Episode 456 – Ciao Bella!

CNN says ciao bella to Chris Cuomo.

Joe Biden gets kicked in the teeth again over his vax mandates.

And abortion is under the microscope of the Supreme Court.


Ciao, Bella

Chris Cuomo is out at CNN.

It was discovered that Chris Cuomo had used his media contacts to get information about his governor brother, Andrew Cuomo, on his sexual harassment victims. CNN couldn’t ignore this like they did for the last year. They finally suspended him indefinitely.

This is a big problem for CNN. Chris Cuomo’s show was the highest rated show on CNN. Now, that isn’t saying much. The Fox News show at 5 AM has higher rating than Chris Cuomo’s show. Heck, there are two HLN shows that are beating CNN’s top rated show. Don Lemon’s show is so in the tank, Chris Cuomo spent the first fifteen minutes of Lemon’s show joking around with Lemon to stop people from changing the channel. So what is CNN going to do.

I want you to remember one thing: Jeffry Toobin. Yes, the guy who was caught jerking off on a CNN Zoom call involving the 2020 elections. He, too, was indefinitely suspended. Now, Toobin is back on CNN, albeit at a distance from any other panel member. Call me cynical, but I see this being a bit of a publicity stunt. I think he might be off air for a month and then CNN will unsuspend him and they will celebrate the return of Chris Cuomo.

Here’s the thing, Chris Cuomo should have been fired. Not because he helped his brother, but because he’s an idiot and a liar. He lied about his brother. So it shouldn’t be a surprise they fired him. What’s a surprise is CNN hasn’t fired their entire lineup. They’re highest rated show is ranked around 25. This station needs to fix themselves and firing everyone is a good way to start.



Another L!

A federal judge in Louisiana blocked Democrat President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for health care workers on Tuesday, issuing a nationwide injunction on Biden’s order.

Louisiana Western District U.S. Judge Terry Doughty wrote:

“If the separation of powers meant anything to the Constitutional framers, it meant that the three necessary ingredients to deprive a person of liberty or property – the power to make rules, to enforce them, and to judge their violations – could never fall into the same hands. If the executive branch is allowed to usurp the power of the legislative branch to make laws, two of the three powers conferred by our Constitution would be in the same hands. If human nature and history teach anything, it is that civil liberties face grave risks when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency.”

Yes, yes! This is why the Biden administration thinks this is unconstitutional. This is exactly why we have a House, a Senate, a President and a Supreme Court. So one person doesn’t control everything. That’s how tyranny grows.

“During a pandemic such as this one, it is even more important to safeguard the separation of powers set forth in our Constitution to avoid erosion of our liberties. Because the Plaintiff States have satisfied all four elements required for a preliminary injunction to issue, this Court has determined that a preliminary injunction should issue against the Government Defendants. This matter will ultimately be decided by a higher court than this one. However, it is important to preserve the status quo in this case. The liberty interests of the unvaccinated requires nothing less.

This is why the Left are making the unvaccinated evil. Because the Left cannot win through Congress or the courts. No one buys their crap. They have to fight this through the court public opinion.

Guess what? They’re losing there too.

Listen, I love the vaccine. I took them both and I was glad to have them. I will not take the booster next month because I had a rather uncomfortable reaction and I want to see more. I’m not saying I won’t take it. But there are two reason I am not interested in getting a booster at this time:

  • There are no studies on B or T-cell immunity for the vaccines. It is possible I am safe from dying from COVID because my body knows how to fight it because of the vaccines.
  • I am still moderately young and healthy. I would rather catch the damn thing, suffer for a couple of days and have natural immunity before I get older and then compromised. This disease isn’t going away. It’s endemic and will always be here.
  • I think there is a high chance I’ve already had it. Maybe if we did more antibody testing instead of nose swabs, we’d know where we really stand in this country.
  • I don’t want to take boosters for the rest of my life.

“Therefore, the scope of this injunction will be nationwide, except for the states of Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nebraska, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, since these ten states are already under a preliminary injunction order dated November 29, 2021, out of the Eastern District of Missouri. This preliminary injunction shall remain in effect pending the final resolution of this case, or until further orders from this Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, or the United States Supreme Court.”

