Episode 499 – Time to End These



The Speech

Let’s quickly go over the State of the Union speech. It was dumb and filled with lies and I’m sure you’ve heard tons about it. I won’t play any clips and do a lot of analysis.

  • The first 12 minutes dealt with Ukraine. Makes sense because he had nothing good to say about the country.
    • He said that the United States led the way to unifying Europe. That’s a lie.
    • He over-hyped the involvement of the United States sanctions and support for Ukraine.
    • He never took responsibility for doing anything before the invasion.
  • The he went on to the economy, starting the way all politicians do, with a story about his father and his youth. I hate when politicians do that.
  • He talked about how the American Rescue plan created 6.5 million jobs. It didn’t.
    • There’s no evidence the American Rescue Plan created any jobs.
    • the 6.5 million number is still close to 4 million jobs short of pre-pandemic job numbers.
    • The American Rescue plan is part of the reason we have inflation and a $30 trillion deficit.
    • Do you realize Joe Biden has spent almost $6 trillion in 2021?
    • Even the New York Times says this.
  • He demonized the Trump tax cuts as “bad for America” saying it only helped the top 1%. That’s just a lie.
    •  Actually it was the opposite. By getting rid of the SALT deductions, it raised taxes on the top earners.
    • It was a middle class tax cut.
  • He talked about the infrastructure bill that was passed.
    • He seems to think that the infrastructure bill is going to make us more competitive.
    • He said it will help climate change and environmental justice.
    • The he listed a bunch of stuff like high speed Internet, which isn’t infrastructure.
    • Not sure how any of this is going to make us competitive.
  • He talked about the Innovation Act that will give subsidies to companies to build factories in the United States.
    • I hate this because subsidies just take taxes from one group and gives them to another.
    • And none of us see the benefits for this. I don’t get a piece of the pie. I still have to pay for the product.
    • Of course, the reason we do not have factories in the United States are because of all the regulations administrations like Biden’s put on them such as a $15 minimum wage.
  • He talked about inflation but only for a few minutes. He said we needed to get inflation under control. What were his ideas:
    • Increase the minimum wage.
    • Free education including
    • Cut the cost of prescription drugs. Trump did this already.
    • Give tax credits for weatherizing houses.
    • Cut the costs of electric cars.
    • Cut the costs of child care.
    • Bring back the child tax credit.
    • Invest in community colleges.
    • Support unionization.
    • Raise taxes.
    • He said companies should lower costs yet everything he suggested just raises costs.
    • He also demonized businesses saying they are raising prices for profits. Does he understand how inflation works?
    • Everything he said puts costs on businesses and discourages businesses from growing of even starting.
  • Fix the tax system so the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share.
    • BS.
    • The top 10% pay all the net taxes.
    • Him saying the rich and corporations don’t pay taxes in a lie. Elon Musk paid $5 billion last year.
  • The China virus. He said we can now go mask-free because of what the administration has done.
    • We need to get vaccinated.
    • Get antivirals on the market.
    • Get government to provide tests.
    • Prepare for new variants. Be prepared for another emergency.
    • End the shutdown of schools and businesses.
    • We will send a ton of vaccines around the world. He gets caught here in a huge flub I don’t think many caught. (Listen below).
      • This was not a Biden flub but a speech writer flub.
      • Walls don’t work, remember?
      • He doesn’t want to talk about the border.
    • He never talked about natural immunity or the fact that Trump
  • Then he talks about how we need to unify now that the pandemic is over,
    • This is coming from a guy who demonized everyone who wouldn’t get the vaccine.
    • This is coming from a guy who demonized states that didn’t follow his policies.
  • Then, he says that we must unify now that the pandemic is over (media).
    • We must first unify around the police. We are to fund the police, not defund the police.
    • Biden himself supported defunding the police.
    • His VP bailed out BLM rioters.
    • The Speaker of the House wore a Kenti cloth and kneeled because of the death of the drug addicted thug, George Floyd.
    • He must really think we’re dumb to buy that crap.
  • Then, he brings up things that are not unifying.
    • Gun control.
      • Ghost guns.
      • Gun registry.
      • being able to sue gun manufacturers and stores.
    • Goes off on the assault on voting right.
    • He talked about the border needing to be secured without acknowledging 2 million illegals were caught this year.
      • He also wanted amnesty.
      • Legalization for Dreamers.
    • Must protect abortion.
    • Must protect the ability of kids to change their sex with drugs and surgery.
    • Put limits on social media (censorship).

It was not much of a speech and never really talked about the state of the Union. It was a speech about what he wanted to do and involves spending more money (which will raise inflation) and raising taxes. He could have gone out there and said that and saved an hour.

What he also did was chickenshit. He changed his position about defunding the police because it’s a losing position. He was always for defunding the police. Suddenly he’s not anymore? Unfortunately for Biden and the Democrats, no one buys it. 70% of viewers did not buy any of it in polls. New polls show Biden’s popularity didn’t move and, in some cases, went down.

Greg Gutfeld of Fox News went off on the speech and Joe Biden’s speech and he was pissed about it. He mentions some things I talk about later but his fury is important enough to listen to the whole thing, even without context.

He is absolutely correct. You know how we know it’s correct? By what he didn’t talk about:

  • The Afghanistan retreat.
  • The China/Taiwan conflict which is escalating.
  • Blocking Russian oil imports.
  • The Iran negotiations that directly involve Russia.
  • Inflation.
  • Crime.

It was a crappy and staged speech.



The Gaffs

What would be a Joe Biden speech be without gaffs. Here is a compilation of gaffs during the speech. I cut it down to under 2 minutes. The original is seven minutes so you get the idea.

Thanks Grabien for that.


The Controversy