Episode 446 – The Aren’t Going Away

The Middle East is becoming a real problem.

The Kyle Rittenhouse enters the final stages of the trial.

Black Lives Matter will never stop destroying New York City.

And the Wall Street Journal hits it on the head.


Wonder If We’re Going to Hear Anything About This

Joe Biden is losing control of the Middle East. Afghanistan is a disaster. Pakistan told us to kick rocks and refuse to let us use their air bases. China made a deal with Afghanistan and soon will be occupying a couple of out bases. Iran is about to have a nuclear bomb (if they don’t have one by now).

An Iranian-based group in Yemen has stormed the United States Embassy. They have taken hostages, intelligence and equipment.

The Free Beacon reported:

A group of Houthi rebels reportedly stormed the U.S. compound on Wednesday seeking “large quantities of equipment and materials,” according to regional reports translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute. The raid comes just five days after the Houthis kidnapped Yemeni nationals who work for the U.S. embassy. “The alleged raid comes after the Houthis kidnapped three Yemeni nationals affiliated with the U.S. Embassy from one of the employee’s private residences in Sana’a on November 5,” according to MEMRI. At least 22 other Yemenis were kidnapped by the Houthis in recent weeks, “most of whom worked on the security staff guarding the embassy grounds,” according to MEMRI. 

So now we have hostages in Afghanistan and Yemen. Hell, that worse than Jimmy Carter.

The administration said:

“We call on the Houthis to immediately vacate it and return all seized property. The U.S. government will continue its diplomatic efforts to secure the release of our staff and the vacating of our compound, including through our international partners.”

This isn’t going to stop. The United States is seen as weak right now, thanks to Joe Biden. We look like we’re more worried about using the right pronouns and racism rather than the real threats in the world.



It’s Over

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial has ended the evidentiary portion of the trial. So what’s left?

  • Closing arguments.
  • Juror instructions.
  • Deliberations.

But first, the judge has some decisions to make.

  • Does he drop more charges? Like attempted murder of the guy who admitted he aimed a gun at Rittenhouse? He’s already dropped the curfew violation.
  • Does he do a directed verdict? The prosecution has not only not proved their case but their witnesses have proven Rittenhouse’s case. The case also looks completely political. The media has convicted him. The FBI was hiding video they took.
  • Does he rule that this is a mistrial with prejudice? That would be the same as a directed verdict.

The reality is judges don’t like doing any of this. There is a very good chance he is going to allow the case to go to the jury. If the jury votes guilty, there is a great chance the judge throws out the verdict and releases him. There is also a very good chance the judge would allow him to go on his own reconsents until his appeals are pushed through.

Next week is going to be an interesting week and expect fireworks no matter what the verdict is.



What do I mean about fireworks no matter what the verdict?

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are going to riot again in Kenosha. No matter what. Kyle Rittenhouse needs to get the death penalty for Kenosha to avoid rioting and, then, only maybe. We are already seeing this is happening in other parts of the country.

In New York City, Eric Adams, a former cop and the mayor elect who will relieve that incompetent and ground hog killer, Bill de Blasio. He has sworn he will bring law and order to the streets and end all this “defund the police” crap.

By the way, he’s also black. That’s what he’s run on. That is his campaign promise.

Well, the New York City chapter of BLM said they will light the city up if Adams tries to bring back some of the police’s special forces which is what he promised to do.

Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, and his sister Chivona Newsome, also a co-founder of the group, threatened civil unrest and violence if Adams kept to his campaign pledge.

Hawke said:

“If he thinks that they’re going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again. There will be riots, there will be fire and there will be bloodshed because we believe in defending our people.

“So there is no way that he is going to let some Gestapo come in here and harm our people. We pray for peace but … prepare for the worst.”

His sister added:

“We will shut the city down. We will shut down City Hall, and we will give him hell and make it a nightmare.”

The Newsomes and Adams held a meeting before his comments. When Newsome threatened New York City, Adams went ballistic:

“You’re on the ground: Stop the violence in my community. I’m holding you accountable.

“Don’t hold me accountable, Being the mayor, being the borough president, being the state senator — I put my body on the line for my community, so I’m not here for folks to come and say, ‘Eric, we’re gonna hold you accountable.’

“No, it’s us. We need to do this together.”