Biden has been skunked on his vaccine mandates:

  • His mandate for private industry has been blocked.
  • His mandate for the healthcare industry has been blocked.
  • His mandate for the military has been fought against and pretty much blocked, especially by the Marines and Navy.
  • The unions refuse to take the vaccine.

Well, he’s decided to go in a different direction. On Thursday he’s going to announce new restrictions for those entering and leaving the United States, including for American citizens.

  • A person entering the country must have a negative test one day before entering the country. If positive, no entry.
  • A person must quarantine for seven days after entering the country even with a negative test.
  • Anyone violating the order is subject to fines.

This is beginning to sound more like Australia than the United States.




On Wednesday, the Supreme Court will weigh in on Mississippi’s controversial anti-abortion law that bans abortion past 15 weeks. This decision could overturn Roe versus Wade making abortion an issue of the state. Of course, because the Left treats abortion as a religious ritual, the news media is throwing all their attention to it.

Here is an opinion article from the Washington Post. It is called If the Supreme Court throws out ‘Roe v. Wade,’ it will tear the country apart by Eugene Robinson. I found it interesting because I thought it was the most honest and it brought up the fact that there is 50% of the population that thinks abortion is wrong. It doesn’t demonize anti-abortionists unlike the other articles I read.

Roe v. Wade is an important piece of the duct tape that holds this fractious nation together, and it would be a grievous error for the antiabortion majority on the Supreme Court to rip it away.

But that is precisely what the court, with its 6-3 conservative majority, looks poised to do. Wednesday’s oral arguments over Mississippi’s law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy will not really be about “textualist” or “originalist” legal principles. They will be about whether the Constitution protects a woman’s freedom over her own body — a liberty recognized when Roe was decided on Jan. 22, 1973.

Some things:

  • How is Roe v. Wade duct tape? I think it is one of the worst decisions in U.S. history. It’s up there with Jim Crow and slavery. It’s extremely polarizing.
  • First off, let’s ease up on the 6-3 Conservative court.
    • John Roberts is hardly made any Conservative decisions.
    • Neil M. Gorsuch has made some iffy decisions.
    • Kavanaugh and Barrett seem to not like going against precedence.
    • I am just not sure how Conservative this court is.
  • This has everything to do with “textualist” principles. The term abortion is not used once in the Constitution.
  • Roe v. Wade is a terrible precedence because it just came up with some crap about privacy. That’s why the Left has been worried about it being overturned since the eighties.

I remember that day well, because it was also the day when former president Lyndon B. Johnson died. I was one of the editors of the Michigan Daily, the student newspaper at the University of Michigan, and we had a passionate argument that went late into the evening over which should be our lead story. Should it be legalized abortion across the nation? Or the man who sent tens of thousands of young Americans to die in the Vietnam War?

Most of the female editors saw the historic importance of Roe and understood the impact it would have on women’s lives. Most of the male editors — myself included, I confess — could not see past Vietnam and pushed hard for LBJ. We won, sort of: The paper ended up stripping Johnson’s death across the top of the front page and putting the Roe decision right beneath it, still above the fold, with a boldface two-line headline. For history’s sake, I thought that was the right call.

I was spectacularly wrong. Johnson was indeed a towering figure, but he’d been long out of office and had to die at some point anyway. Roe was like a bolt from the blue, and with it the nation took a giant stride toward treating women as full and equal citizens under the law. The decision’s impact continues to this day — but perhaps not for many days longer.

Some things:

  • This paragraph points out the disparities between men and women. Sexism anyone?
  • The point here is he is right. The Vietnam war led to the deaths of 65,000 Americans. Abortion has killed over 60 million American babies since Roe v. Wade. So he’s right, abortion was the bigger story.

There are those who claim that Roe is divisive, that the ruling set the stage for years of bitter conflict by recognizing a constitutional right to abortion that cannot be unduly infringed by the states. But I believe that analysis is wrong. What’s truly divisive is abortion itself — an issue on which, for many Americans, there simply is no middle ground.

