I’m a smart guy. I didn’t go to Harvard but I did study English at Cal State Northridge (go Matadors). But what did he say in those two minutes? I think he could have shortened that whole thing up by saying, “I don’t know why asphalt is racist.”.

But, April didn’t give him a break. Per the probing “journalist” she is, she pushed harder:

Oh my God it’s such a heavy lift for a guy that took three months off because he and his husband had twins. Or however that happened. Three months off! 

Pete’s answer was awesome:

You know, his whole answer April Ryan’s softball questions too three minutes. His answer, that too three minutes, was:

“I don’t know.”

Pete is a great politician. He talks fast and he’s intelligent. He’s perfect for the Biden administration. Problem is, we are now listening. That’s not a good thing for Pete Butt-gig.




Afghanistan Update

The Pentagon is admitting that since President Biden withdrew all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, several dozen immediate family members of U.S. service members are still trapped there.

The memo from the Pentagon states:

DOD places a high priority on immediate family members of U.S. citizen or LPR military personnel (active duty, reservists, and members of the National Guard) and DoD civilian employees. Immediate family members eligible for facilitated departure from Afghanistan are defined by U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services as the spouses and unmarried children under the ageof21of U.S. citizens and LPR military personnel and DoD civilian employees.

We understand that many U.S. military personnel and DOD civilian employees have extended family remaining in Afghanistan. DoD recognizes that these extended family members also have a connection to the United States; we will continue to assist State/CARE as they develop mechanisms that may facilitate the safe departures for such individuals from Afghanistan in the future.

Basically, the Pentagon is admitting there are a ton of U.S. citizens and family of service members in Afghanistan. They are finally admitting it. Why now? Because they think the population has forgotten. And they may have. But one thin I do know, something we may have always known, the government has been lying to us.



Liar, Liar! Pants on Fire!

There is going to be another arrest in the John Durham investigation and Igor Danchenko has pleaded not guilty today. That’s good news. But there’s bad news. There will not be a sweeping arrests in the probe. I thought this would happen. We are not going to see arrests of high profile characters like Andrew McCabe of even Christopher Steele.

But the damage has been done for the Democrats.

Adam Schiff went on The View and was questioned hard by Morgan Ortagus. It didn’t go well for Schiff:

Oops. Schiff never got a question like this from CNN and MSNBC. His answer was less than satisfactory:

Some things:

  • He continues to go after Trump. This is what Democrats do. They always try to raise the shiny bauble called Donald Trump to bring attention away from their sins.
  • Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and the other campaign guys whose names I can’t remember did go to jail. He’s lying.
  • What does he mean that there was “no way they knew someone was lying to Christopher Steele”? That’s where you investigate. He brought up an impeachment based off this stuff. He said he had hard evidence that Trump was colluding with the Russians.
  • He also refuses to acknowledge that when Trump saw issues with his people, he dealt with it. He refuses to give an inch to Trump.
  • Finally, the smoke screen he’s talking about was created by him. Trump was not colluding with the Russians. That has been proven.
  • I’ll skip the erection misspeak. Everyone else is talking about it.
  • Schiff’s entire case for impeaching Trump was the Steele Dossier. He’s saying Trump is guilty even though his main piece of evidence is bunk.

Here’s the last clip and the pinnacle of this interview:


Adam Schiff’s political career and any credibility he may have had is gone. Couldn’t have happened to a better person.
