Episode 484 – Stand Tall, Joe!

Joe Biden keeps bending the knee to our enemies.

We, finally, need to talk about this Joe Rogan thing because it’s not going away and will only get worse.

And Joe Biden feels taking away freedoms will end crime.


Another Dumb Move

In another weak move that is meant to push Iran back into the Iran Nuclear Deal, Biden has discontinued sanctions for commercial nuclear production.

According to Reuters:

President Joe Biden’s administration on Friday restored sanctions waivers to Iran to allow international nuclear cooperation projects, as indirect American-Iranian talks on reviving the 2015 international nuclear deal with Tehran enter the final stretch.

The waivers had allowed Russian, Chinese and European companies to carry out non-proliferation work to effectively make it harder for Iranian nuclear sites to be used for weapons development. The waivers were rescinded by the United States in 2019 and 2020 under former President Donald Trump, who pulled out of the nuclear agreement.

Secretary of State Antoney Blinkin sent a report to Congress stating:

“The waiver with respect to these activities is designed to facilitate discussions that would help to close a deal on a mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA and lay the groundwork for Iran’s return to performance of its JCPOA commitments.

“It is also designed to serve U.S. non-proliferation and nuclear safety interests and constrain Iran’s nuclear activities. It is being issued as a matter of policy discretion with these objectives in mind, and not pursuant to a commitment or as part of a quid pro quo.”

I thought quid pro quos could get one impeached?

Again, the United States is bowing to its enemies while letting our allies flounder in the wind. Weakness. That’s what the Biden administration is about.



Joe Rogan

It’s been two weeks since this attack on Joe Rogan by Neil Young has started and it’s not exactly going well for the Left. But they continue to try to destroy all those that stand in their way.

Their big complaint is that Rogan has been “promoting COVID misinformation”. He had a doctor by the name of Robert Malone, the man who helped discover the mRNA vaccine said that how we are handling the pandemic is doing more damage than good and he questioned the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Joe Rogan did issue an apology, sort of. He said he was sorry to all those who were offended and he would try to do better in future podcasts. I’m not sure what he means by that since no one could really point out to what Malone said that was wrong other than it went against what the Left wants of this pandemic.

After Young pulled his music, David Crosby and Joanie Mitchell joined in. Seems that every drugged out hippie has decided to promote censorship.

But many also supported Rogan. One was Dwayne Johnson, better known as The Rock. Here’s what’s good about the Left and cancel culture: We learn what people are all about. We learn about the individual’s character. They will pressure you and dig to find anything that can be used against you. Everyone has something. It will be found. The question is what are you going to do when it is found.

They found something on Dwayne Johnson and he folded like a cheap suit. He withdrew his support of Joe Rogan. We know about this man’s character. He’s a coward. His sin? While wrestling, he made  rather funny Chinese impression. It wasn’t that bad. Not enough that he should piss on his ethics. Nothing that anyone would think twice about. He didn’t mean it. It was words on a script. But he just ruined his reputation, including with his most devout fans.

I liked Dwayne Johnson. I thought he was a good actor and funny. He is a Republican though I don’t think too Conservative. But nobody is perfect. But, like John Cena and his bending of the knee to China, I lost respect for Dwayne Johnson. He has no bravery to face the mob and is all about his career, his reputation and the money. Good riddance to him.

But, still, the Left could not silence Rogan. So they went further.

They looked through all the episodes of his podcast. They found what the were looking for. Joe Rogan said the N-word in a few episodes and this became big news.

Rogan was confronted with this and he made clear he used the word as a general term, not in reference to anyone. It was usually when talking with his guests about racism of free speech. One of the guests was black actor Jamie Foxx. Again, he gave a quasi-apology. He said he was sorry if anyone was offended. No one was. They just want him silenced.

Through all two weeks, the Left went after Rogan’s platform, Spotify. Spotify stood strong and refused to remove Rogan’s podcast. They did not bend with the “medical misinformation” crap. But using the n-word, even in the way he used it, was unacceptable. This weekend, Spotify removed 113 episodes of the podcast. That won’t be enough. The Left will want more blood.

