Episode 467 – Build Back, Bye!

Time to panic again. We are all going to die.

I would like to say, Rest in Peace, Build Back Better.

And, can we have it too good? The answer is yes if the last story is actually a story.


Panic For Nothing

The world is going insane again. Why?


Yes, a new variant of the China virus is out and the world is on fire!

  • California has implemented a news mask mandate for 30 days (which means forever.
  • New York is threatening to shut down the entire state.
  • They are arresting people in New York City for not showing police their vax cards.
  • Kids can’t go into a movie theater without being vaxxed.
  • Schools are thinking of going back to online learning.
  • They are now testing vaccines on infants.
  • Germany and Holland have completely locked down and are segragating vaxxed from non-vaxxed.
  • Israel has issued a travel ban.
  • Australia has concentration camps that people are trying to escape from. Sorry, I meant happy, fun camps. With fencing and bars.

Joe Biden has summed it up:

We’re all going to die!

The Biden administration is even contemplating setting a vaccine mandate, along with their mask mandate, on all domestic flights. Merry Christmas!

The NIH with Dr. Fauci said, exactly the same thing:

OK, not so fast.

You know who isn’t panicking? South Africa, the genesis of the new strain. They report that omicron spreads than delta but is far less dangerous. Even the symptoms aren’t bad. Just that of the common cold. In fact, South Africa reported that they did not have one death from omicron.

I’ll go a step further, there have only been 7 confirmed deaths according to Forbes. Forbes said we should panic and this proves omicron is not just a mere cold but he never mentioned co-morbidities, health issues or statistics. And to say colds aren’t dangerous is a bit of a stretch. Colds are viruses and are just as dangerous to people with compromised immune systems, but he doesn’t want you to think about that.

There have been no deaths in the United States yet. California, which is thinking of shutting down again, has 43 cases as of this writing. I’m sure there will be more and some will die but all indications say that this virus is nowhere near as deadly as delta and because it spreads so easily, will overwhelm all the previous variant. That’s a good thing and how viruses are designed to be.

We probably need to stop panicking and just living life again.


They’ve Got It

There are some industries now pushing back. The CEOs of both Delta and Southwest were testifying in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. They had some news that might set Tony Fauci off.

John Laughter, Delta Air Lines’ Executive Vice President & Chief of Operations said:

“We continue to electrostatically spray our aircraft interiors with high-grade disinfectant and use HEPA air filters to remove 99.99% of airborne particles onboard.”

He was pressed about this and he continued:

“Part of the discussion on the HEPA filters on board the aircraft was to understand what that air turnover rate was, and how the air quality onboard the aircraft would compare to other facilities. I think we all generally agree now that the cycle of the way air turns over in a pressurized air cabin, and the filtration system is superior to many indoor spaces that you can be.”

United Airlines CEO Gary Kelly said:

“Yeah, I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much if anything in the air cabin environment. It is very safe, and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.”

American Airlines CEO Doug Parker agreed:

“I concur. The aircraft is the safest place you can be. It’s true of all of our aircraft, they all have these HEPA filters and the same airflow.”

These are men that are in charge of the health and safety of their passengers. They have the most to lose if there is ever a super spreader event in one of their flights. They also know the science and innovation behind their planes. They invested into that technology. They say we don’t need masks on planes. Should we listen to them?

Tony Fauci says, “no”:

So there you go. Should you listen to the men who are in charge of the technology and are fiscally responsible for the safety of passengers or shall we listen to the doctor who hasn’t practiced since the 1970s, has been wrong about everything for his entire career and seems to spend more time on CNN and MSNBC than reading data and statistics and has been lying since the beginning of the pandemic?

Just and FYI before you answer this rhetorical question. There has not been one instance where air travel has started a super spreader event. Not one.


Fun Note

This is funny and actually a good idea as a form of protest.

According to the New York Post:

A Florida man was reportedly banned from flying United Airlines after wearing a red thong as a face covering while boarding a flight in protest of the federal mask mandate.

Adam Jenne, of Cape Coral, told NBC 2 that his Wednesday morning antics at Fort Lauderdale Airport got him booted off a plane bound for Washington, DC.

“It’s all nonsense. COVID doesn’t know that we’re at cruising altitude. It’s stupid. The whole thing is theater.”

Apparently, this guys has pulled the same stunt on several other flights but was never kicked off.

United Airlines released a statement:

“The customer clearly wasn’t in compliance with the federal mask mandate and we appreciate that our team addressed the issue on the ground prior to takeoff, avoiding any potential disruptions [in] the air.”

