I was going to talk about Donald Trump and all his conspiracy theories coming true but I decided to cover something that could effect us in the future. Not that that story is not important. In fact, I think what happened to Donald Trump is something that is happening to us all now.
Let’s talk about what’s going on in Canada because what happens in United States junior usually become a narrative here.
Going Full Tyrant
What is happening in Canada is really important. The reason is because it will happen here shortly after and it allows the Left to see what they can get away with.
I have told you that the government is using this pandemic as a pretext to change the country. Australia, New Zealand and, now, Canada are pushing the envelope and going down the road of complete government control.
Today, the miserable tyrant, Justin Trudeau, declared a state of emergency in Canada. This is the first time Canada invoked the Canadian Emergency Act since it was implemented in 1988 and the first time an emergency act has been implemented in 50 years.
Some things:
- This is a war powers act. It has only been implemented three times in the past:
- During World War I.
- During World War II
- In 1970 by Trudeau’s father October 1970 and a tumultuous period known as the October Crisis. This refers to a chain of events that started in October 1970 when members of the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) kidnapped the provincial Deputy Premier Pierre Laporte and British diplomat James Cross from his Montreal residence. These events saw the Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoking the War Measures Act for the first time in Canadian history during peacetime.
- Though this blockage is illegal, it is peaceful. Not one person has been injured, no one building has been burned down.
- He could do something before the implementing this act.
- He could talk to the truckers.
- He could end the restrictions.
- During the pandemic, Justin Trudeau showed up at the violent BLM riots and supported them during the middle of the pandemic.
- But he won’t. He doesn’t want to end the restrictions. He likes the power the government has.
Here’s more:
Some things:
- The pandemic, for all intents and purposes, is over.
- Most of Canada is vaccinated.
- Most of the truckers (90%) are vaccinated.
- Provinces within Canada, including Ottawa, are ending the restrictions.
- Why doesn’t he just end the restrictions?
- He does not hear the frustration. He does not want to hear the frustrations. He does not care about the frustrations. If he did, he would have talked to the truckers instead of running away and hiding like a coward.
Let’s understand something: He supports protest if it is what he believes in. He supported the BLM riots in the middle of the pandemic. He walked outside, met with rioters and knelt like the little bitch he is. During that riot, people were hurt and killed. Buildings were burned. He didn’t implement this then because he was good with it.
By the way, is this even something that is appropriate? According to Wikipedia:
The emergency must be a “national emergency” which means an “urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature” that either “(a) seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or (b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada”.
- Nobody is in danger. No one has been injured or killed. No building have been burned down. So no to provision A.
- Canada’s sovereignty, security or territorial integrity are under attack. So no to provision B.
So enacting this is not necessary. The other thing is a lot of the territories are ending the mask mandates, the vax mandates and the vax passports. Ontario is ending all of it this week.
But what is disturbing is what this is what this gives the government the ability to do to these poor truckers. Here is Chrystia Freeland stating what is going to go into affect:
Some things:
- They are calling the truckers criminals and terrorists. That’s going to go well during the elections.
- By the way, Justin Trudeau’s approval rating is in the toilet and we can see why.
- They also are “expanding the law to include crowd funding sites”. They are basically changing the law without any legislation.
- They are also putting restrictions on cryptocurrency.
- They are also making demands of banks so the government can know what people are doing.
- I do want to point out that what is damaging the Canadian economy is government itself. They’re doing this by these mandates and shutting down the economy.
She continues:
Some things:
- The government is making it that you can’t access your money.
- This is Nazi, communist crap.
Here’s the third provision:
Some things:
- So, banks can take away an individuals money with no due process.
- The banks don’t need proof. They can just suspect that someone belongs to the protest.
Something I want to point out that wasn’t part of the clips. Trudeau did say this would be enacted for 30 days and then they would review to see if it needed to be extended. What do you think is going to happen then? You think Trudeau is going to give up all that power in a month? I doubt it too.
The other thing, which I find very disturbing, is they want to pass legislation to make these permanent. They want the government to be permanently involved in citizens’ finances. The government wants the ability to hurt people
By the way, did they do any of this during the BLM riots? I mean, those were violent, antigovernmental uprisings. These riots did burn down government buildings. These did injure and kill people. It would have been almost justified enable this act. Of course not. Justin Trudeau believed in those riots because it gives him what he wants: power.
Are You Serious?
By the way, in that same press conference, Just Trudeau said he was giving half a billion dollars and sending weapons to defend the democracy of the free Ukraine from the evil tyrant, Vladimir Putin.
I find it weird that he is pushing for the freedom of the Ukrainians while taking away the freedom of Canadians.
But what can I expect from a country that holds half of their press conferences in French.
Could It Happen Here?
The question is could what is happening in Canada, happen here in the United States? The answer is complicated.
Yes, it could and it is. But it will be from the corporations, not directly from the government. GoFundMe has already manipulated how we can donate. PayPal has already disallowed payments to businesses like the NRA. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram are already censoring what we hear and see and the government is asking for more. Banks like Bank of America are already reporting transactions to the government and refusing to deal with certain organizations like the NRA. Hollywood and the media are already using propaganda to push a narrative of big, controlling government.
But the United States government cannot do it like Canada. There are several reasons for this:
- The Constitution.
- The checks and balances of the court system.
- The fact that we can have guns.
What we need to do in this country is fight for the culture. Good news, that’s happening now. Conservatives have their own social media platforms such a Gettr and Rumble. We’re beginning to make our own movies with non-Hollywood, independent filmmakers (Shut In). We already have our own media outlets such as Fox News, Daily Wire, Blaze TV and OAN.
This will be the modern civil war. The battlefield will be the culture. That is going to be a big problem for the Left. Conservatives create and what they create is fun and beautiful. It celebrates Western Civilization and goodness of humanity without ignoring the ugliness. It promotes moral behavior, responsibility and personal freedom that is God-given. This is a wonderful thing.
On the other hand, the Left does nothing but destroy and condemn. They have no art and what produce is dank and hollow. They thrive on hate and accusation. They see people as sheep that should do what they are told and have no agency to make decisions. This is a really crappy way to live.
If we decide to fight the culture war, we will win. Just like how AOC and Gretchen Whitmer vacation in the free state of Florida. Because what we do is always better.
Thanks, Canadian Truckers!
By the way, did the protests work in Canada and have they influenced the United States.
The providences in Canada are opening up, contrary to what Justin Trudeau is doing. That’s making Trudeau look worse and his polls are showing it.
Today, Washington DC, afraid of another trucker protest entering their city, has opened up their city. That goes along with New York, California, Vermont, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon, Delaware and Connecticut.
Thanks Canadian truckers!