Episode 495 – Coming to a Capital Near You!

The Freedom Convoy in Canada is over but the tyranny marches on.

And the truckers in the United States have decided on their own convoy and the Biden administration overreacts.


The Freedom Convoy


Here is the news from Canada:

  • Over 200 protestors have been arrested. That includes:
    • Protest organizers.
    • Protestors
    • And press.
  • 200 bank and cryptocurrency accounts, totaling $3.2 million U.S. dollars have been frozen.
  • 75 trucks have been cleared, opening the streets.
  • There is a push to sell the trucks and the government to take the money to pay for clearing the protests.
  • They are confiscating pets and children. Incredible.
  • Most protestors left peacefully. There were some scuffles and reports of some protestors being armed, even with grenades. None of this has been confirmed.
  • Police in riot gear and those om horseback have been pushing away protestors. One video had horses trampling on protestors.
  • There is no video of protestors attack police.

Trudeau is getting far less popular:

  • Canadian Civil Liberties organization condemned the implementing of the war powers act saying it was unnecessary because Canadian law would handle it. They are suing.
  • European leaders are condemning the actions of Trudeau as being a communists dictator.
  • Of course, the United States has said nothing.
  • The hashtag #BlackFaceHitler has been trending of Twitter.
  • The conservative officials and some liberal officials are calling for Trudeau to resign.

This is not going to work out well for Justin Trudeau. I don’t see how he survives this without resigning or tightening the screws.


They Wanted This

According to the Daily Wire:

A majority of likely Democratic voters support Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of emergency powers to crack down on Freedom Convoy protesters last week.

A new poll from Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action and provided exclusively to The Daily Wire shows that 55% of likely general election voters disapprove of Trudeau’s handling of the protesters. Thirty-five percent approve of Trudeau’s heavy-handed tactics and 10% said they were unaware of what was happening north of the U.S. border.


Democrats overwhelmingly favored Trudeau’s response with 65% approval to 17% disapproval. Republican responses were weighted even more heavily against Trudeau, however, with 87% of likely GOP voters disapproving to just 8% approving. Respondents who said they did not belong to either one of the two main parties cut against Trudeau’s crackdown with 74% disapproving versus 21% approving.

Of course they do. Because they know they will never be condemned. Until they are.



Just Dumb

Here is liberal Canadian politician  Ya’ara Saks doing what all Leftist politicians to do when talking about people going against them.

Some things:

  • This stuff is tired and old, but effective.
  • Problem is not many people believe it anymore.
  • There were only a few weapons seized. This was a non-violent protest. No one was hurt or killed.
  • There are no Confederate flags in Canada. Because there was no Confederacy in Canada. The is a U.S. thing.
  • There was one Nazi flag, but those were turned away by the truckers.
  • If there were a lot of those flags, don’t you think we would have seen them every minute or two on the news?
  • This was a very diverse protest. Black, white, Iranians, Indians are all there.
  • And even if there were Nazi flags all over, she wouldn’t care. She’s not hurt.
  • By the way, she’s an idiot too:
    • It’s “Heil Hitler”, not “Hail Hitler”. There is a difference. Heil means “unhurt”, “undamaged”, “Unimpaired”.
    • “Honk, honk” is not an acronym. I think the word she is searching for is a metaphor or simile. U.S.A. is an acronym.DTP



The United States

The United States is starting a freedom convoy of their own it could not be at a worst time for Biden.

  • Biden has his State of the Union speech on March 1.
  • The convoy should be there by then.
  • Now, Biden isn’t being the little bitch that Trudeau was. He’s not running into a bomb shelter or anything.
  • But he is putting up a fence around the capitol again.

The Capitol Police released a statement on Friday:

“The United States Capitol Police and the United States Secret Service have been closely working together to plan for the upcoming State of the Union.

“Law enforcement agencies across the National Capital Region are aware of plans for a series of truck convoys arriving in Washington, D.C., around the time of the State of the Union. As with any demonstration, the USCP will facilitate lawful First Amendment activity.”

So, they’re building a fence and presumably closing Washington DC again.



Sooner Than I Thought

Remember I talked about the 26-year-old child molester that molested a 10-year-old when he was 17? He said he was transgender, was convicted and was convicted as a juvenile and was going to be incarcerated in a female juvenile facility? Remember I told you we’d be talking about this again?

His name is James Tubbs. He goes by Hannah Tubbs. Mind you, he didn’t identify as a woman until he was arrested.

He only got two years. But that’s not what’s so bad. He knew he was going to get a light sentence and laughed about it. He was talking to his father while he was in jail.

Here’s the conversation:

“I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty,” Tubbs says in one recording. “They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing.”

“You won’t have to register?” her father asks on the other line later in the conversation.

“I won’t have to do none of that,” Tubbs replies.

“So what are they going to do to you then?”

“Nothing,” Tubbs answers, then laughs.

Well, Los Angeles District Attorney, George Gascon, is facing a recall drive…again.

  • At first, Gascon said he did not know about the case and he said it was a mistake.
  • Jon Hatami, a Los Angeles deputy district attorney and veteran prosecutor of child abuse crimes, disputed his boss’s timeline of events on “America Reports” Tuesday afternoon.
  • Hatami said: “I’ve seen emails, emails that show that George Gascon and his chain of command knew about those jail calls well before Bill Melugin published them. We have a DA who completely lacks any transparency, who’s sending a spokesperson on the news to say things that just aren’t true.”
  • Over the weekend, Gascón announced a retreat from two of his major changes by ending blanket prohibitions against trying juveniles as adults or seeking life without parole.
  • Too late.
  • A recall effort against Gascon happened last year but went down in defeat. A new recall effort is gaining steam and might come to life by July this year.
  • This time, it is supported by Hollywood and other Democrats.
  • Mind you, he was already unpopular with the Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles who voted with a 97.9% against Gascon.


Freedom of the Press

I want to point something out.

From the New York Post:

The transgender woman convicted of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl reportedly boasted about her two-year sentence as Los Angeles’ progressive district attorney admitted the punishment may have been too lenient calls.

Some things:

  • We need to stop this crap with “preferred pronouns”. I won’t use them.
  • Criminals have no rights anyway. Who gives a damn what he prefers.
  • Why does the New York Post, a Conservative paper, use preferred pronouns? They have to.
  • There is no freedom of press. If the right pronouns are used, social media will block the articles.