Hey, Eric, they aren’t going to help you. They think you’re a racist even though you’re a Democrat and black. They think you’re a racist because anyone that is part of the system is a racist.

I hope Adams has the balls to back up his words. These people are playing for keeps. This is a war. He needs not to be afraid of getting his hands dirty and throwing these pieces of garbage in prison.




Biden made a speech yesterday and it started a firestorm with everyone except the media. I hear this and I just wonder what kind of scandal this would create. Listen:

Some things:

  • I think this is “old man disease”. I don’t know because Joe Biden definitely has his prejudices.
    • He presided over Robert Byrd’s funeral. Robert Byrd was a Grand Cyclops for the KKK.
    • He said you can’t go into a 7-11 without hearing an Indian accent.
    • He called Barrack Obama a “clean, good looking and smart man”.
    • He said that “poor kids were as smart as white kids”.
  • Here’s the problem I see that will let me give him a break. I think he misspoke. I think he meant to say, “the Negro Leagues” not that Satchel Paige was a Negro.
  • But f-him. Joe Biden is a racist. If I’m a racist because I don’t think people should burn down buildings, he’s can be a racist for saying what he’s said.
    • Barrack Obama banned the use of the word “Negro” when he was president and Joe was vice president.
    • I listened to some people who are black and they don’t like the term, “Negro”. They say it’s not much different than the N-word.
  • I can’t be too upset that he insulted black people. He insults people, no matter their race, on a daily basis. So why should people of color be immune to the insults.
  • This is the Joe Biden people elected. That’s democracy. And we are getting democracy good and hard.


This Is Completely Accurate

You may have noticed I rushed through those stories. Heck, you may have been relieved I rushed through those stories. That’s because the Wall Street Journal ran an opinion piece called Millennials, Put Away Childish Political Things by Mary Eberstadt. I think it’s an important article because it hits on everything that is failing in our culture.

It’s not just about Millennials. It messes with Gen Z and the later generations. Here it is:

As the election results of 2021 suggest a chill in the air for the left, the time has come to talk to younger voters—millennials and Generation Z—about America’s future. The message can be distilled in a single sentence: You’ve been robbed.

You have been robbed of something treasured by millions of less-literate Americans before you: knowledge and appreciation of your own country, and its symphonic, tumultuous, sometimes riven and always illuminating history.

According to some of today’s loudest and most influential voices, the U.S. is an irredeemable cesspool of racism and bigotry. This lie has resulted in a wide patriotism gap. In 2020, according to one poll, under a quarter of Democrats surveyed said they were extremely proud to be American, as opposed to almost three-quarters of Republicans. Only a third of Americans your age say the same.

Ask yourselves why. Most of us wouldn’t trash-talk our families. Most of us wouldn’t trash-talk our neighborhoods. Think about that the next time someone trash-talks your national home and neighborhood, your country.

This is a tremendous introduction but, right off, I see a huge problem. That problem involves the things that she’s goin to talk about throughout the article. Unfortunately, she does not address how to get the youth to that point that they have lost.

One such figure, impresario of the New York Times’s “1619 Project,” says she has never regarded herself as “particularly patriotic.” Another, whose sulfurous racialism permeates elite education, says that he has never felt free in the U.S., even as his every grievance is celebrated and subsidized. If they have such a low opinion of America, what makes you think they care about Americans—including you?

That’s a great question that has been answered over the last couple of years through the riots, tearing down of statues, crime, drug addiction and cancel culture. They don’t like Americans. Especially Americans that like their country.

Many of today’s young have been robbed, too, of another source of immaterial wealth: the consolations and joys of family life. This theft is due in part to generational arithmetic. Today’s younger adults hail from smaller networks of kinship than earlier generations. You are more likely to have lacked a father at home and to have had fewer siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts than your forbears.

The family deficit is also a consequence of ideas. Generations of thinkers have disparaged the family as the enemy of utopian schemes. In their depictions, home and hearth amount to a slaughterhouse of dreams and aspirations, especially for women. To the contrary: Unprecedented rates of abortion, fatherlessness and divorce, far from liberating you, have subtracted actual and potential loved ones from your lives. No wonder surveys show that young people are the loneliest Americans.