Some people believe that all abortion is murder and that every pregnancy should be brought to full term. I do not share this view. But for those who do, how could there ever be compromise? What does it matter whether an abortion takes place in the first, second or third trimester, or whether it takes place before or after the point at which the fetus would be viable outside the womb? What is the difference between taking a Plan B pill and having a surgical abortion after 15 weeks? If both are “murders,” how can one be acceptable and one not?

Some things:

  • Abortion is not a Constitutional right if one is a textualist which is what I am. It has been artificially made into a Constitutional right through a very week precedence.
  • There’s another Constitutional right that the Left always forgets: Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
  • Because it’s not a Constitutional right, it is up to the states. He’s just wrong here.
  • Because he doesn’t see abortion is murder, our debate is done.
    • It’s been scientifically proven since the 80s though test tube babies, invitro fertilization, DNA testing and being able to map the stages of growth through sonograms.
    • Saying it is not killing a baby is denying science.
  • Taking the abortion pill is killing the baby. Weak sauce argument here.
  • Here are a couple of questions I have:
    • Why not be able to kill a baby after it’s born? It still has a dependence on the mother.

Like most Americans, I do not believe that all abortion is murder. It doesn’t matter whether I think a line should be drawn at viability or how I believe the health and well-being of the pregnant person should be factored in. What matters is that my view, whatever its nuances, can never be acceptable to those who take an absolutist position against abortion.

Viability is not relevant here. A baby is not viable months after it’s born. It’s if the zygote or fetus is a separate human being is the question.

The pregnant person has an option to get pregnant or not. Here’s a news flash: We know how people get pregnant. There’s no mystery in it anymore. This what the Left does. The strip personal responsibility from people. If you strip personal responsibility from people, then there are no consequences for bad decisions.

This is why I see Roe as unifying rather than divisive: It makes a yes-no decision. It sets a baseline that some of us cannot abide but that most of us applaud or can live with. It says that, yes, the Constitution, in its words and its penumbra, does protect a woman’s fundamental right to terminate her pregnancy.

Unifying for who? Unifying for Leftists. I think abortion is murder. I think women who have multiple abortions, and I know and few and so do you, are disgusting, selfish and immoral.

Then he contradicts himself is the next line that “some of us cannot abide” by it says that it is not unifying! By the way, it’s not :some of us”. It’s like 50% of the country thinks abortion is wrong.

Like all of our constitutionally protected freedoms, the right to choose can be restricted, but not taken away. That has been the status quo for nearly five decades, and the nation has muddled through. But if Roe is reversed — if the court rules, as its most conservative justices have argued, that no protected right to reproductive choice exists — then the political cold war over abortion will flare immediately into a roaring blaze.

Reproductive choice always exists. You have the choice to use condoms. You have the choice to use birth control pills. You have the choice not to have sex. That choice is gone when you get pregnant. The horse is out of the barn at that point.

If states such as Texas pass laws that effectively eliminate all abortions, those with the means will travel to other states to terminate their pregnancies. Many poor people will risk their health by seeking illegal abortions. Some doctors will most likely risk imprisonment. There will be intense pressure for pro-choice federal legislation, and abortion will be a hot-button issue in every congressional district.

As if our politics needed more heat.

Roe will never please everyone, but it has served the country well. I fear this Supreme Court is foolish enough to throw it away.

Some things:

  • I liked this article because it wasn’t vicious. He didn’t demonize anti-abortionists. He just thought they are misguided.
  • The problem is if he got into a debate with an anti-abortionist, he would get killed. The facts just aren’t on his side. The example would be he doesn’t believe abortion is murder.
  • He tries to argue that Roe v. Wade is unifying. But this is not his real argument. His real argument is that abortion has been around for 45 years and we should just live with it.
  • Not only should we live with it, but we should just ignore anti-abortionists, though he never explains why. He doesn’t think its murder so that enough. He spent half the article saying that but doesn’t say what he doesn’t think it’s murder.
  • I, on the other hand, can write an article as to why it is murder.
