Episode 463 – Sanctuary of Evil

A tragedy strikes the Midwest and the media won’t let it go to waste.

California has become a sanctuary of evil.

Gavin Newsom of California needs to learn a book.

And the assault on art and history continues.




At least 30 tornadoes were reported throughout Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. The largest tornado that struck the region tore through more than 200 miles in Kentucky.

The death toll, as of right now, is 80 but is expected to go much higher.

An Amazon facility and an old folks home were among the facilities destroyed.

On Saturday, multiple disaster-aid and humanitarian groups deployed to multiple states to help tornado victims, including the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, World Vision and Samaritan’s Purse. California also sent search and rescue specialists to help Kentucky.


That Didn’t Take Long

Joe Biden was asked about the tornado storm and he had to bring up his narrative.

Dude, they haven’t even found everyone and you have to bring up climate change?

Here’s a news flash for old Joe: tornadoes happen every year at the same time. They’ve been happening for centuries. Most years, it’s not a big deal. Some years, we get a big storm. what would be strange is that we didn’t have any tornadoes. Then we should be worried about climate change.

But it wasn’t just old Joe.

Here’s the farting, commie f-er, Eric Swallwell:

Jamele Hill tweeted:

Mark Ruffalo tweeted:

Never let a good tragedy go to waste. Especially when there are dead people. Dead people really bring the message home, right?

I don’t think these people understand that their message is so cynical, so exploitative that it’s a turn off. They actually look like political fools that only care about their message.



An Act of Evil

California has a great idea. In order to become the most evil and f-up state in the country, they’ve decided to push against the anti-abortion cases in front of the Supreme Court.

If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, they have decided to become an abortion sanctuary state. But it gets worse.

The Ken-doll governor of California, Gavin Newsom, said:

“We’ll be a sanctuary. We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

By the way, overturning Roe vs. Wade doesn’t end abortion in California. In fact, it gives the state the ability to expand abortion. But California wants more.

The state’s council stated:

“If our state’s abortion provider network is to provide timely care to California patients and absorb any significant portion of the increase in out-of-state patients projected should Roe be overturned, California must take steps now to ensure the growth of a network of clinicians trained in abortion and sexual and reproductive health care.”

Here is their plan:

  • Funds to support the work of abortion fund organizations, abortion providers, and other community-based
    organizations that secure practical support needs for patients. These funds, drawn down over a medium term number of years, are needed for direct logistical and practical support for patients such as gas, lodging,
    transportation, child care, doula support, food, lost wages, etc. Funding is needed as soon as possible with
    allowances to apply for funds to reimburse for expenses in 2021.
  • Invest in the development of an abortion access landing page for centralized information for people seeking
    abortion care in California. Patients need a central location to access information about potential providers,
    insurance information, practical and procedural support options, the types of abortion available to them,
    language access and assistance information, and much more. This centralized system has long been needed for Californians but is now made even more urgent due to patients trying to find information and services in our state following restrictions being imposed where they live.
  • Funding for practical support infrastructure, capacity building, coordination, and safety measures for
    providers, clinics, patients, and funds. People seeking abortion services in California should be able to have
    one point of entry to connect to the nearest abortion provider, obtain coverage or financial support for their
    appointment, and get practical assistance and resources for logistical and economic needs. As such, there is
    a significant need for flexible funding streams for abortion patient navigators and case management support,
    specifically to staff abortion fund organizations and providers who offer practical support.
  • Improve access to and capacity of Medi-Cal Transportation Services. Studies show that large swaths of
    the state lack access to local providers – in 2017, some 40 percent of California counties had no clinics that
    provided abortions. Transportation Services, which are offered to every Medi-Cal beneficiary, must be better
    utilized. To facilitate this, DHCS should make this benefit easier to utilize in order to improve access to abortion
    services. Actions should include, but are not limited to, easing prior authorization requirements that delay care
    for time-sensitive services like abortion and working with providers and plans to encourage wider use of this
    existing benefit by abortion patients.
  • Improve the education pipeline by creating a California Reproductive Scholarship Corps, open to those
    training as physicians, nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, physician assistants, and in other health
    care professions with diverse and/or rural backgrounds dedicated to providing abortion care in underserved
    areas in California.

So, in essence, the state of California wants to take the tax money that I am forced to give them and build up and abortion infrastructure, pay for women who don’t live in the state to come here, be housed here, pay for their lost wages, pay for their abortions and pay to have doctors violate their Hippocratic oath to learn how to perform abortions.

And I have no say about it.

By the way, the state has no solutions for:

  • The homeless problem.
  • The drug problem.
  • The mental health crisis.
  • The crime problem.
  • And we are already a sanctuary state for illegal aliens (which we can’t say anymore because that has been banned from California).

Time to leave this state.



Um, That’s Illegal

I am not sure what Gavin Newsom did before he became a politician but you know it wasn’t a lawyer.

Newsom, emboldened that he won the recall election and wanting to build upon that abortion sanctuary thing I talked about a few minutes ago, has decided to design a gun law that mimics the Texas abortion law.

