Episode 524 – White People Made the Dogs Eat People?

The Biden administration is going to fight this block on mask mandates to the death. There’s a reason why.

The squad is about to have a new member and she’s pretty. AOC, watch out!

And everything is racist!


They Just Refuse to Take the “L”

The Department of Justice has decided to appeal the decision by a federal judge to halt the mask mandates on public transportation.

The DOJ said in a statement:

“The Department of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) disagree with the district court’s decision and will appeal, subject to CDC’s conclusion that the order remains necessary for public health. The Department continues to believe that the order requiring masking in the transportation corridor is a valid exercise of the authority Congress has given CDC to protect the public health. That is an important authority the Department will continue to work to preserve.” 

Some things:

  • This is a waste of time.
  • The mandates were only be for two more weeks.
  • The ruling was correct. The judge said that the CDC cannot do the job of Congress and that’s what happened.

The Biden administration, as unpopular as it is, could have made this into a winning proposition. He could have said, “Well, it is only for another week and a half so let’s just end it.” He would have been seen as a hero. But he can’t do that. In fact, watch, the lockdown will kick up again. The mandates, the vaccines, heck, maybe the lockdowns again. There are a couple of reasons for this.

The first is they are going to get killed in November and stealing the election could be the only way to limit the losses.

The second involves the government trying to create a new normal. A new normal where big government rules all. A world where oligarchs and media control the news and narrative. A world where we stop driving, stop eating meat and own nothing. A country where the government can confiscate your money and give it to other people. A country where your kids are wards of the government to be indoctrinated. Claus Schwab of the World Economic Forum excitedly wrote two books about this change occurring thanks to the China virus.

He wants this and Joe Biden supports it. I have told you none of this was an accident.

But there is good news: The new normal is being rejected. Not only in this country but all over the world. We are going to talk about this more in the coming months.



Speaking of Being Tone Deaf…

According to Fox News:

Pennsylvania candidate for the U.S. House has been open about her past as a part-time stripper in college and her decision to get an abortion when she was 18.

This, who is running for the Democratic nomination for a Philadelphia-area congressional district, has used her past to drive attention to her progressive campaign platform, including by starting an OnlyFans page for herself that is not associated with her campaign.


Some things:

  • This gal has made some very poor decisions in her life including killing a baby.
  • And, no, being pro-abortion is not being pro-life.
  • Abortions are done out of selfishness not “love”.
  • She’s till making bad decisions. She sells naked pictures of herself on OnlyFans, a porn site even though she got a masters degree in Public Health.
  • She is going to be another member of the squad. She is a Leftist on everything.

This is another Leftist idiot that has been molded by the education system. She will be embraced by the media because she’s pretty.




Can’t Get Out of Their Own Way

According to ABC 13 News:

While going through its library of content for films and shows to put on its streaming service, Disney has reportedly labeled a few of its beloved characters as “potentially problematic,” according to a report from the New York Times.

Tinkerbell and Captain Hook from the classic 1953 Disney animated movie “Peter Pan” reportedly fall under the category of characters who could possibly require a disclaimer on the Disney+ streaming service, as they could be seen as perpetuating negative stereotypes.

The whole New York Times article was about how Disney is being thrust into the culture war over Florida’s Don’t Say Gay bill and are being attacked by the far right. Yeah, I know. It’s the Parental Rights in Education bill. Disney was not “thrust” into anything, they jumped into the culture war. And the far right isn’t attacking them. It’s parents that don’t want their kids indoctrinated weird sex theories cancelling their Disney+ subscriptions and not going to Disneyland.

Anyway, Disney has the equity department called the Stories Matter team. On Disney’s website, the describe themselves like this:

Stories shape how we see ourselves and everyone around us. So as storytellers, we have the power and responsibility to not only uplift and inspire, but also consciously, purposefully and relentlessly champion the spectrum of voices and perspectives in our world.