This is an important lesson on the tactics of the Left if one goes against their agenda. The Left loves censorship and this is exactly how it was done by the Chinese, Nazis and Soviets. Rogan needs to stand tall and not apologize for any of his past. Spotify, who looks like are folding, needs to stand tall. There are far more out there who like the message of Joe Rogan and the backbone of Spotify than do not. Those who scream how offended they are don’t care and don’t watch the podcasts. They just hate the message. And the message is strong.

I’m sure there’ll be more to this story.



Spotify Response

The CEO of Spotify is caught between a rock and a hard place. He is making a ton of money off Rogan’s podcast and he is running a company that leans to the Left. You can tell he’s stressed out about this because he released a letter to his employees:

“While I strongly condemn what Joe has said and I agree with his decision to remove past episodes from our platform, I realize some will want more. And I want to make one point very clear – I do not believe that silencing Joe is the answer. We should have clear lines around content and take action when they are crossed, but canceling voices is a slippery slope. Looking at the issue more broadly, it’s critical thinking and open debate that powers real and necessary progress.”

That’s a really weak statement.

First off, Rogan never said anything really controversial. His use of the n-word, within context, was not a thing. No one is insulted by it. I don’t hear about any boycotts for Cardi B who says the n-word every six seconds in her music. By the way, if Joe Rogan can’t use the n-word, than no one should use the n-word. That would really kill the rap industry.

Joe Rogan didn’t say anything controversial about the China virus. Everything he said was from his experience, said by doctors and he had multiple people on with opposing views. He had Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the medical correspondent from CNN on who disagreed with Dr. Robert Malone. Rogan made Gupta look like a child over that ivermectin thing.

The other problem I see is that he sent this letter to his employees. He’s the CEO of the company. His decisions determine their. He’s paying them. Who gives a damn what they think. They can quit. An employee comes to me, as CEO, and complains, I’d say, “Fine, now go do your job and cash the paycheck that I sign.”

A CEOs job is tenuous enough without him or her having all his or her decisions being questioned by employees and then needing to justify those decisions. Not many CEOs work for more than five years. That’s why they’re paid so much. Employees don’t get that.

To make it clear, Rogan doesn’t need Spotify. He can go somewhere else and he will take his 12 million listeners with him. In fact, other companies that promote free speech smell the blood in the water and would love to get a hold of the Joe Rogan Experience.

Rumble is a video platform that pushes free speech. All my videos are only on Rumble because I have had several of my podcasts and videos banned. I have like 30 viewers to my stuff and I’m still getting my stuff banned. So I put all my videos on Rumble.

Rumble CEO,  Chris Pavlovski, sent a letter to Joe Rogan and posted the letter on Twitter, saying he would give Rogan $100 million for a four year deal.

“Dear Joe. We stand with you, your guests, and your legion of fans in desire for real conversation. So we’d like to offer you 100 million reasons to make the world a better place.”

“How about you bring all your shows to Rumble, both old and new, with no censorship, for 100 million bucks over four years? This is our chance to save the world. And yes, this is totally legit.”

By the way, this is how Conservatives get through cancel culture. Just come up with our own industries.



The Left Destroys Everything

There is a lot to this story. And it’s going to continue.

  • Just wait! Joe Rogan is going to be a sexist and transphobe too. That’s coming this week. Guaranteed.
  • None of these people who claim to be offended are offended and I bet a dollar that it is like 10 people.
    • This stuff has been around forever and no one said anything until now.
    • There are companies that pay people to find things on people they don’t like (Media Matters is an example).
  • Joe Rogan is not used to this, that’s why he’s apologizing.
    • No one ever accused him of being a racist before.
    • He does have other things to worry like the UFC, his podcast, his guests and his reputation. I would love to see him invite Neil Young on his show to discuss his opinions. I suspect Young wouldn’t but it would be a hell of a show.
    • Rogan needs to continue punching and ignore this. He needs to be careful that he doesn’t self censor for fear of saying something the 8 people monitoring him might find offensive.
  • This also shows how the Left destroys everything.
    • They hate our architecture, for Christ’s sake.
    • They hate comedy, entertainment and beauty.
      • Dave Chapelle.
      • Statues.
      • Fairy Tales and Dr. Seuss.
      • When was the last time you saw a good movie from mainstream Hollywood?






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