He released a statement:

“I am outraged by yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Texas’s ban on most abortion services to remain in place. But if states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people’s lives, where Texas used it to put women in harm’s way.”

So, let me get this straight: We have crime in California to the point the LAPD’s head of the officer’s union is telling people not to come to Loa Angeles because LAPD cannot guarantee their safety and homeless and drug addicts are passed out on the side walks and he wants to take away our ability to protect ourselves?

This isn’t going anywhere no matter how Gavin Newsom spins it. And it shows how stupid Newsom is. He thinks that abortion in a Constitutional right. Therefore, if Texas can curtail abortion, California should be able to curtail guns. Here’s the problem, the 2nd Amendment is very clear. The government shall not take away the right to bear arms. All arms. People were allowed to own canons. Abortion is not mentioned at all in the Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court is weighing in on whether the Supreme Court should have weighed in on abortion in the first place. If not, they overturn Roe and Casey and the states make the decision.

At that point, if those precedents are overturned, the Supreme is ruling that abortion isn’t in the Constitution. The guy needs to learn to read.



War on Art

The war on art and history continues. I wanted to talk about this last week but I never got to it.


Destroying History

The statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that formerly stood in the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, will be donated to an African American heritage organization, where it will be melted down and turned into another public art piece.

According to the Daily Wire:

The City Council of Charlottesville voted unanimously, 4-0, to donate the bronze equestrian statue of Lee, which was removed by the city in July, to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, whose initiative, “Swords Into Plowshares,” received the support of people and organizations including the Descendants of Enslaved Communities at the University of Virginia, as well as descendants of slaves who worked at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, Fox News reported. The organization will also inform the public of the project’s development via a “community engagement process.” The organization raised some $590,000 to finance the project.

According to Jefferson School’s executive director Andrea Douglas

“Our hope with ‘Swords into Plowshares’ is to create something that transforms what was once toxic in our public space into something beautiful that can be more reflective of our entire community’s social values. We’re giving people opportunities to engage with our own narratives and our own histories. This project offers a road map for other communities to do the same.”

Remember how the Leftists said that they didn’t want to destroy art, they just wanted it moved out of public view. Yeah, no. They want to destroy the art and our history. This statue is 100 years old and want it destroyed. I don’t care what people think of Robert Lee but he was a honorable man and was part of our history. He was forgiven by Abraham Lincoln.

By the way, when are they going to tear down Lincoln’s statues?  I also can’t wait to see what these people build out of this statue. Maybe a George Floyd statue?


Going Woke

The 900 year old Notre Dame Cathedral cannot escape wokeness.

According to the Daily Wire:

The plans, overseen by Father Gilles Drouin, include removing confessionals and altars from the 13th-century edifice and replacing classic artwork and sculpture with modern “street art.” The culture ministry has confirmed that “street art pioneer Ernest Pignon-Ernest, as well as other modern artists such as Anselm Kiefer and Louise Bourgeois, are among the names being considered for display when new art installations replace some of the little-used 19th-century confessionals,” reports AFP.

The plans to renovate the interior of the Gothic masterpiece, which suffered a devastating fire in April 2019 that destroyed the spire and most of the roof, also reportedly include dedicating one of the side chapels to the theme of environmentalism. The new design also calls for adding new light displays and sound effects to create “emotional spaces.” Drouin argues that these spaces will make the church more “welcoming,” for people who are “not always from a Christian culture.”

Some things:

  • Understand something, this is France.
    • The center for humanism, existentialism and absurdism.
    • This is the country of the French Revolution which was a murderous riot.
    • This is a country that has been, not only secular, but anti-religion forever.
  • There is an actual Catholic priest overlooking this disaster? This place held a piece of the crown of thorns and they’re going to turn it into a woke museum?
  • They’re going to get rid of confessionals and some Gothic art for street art and crappy modern art? They’re going to replace works of art with graffiti?

The woke need to destroy history and religion.


They’re Missing the Point

The estate of George Orwell has approved a feminist retelling of Nineteen Eighty-Four, which reimagines the story from the perspective of Winston Smith’s lover Julia.

Incredible. George Orwell must be turning in his grave at the thought that his own family doesn’t understand the concept of his masterpiece.

Just to review, Winston Smith is a man whose job is to rewrite history and news per the government’s edict! 

If any of these people reads the book, Smith is the main character because he is weak and susceptible to the edicts of the government whereas Julia is already strong and fights the mind control of the government. You see the struggle Winston goes through trying to break away from the government and be with his lover Julia, which is against the law. It’s how she pulls Winston to discovering the world outside the government world.

They are both, eventually, arrested and sent to a re-education camp where Winston is brainwashed and Julia is not. Julia is already a strong character whereas Winston is not.

The book has to do with a dystopian society and how the government controls the people. It has nothing to do with gender. One of the ways the government controls is through re-writing news and history and eliminating books that counter the government’s narrative. Exactly what these people want to do by re-writing Orwell’s book.

Thank God that I bought a hard copy of the book because I suspect it will not be available soon. I will take the racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, trans-phobic version and let the woke read the newer, crappy version.