As part of our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are in the process of reviewing our library and adding advisories to content that includes negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures. Rather than removing this content, we see an opportunity to spark conversation and open dialogue on history that affects us all. We also want to acknowledge that some communities have been erased or forgotten altogether, and we’re committed to giving voice to their stories as well.

We can’t change the past, but we can acknowledge it, learn from it and move forward together to create a tomorrow that today can only dream of.

The Stories Matter Team is consulted by third-party organizations, such as the African American Film Critics Association, GLAAD Media Institute, and the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, among various others.

In other words, these are professional worthless people that have to find something wrong in everything in order to justify their bloated salaries.

They found a few characters to be problematic:

  • Tinker Bell is jealous of Peter Pan’s attention toward Wendy, and because she is “body-conscious.”
  • Captain Hook, who famously has a prosthetic hook where his hand would be, was reportedly flagged because he exposes Disney to accusations of prejudice against disabled individuals due to his villainous nature.
  • Ursula the Sea Witch from Disney’s 1989 animated classic “The Little Mermaid.”
    • Ursula could come across as “queer-coded,” and therefore her flamboyant behavior is potentially homophobic.
    • Ursula is of dark complexion and of a darker, light-purplish skin tone, the villainess was also reportedly a potential target of critics who would see her as a possible racist depiction.
  • They already nailed a couple of movies:
    • In Aristocats, a cat with slanted eyes and buck teeth is noted by the team to be “a racist caricature of East Asian peoples.”
    • In Dumbo, a murder of crows who perform musical number is noted by the team to be an “homage to racist minstrel shows, where white performers with blackened faces and tattered clothing imitated and ridiculed enslaved Africans on Southern plantations.”
    • Peter Pan is also a recipient of the advisory warning, as the team says the animated film portrays Native Americans in a stereotypical manner.

Wokeness destroys everything. Even those that are woke.



Everything is Racist

According to Campus Reform:

The Animal Farm Foundation, a non-profit “dedicated to securing equal treatment and opportunity for ‘pit bull’ dogs and their owners”, has launched a new initiative to combat “exclusionary dog breed restrictions in the housing insurance industry.”

In its statement, the AFF cites the work of Ann Linder, a Legislative Policy Fellow with Harvard Law School’s Animal Law and Policy Program. According to her paper, “The Black Man’s Dog: The Social Context of Breed Specific Legislation”, pit bulls have been unfairly tied to “gang violence by urban youths, as well as the hip-hop music scene.”

Also referenced is the work of Emory University associate professor of philosophy, Erin Tarver. In her work “The Dangerous Individual(’s) Dog: Race, Criminality and the ‘Pit Bull’,” Tarver applies French philosopher Michel Focault’s notion of “the dangerous individual” to what she sees as modern racialized attitudes towards pit bulls and the “perceived threat to normative whiteness” such animals pose.

Despite accounting for just 6.5% of all dogs in the United States, pit bulls were responsible for 66% of total fatal dog attacks between 2005 and 2017. 

That’s right! Pit Bull ownership needs to be controlled, not because they eat people, but because it is a symbol of racism.

The college’s student paper states:

“racialization, using this interspecies intersectionality to ‘identify troubling dynamics and inheritances…but also to disrupt what is a very common logic in animal advocacy, in which racism is simultaneously engaged and erased through appropriative and substitutive moves.’”

The article continues:

(Harlon) Weaver began his talk by stating that “stigma” aimed at “communities of color” posed a threat to pit bulls, stating that “tacit heteronormative whiteness” is not good for the dogs. According to him, America is “presenting injustices faced by pit bulls as like racism by appropriating the rhetoric and often the effects or emotions associated with race related social justice issues.” 

As the event continued, Weaver argued that pit bulls tend to be put in shelters due to “pervasive racism and misogyny, a struggle to sustain a living wage and myriad other injustices”, according to the college’s newspaper. 

So it’s not because pit bulls have a tendency to eat people, it’s all white people. OK.
