Elon Musk is doing all he can to end Twitter censorship.
Get ready for a wave of illegal aliens.
And the Wall Street Journal give me a reason to keep subscribing to them.
Here are this weeks Kamala-isms:
When did we start getting politicians that can not speak? pic.twitter.com/KbeC9hQveh
— Big Fish (@BigFish3000) April 1, 2022
This was a significant passage of time pic.twitter.com/QUwViGEJna
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) April 1, 2022
Here is some of the news:
- Kansas and North Carolina will be playing in the NCAA Men’s Basketball championship. Kansas is going to kill them.
- Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has bought 9.2% of the stocks of Twitter.
- Musk now has four times as many shares as Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, who owns 2.25%.
- He did this because he’s tired of the censorship.
- Last month, Musk tweeted,“Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy. What should be done? Is a new platform needed?”
- The Twitter stock, seeing the trend, went up 26%.
- At first, he thought about creating a new platform. But he thought better of it because he’s smart.
- The Biden administration decided it was time to end Title 42 so be prepared for huge illegal immigration numbers.
- Title 42 is the law that allowed the United States government to kick out illegal aliens out of the country because of communicable disease.
- It was started by the Trump administration because of the China virus.
- It has been estimated that 18,000 a day will illegally cross the border.
- That 540,000 a month.
- Over 3 million in two months.
- Currently, we are taking in between 5000-6000 illegal crossings a day.
- The administration said the Centers for Disease Control said it was time to end the policy.
- CDC said it was time to end the policy? When did they start making policy?
- And what science is this based on?
- Isn’t Tony Fauci going around saying we may need to implement restrictions again because of the new China virus variants?
- There has also been an uptick in Russian illegal aliens. This is being questioned as to who is coming into our country.
- Missouri, Arizona, and Louisiana have filed lawsuits against the Biden administration to stop them from ending Title 42.
- Jen Psaki, the press secretary, is leaving the White House.
- She is going to join MSNBC. There’s a shock. At least she won’t have to answer any tough questions.
- She lasted far longer than I thought she would.
- There are ethics questions about her negotiating with MSNBC before resigning. So what?
- The city council of Palm Springs, California, unanimously passed a bill on March 24 to provide $200,000 to DAP Health and Queer Works to design the program and apply for state funding.
- The idea is the group is to create a plan to give transgender and non-binary people $600-$900 a month for a universal basic income.
- This was tried before in Stockton, CA and failed. These Leftists never learn.
- They are requesting money from the state which has allocated $35 million for programs such as these.
- This is completely unconstitutional.
- A school nurse in Connecticut was suspended after she revealed on Facebook that an 11-year-old student at her school was on puberty blockers and that other students identified as non-binary without their parents being informed.
- Kathleen Cataford, 77, posted on Facebook: “Investigate the school system curriculum…CT is a very socially liberal, gender confused state. As a public school nurse, I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW [social workers] and school administration. Teachers and SSW are spending 37.5 hours a week influencing our children, not necessarily teaching our children what YOU think is being taught.”
This should be investigated and everyone involved in this should not only be fired, but arrested and charged for child endangerment.
- China, who have never admitted that people have died in their country over the China virus, is implementing a policy to kill all pets within the homes of China virus infected residents.
Finally Someone is Addressing the Elephant in the Room
Let’s start with this little audio clip from TikTok:
TikTok exposes every bizarre kook on the planet. ?
pic.twitter.com/aJFYA6r8eW— LibertyJ (@LibertyJen) April 3, 2022
This woman obviously has some emotional problems. I didn’t put this up because I wanted to make fun of her because this is truly sad. The question is why did she put it up. Why in the world do people feel the need to put up every aspect of their lives, even those aspects that make them look insane, onto social media? TikTok is the worst of these platforms.
I have always been anti-social media, especially for kids. The Wall Street Journal has released an article called the TikTok brain explained by Julie Jargon. It talks about the damage that TikTok does to the mind of a child and the behaviors that excess TikTok can do.
The article starts:
Remember the good old days when kids just watched YouTube all day? Now that they binge on 15-second TikToks, those YouTube clips seem like PBS documentaries.
Many parents tell me their kids can’t sit through feature-length films anymore because to them the movies feel painfully slow. Others have observed their kids struggling to focus on homework. And reading a book? Forget about it.
What is happening to kids’ brains?
I do want to point out that TikTok is not the only platform. All social media platforms manipulate behavior including Twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. Heck, Facebook has admitted they manipulate their platform to make users addicted.
“It is hard to look at increasing trends in media consumption of all types, media multitasking and rates of ADHD in young people and not conclude that there is a decrease in their attention span,” said Carl Marci, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Links between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnoses and screen time are subject to debate, since many factors could account for a steady rise in cases. Yet even parents whose children don’t qualify for that medical diagnosis say their kids are more distracted. Emerging research suggests that watching short, fast-paced videos makes it harder for kids to sustain activities that don’t offer instant—and constant—gratification.
I am not going to read the entire article due to its length, but this is why I pay to subscribe to the Wall Street Journal.
Here are the highlights:
- Studies have been done in China about how TikTok affects people in China by taking brain scans.
- Rewards centers of the brain are activated.
- These parts of the brain release hormones that are the same ones that create addiction.
- The studies were so illuminating to the harm that the app does that China put in restrictions for usage. For example, children under 15 can’t use the app after 9 PM.
- The brain.
- Prolonged focus starts at the pre-frontal cortex.
- Children do not develop their pre-frontal cortex until the age of 25.
- The pre-frontal cortex develops through practice.
- Doing homework.
- Reading.
- Writing.
- Even watching a long movie with a real plot.
- Because TikTok does have videos longer than 10 minutes (it used to be 3 minutes) kids get used to the speedy interactions and get used to that making it harder to concentrate for longer periods of time.
- This is true. I have seen children that use TikTok scroll through videos and never just stop at one and watch the entire video.
- We can also see this when children are cruising through television or radio channels. Have you ever told your child to pick a channel and leave it?
- Dopamine.
- Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that gets released in the brain when it’s expecting a reward.
- A flood of dopamine reinforces cravings for something enjoyable, whether it’s a tasty meal, a drug or a funny TikTok video.
- Cocaine is addictive because it releases loads of Dopamine which creates that short-lived high.
- Dopamine is also one of the hormones released, along with endorphins, the creates that runner’s high when running long distance.
- The solutions.
- Swap screen time for real time.
- Get outside.
- Get some exercise.
- Get together with real people.
- Practice stopping social media.
- Kids won’t stop on their own.
- They need to practice putting down the phone in order to master it.
- The Jews got this one down because they can’t use electronics on Saturdays.
- Use management tools.
- Make sure kids get sleep.
- Swap screen time for real time.
- I have my own ideas.
- Don’t give kids a phone in the first place.
- Buy phones that restrict Internet.
- Use monitoring tools (that includes key loggers to get passwords). Screw kids right to privacy.
- If you allow them to use social media, make it that they can only access it on a computer.
- Don’t allow kids to use social media.
- Don’t give kids a phone in the first place.
Social media and smart phones are going to be the biggest disaster for our society. Children are developing into self-centered narcissists with the attention spans of crack heads. It is also making our children dumber, anti-social and depressed. Where are our future innovations going to come from if not from our children. China knows this, that’s why they push this social media app in the United States but restrict it for children in China. Don’t be surprised if one will not be able to own a smart phone until the age of 21 when scientists figure out the damage that these phones are doing.
This also shouldn’t be limited to smart phones and TikTok. All social media, tablets, computers, the Internet and video games fall into this issue. I think it’s time to deal with this issue before it’s too late.