Absolutely correct! The family, made of a father and mother, has been demonized by the Left. But it started back in the 19th century with Karl Marx. According to revisesociaology.com, Marx said:

“Marxists argue that the nuclear family performs ideological functions for Capitalism – the family acts as a unit of consumption and teaches passive acceptance of hierarchy. It is also the institution through which the wealthy pass down their private property to their children, thus reproducing class inequality.
This is a communist/Marxist philosophy. BLM believes in destroying the nuclear family. But the family has some very important functions:
  • Teaches societal norms.
  • Establishes morality.
  • Teaches empathy (mother) and chivalry (father).
  • Establishes faith.
  • Creates community.

Some of you have been robbed of another rich inheritance: organized religion. Men and women throughout the ages concluded that humanity exists within some form of a sacred order. Alongside that understanding of the divine flourished the greatest art and science, architecture and music and human creation at large that our species has ever devised. Permanent membership in “none of the above” secularism risks relinquishing your own cultural inheritance: Western civilization.

Marxists/communists hate religion. That’s because people do not see government as God, they see God as God. There is a higher power. But every secular society always seems to be missing something. They are missing hope.

This brings us to the political choice before you. Today’s neo-Marxism and identity politics seek to co-opt your youthful energies into a lifetime of performative rancor. Is that what you want?

The left tells you that your fellow citizens are racists, fascists, sexists, bigots and haters. This relentless negativity obliterates youthful hopes. It shrivels the youthful imagination. Worst of all, it shrinks your hearts.

Young people are designed by nature to love and to be loved with energy and magnanimity. Today’s misanthropes tell you the opposite: that humanity is a toxin on the planet, unworthy of reproduction. This counsel couldn’t be more wrong—especially for you. If loneliness is the problem, putting more people in your lives with marriage and children is the self-evident solution.

One thing Marxists want is unhappiness. This isn’t something I’m making up, it is a policy choice. The reason is communist/Marxist governments want a perpetual revolution. Leaders from countries like North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela are constantly bringing up the revolution in their speeches. The Cuban government has been talking about the revolution for 60 years. How does this help them to make their people miserable? People will always think they are heading toward utopia and they just have to suffer a little longer.

But, we know, the suffering never stops. When I speak to a socialist or communist, the first thing I ask is, “Have you ever been to a socialist country?” The answer is always, “no”.

The woke arrogantly claim to own you simply by virtue of your youth. That’s because they have a lot to sell you, in commerce as well as politics. Corporations fly under cool-kid flags to market harmful products. Consider the hawking of marijuana to your demographic. Or how some tech companies have succeeded in addicting millions to social media, with harrowing consequences we’re only beginning to understand. All these lurches for your wallet might make you question the left’s authority.

Completely correct. Unfortunately, this is the Catch-22 of capitalism. Yes, it creates tremendous innovation because it allows for the competitive spirit of human nature. But human nature can be corrupted and we do see that. But socialism, which represses human nature, creates nothing.

Look at China. China’s “powerful” economy is a paper tiger. If it wasn’t for American manufacturers like Apple and Nike, their economy would be nothing. That hypersonic missile was not invented by China. It is American technology. They innovate nothing. The steal their innovations.

Conservatism isn’t a monolith. Conservatives disagree over all sorts of ideas and policies, at times profoundly. That’s the point. Diverse as it is, conservatism is one community where you will find authentic debate—even as sanity and agreement on a few big things still prevail.

In place of today’s cynical exploitation of race, conservatism says Martin Luther King Jr. In place of identity politics that flies under rival banners and denies our common home, it says only the American flag should fly over a U.S. Embassy. In place of ever more fastidiously defined factions, it says one nation indivisible. And in place of indifference to the sufferings incurred by family decline, family subversion and postmodern cultural chaos, conservatism seeks revival.

This is the room where the grown-ups are. This is where you deserve to be too—you who know from the inside your generation’s poignant realities. You are overdue for the restoration of America’s undiminished promise and for upward moral mobility.

I also want to point out that Eberstadt skipped something very important. She skipped that the institutions are normalizing the Marxist theories. This is the tough part of bring patriotism back to our kids. When children are in school being told the United States is bad, it gets confirmed by the media and the entertainment industry romanticizes it, it’s no surprise the current generations aren’t getting married, having children out of wedlock and not looking to God or religion. A lot of those generations have been brainwashed.

I see the only way to take control of the future is for conservatives to take back the institutions or create parallel institutions. Then we can raise our kids in those institutions.