My question: How was he out of compliance? Was the thong covering his nose and mouth? If so, why is that different than any other piece of cloth?




Joe Manchin put the final nail into the coffin of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better bill:

Now, is this a surprise? Of course not. This has been his stance all year. He has a very realistic view of the economy and the text of the bill. He’s also from a very red state and, if he voted for this bill, he would lose his next election. Joe Biden is dying in the polls and does not have any power over Manchin. There’s just no reason to vote for this bill.

But it’s not just Joe Manchin like the media is portraying. Kyrsten Sinema, who has been rather quiet about this bill, has said that she wasn’t interested in this bill and there are several purple state Senators that are thrilled at the thought at not having to vote for this thing.

You can imagine the response from the Leftists.

Jen Psaki released a statement:

Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances. Weeks ago, Senator Manchin committed to the President, at his home in Wilmington, to support the Build Back Better framework that the President then subsequently announced. Senator Manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework “in good faith.”

On Tuesday of this week, Senator Manchin came to the White House and submitted—to the President, in person, directly—a written outline for a Build Back Better bill that was the same size and scope as the President’s framework, and covered many of the same priorities. While that framework was missing key priorities, we believed it could lead to a compromise acceptable to all. Senator Manchin promised to continue conversations in the days ahead, and to work with us to reach that common ground. If his comments on FOX and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate.

Couple of problems here. First, Joe Manchin never said in public that he was for Build Back Better. So someone is lying here. I wonder who.

Second, is this the way one says when he’s trying to get him on board? Calling him dishonest? Has that ever worked? And, as stated by Ben Shapiro, this could indicate that the Biden administration is giving up and knows nothing will pass.

Believe it or not, this was the most reserved response. Ilhan Omar got a little testy:

Some things:

  • Saying that Manchin is not trustworthy and bad for his state is just not a thing to convince him of anything. They have been doing this for months since Manchin has been against this.
  • This also shows the “We are right and you are wrong” mentality of the Left. They want compliance, not debate.
  • Machin explained why he is against this bill. These people only tell you what the government will give you and then lie about the cost.
  • I don’t understand the whole thing about politicians cussing. It doesn’t sound intelligent and it is not a debating point.
  • Notice she never brought up why he wrong just all the presents BBB will give?
  • Machin put out an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal explaining exactly why he was against this plan.

Of course, AOC had some comments:

She, again, never addresses Machin’s well-documented arguments. I think it’s because she doesn’t understand them because her little brain can’t process things. She just blames Manchin for being a liar which is weird because he’s always been against this thing.

But her last statement is what ticks my curiosity. Does she really think we believe the Democrats haven’t been vicious against people who disagree with them? And what does it mean that Democrats are going to take off the “kid gloves”? Normally, I don’t think much about words like this but these people are radical. What can we expect? BLM and Antifa putting themselves into the fray and we always know how that ends up.

But nothing would be more complete unless we heard from the author of the Build Back Better bill than Bernie Sanders. He’s pretty pissed too:

Some things:

  • Just an FYI to Bernie, he would never win in West Virginia so Joe Manchin couldn’t care less what Bernie Sanders thinks. I know that most of the citizens don’t care what Bernie has to say.
  • Again, insulting Manchin as being a coward and a liar is an interesting take.
    • It’s not going to convince Machin to joining “the cause”.
    • Isn’t Manchin the brave one? He doesn’t believe in the BBB and he is bucking his own party. His committee assignments are determined by the Democrats.
  • All that crap Bernie lists has already been explained by Joe Manchin in his Wall Street Journal article.
  • The ironic part of Bernie saying that climate change is what Manchin is going to have to explain is that Bernie wants to get rid of all the jobs that West Virginia has because of climate change.
    • West Virginia is a coal producing state. Bernie wants to eliminate all those jobs.
    • If Manchin votes for this bill, he’s going to have to explain why his constituents why they lost their jobs. I doubt climate change is going to cut it.
    • They know, in West Virginia, that their jobs are on the line because 11,000 were lost when Bernie cancelled the XL pipeline.
  •  Bernie does this all the time and I don’t understand why he remains popular. He’s all over the place. He’s always bitching about something, mostly, taking other people’s money.
    • The drug companies.
    • The rich.
    • Special interests groups.
    • Big corporations.
  • You know what? I hope they do vote on it. That way, this stupid bill will go away.
