Episode 540 – The Truth is Out There!

The indoctrination of children continues to gain steam.

Joe Biden keeps screwing the country.

And, does it matter? We’re all going to die soon anyway.


Some News

Here is some news:

  • Joe Biden went to Buffalo yesterday and made a speech.
    • It was very unifying.
    • White people are all racist.
    • White supremacy is everywhere.
    • The system is racist. I do want to remind you that Joe Biden has been part of the system for 50 years so I guess he’s a racist.
    • We need gun control.
    • We need censorship.
    • Blah, blah, blah.
  • The Department of Homeland Security has credible threats against the Supreme Court and the Justices’ lives.
    • Pro-abortion groups are promising a “summer of rage”.
    • I guess we are going to have more “mostly peaceful” riots.
  • The Disinformation Boards (Ministry of Truth) has been put on hold and Nina Jankovich will not be the director.
    • The board received way too much backlash.
    • Jankovich has been caught spreading way too many lies. Social media strikes again.
  • The stock market is crashing again.
    • The Dow is down 811 points (2.48%).
    • The Nasdaq is down 413 points (3.45%)
    • The S&P is down 122 (3%)


The Indoctrination Continues

This is Gross

We talked about this yesterday but now it appears schools are really trying to get our kids to accept this transgender crap whether we like it or not.

According to Fox News:

The school board of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) in Fairfax, Virginia, is reviewing updated rules that could potentially expose students to suspension or expulsion for “maliciously misgendering” their peers based on “frequency and intensity.”

The Fairfax County Public Schools Students Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) handbook, which will be voted on May 26, includes in its updated version rules that make “malicious deadnaming” and “malicious misgendering” of classmates a Level 4 offense, which allows for a suspension up to five days “if frequency and intensity are present,” according to page 19 of the document.

“Misgendering” means using the wrong pronouns. “Dead naming” means using the name the child used before he/she used before coming out as transgender.

According to the SRR handbook:

“Using slurs based upon the actual or perceived gender identity” is forbidden under the rules of the document, “which includes, but is not limited to, malicious deadnaming or malicious misgendering.”

Of course this is rather vague. How does the school prove something is malicious? Of course, that really doesn’t matter as we have seen in yesterday’s story. Anyone who does anything, either by accident or on purpose, is going to suffer the repercussions.

Fox News reports further:

The handbook explains that “Level 4 responses” include individualized intervention that often requires disciplinary action. The principal is able to refer such violations to the superintendent, which the document says “may result in a number of different responses based on circumstances and rarely results in an expulsion.”

I bet expulsion is not going to be off the table. By the way, how serious is a level 4 offense? Pretty serious. A level 5 offense includes murder, rape and and possession of drugs or weapons.

Fox News continues:

“This was introduced last year and is not new for this year’s SR&R,” a spokesperson for FCPS told Fox News. “This is about the purposeful and deliberate misgendering of a student aimed at causing harm.” Fox has reached out for clarification regarding the new “frequency and intensity” provision.

The updated rules regarding hate speech also added language “to include outing related to gender identification and immigration status.”

Now, to be honest, I don’t think any of these rules are Constitutional. I think even the Leftist judges might think this is a bit overboard. But I can’t be sure. Brown and Sotomoyer are pretty left.

But what is more important here is this is more evidence that the public school systems do not care about your kids. They care about the ideology. They will ruin your kid’s life if he/she does not follow their ideology. This LGBTQ-crap has become a religion for these people.


This is Worse

A mother went to a school board meeting and it wasn’t a good look for the public school system in Nevada. We’re going to break this one down. I want to show you most of this and show the hypocrisy.

Here’s the first part:

First thing to note is this poor mother is traumatized. The board is cold and uncaring. The girl mom’s was going to call up was her 15-year-old daughter, which is probably why she couldn’t speak. I want to point out her daughter looked like she could burn wood with her eyes.


Her 15-year-old not only had to read this, but had to memorize it and act it out in front of the class. It may be just me but that seems inappropriate, if not, illegal.

If I walked up to a little girl or boy and said that, I would be going to jail and put on the sexual predator list, as I should be. A teacher does it and it’s OK.

Then, we had a little tussle in the stands:

You might not be able to hear what was going on but you had two people screaming.

  • A Leftist screaming that what the mother was reading was just propaganda.
  • The other was the daughter screaming that she had to actually do this assignment. And she’s pissed.

Here’s the last clip:

Some Things:

  • Mom was not engaging with the audience. The audience was yelling.
  • The moderator is really shaken. She doesn’t know what to do and keeps referring to another teacher.
  • And here’s the big hypocrisy: The board doesn’t want the graphic language but this woman’s daughter has read this crap. Then memorize it. Then act it out.
  • Finally, they just cut off her mic.

This poor mother was damaged. She was shaken. She looked like the mother of a rape victim. The daughter was all fury. The good news is she doesn’t look like she wants to be a victim. She looks like she want redemption.

F- those people!

So, I went online and found a book that is in public school libraries. Let me read a page to you. I’d say you should mute this if there are kids around but why? They’re just going to be assigned this crap in a couple of years. I don’t know the name of the book but it did come from a parent on Twitter who forwarded it to Libs of TikTok:

I know that homeschooling is racist and it is a den of those evil religious people, but is this OK/ I think not.



Should Have Mentioned This Earlier

What do you expect from a pig but a grunt.

I should have talked about this last week but it’s so cliché I figured you’d be bored with it so I just let it go. But, now, the average gas price in the United States, just passed $4 a gallon. So this seemed like an important story.

According to the New York Post:

The Biden administration has canceled oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Cook Inlet — dealing a blow to potential domestic fuel protection as gas prices reach new highs across the country. 

The Interior Department told The Post Thursday that the Cook Inlet lease sale would not move forward because of a “lack of industry interest in leasing in the area.” 

In the Gulf of Mexico, the department canceled two lease sales, citing “conflicting court rulings that impacted work on these proposed sales.”

So there you go. I hope you have the money to buy an electric car because this administration has no intention of dealing with the gas and oil prices.

Everything the Biden administration is doing is on purpose.



Speaking of 

On Mother’s day last week, Calvin Klein, the underwear manufacturer that has always been rather risky, made an announcement on Instagram about their new marketing scheme:

“Today, in support of women and mothers around the world, we highlight the reality of new families.

“@k.vventzel is a South African painter and mother to Wild. @erikafeeh and @roberto_bete are expecting parents from Brazil. Roberto is due to give birth to his and Erika’s son Noah any day now. @venedaacarter is a prominent fashion consultant. Her family is Bobbi and Weston.”

And there is a picture of a chick who thinks she’s a man being pregnant.

Couple of things here:

  • Who said this is a reality of new families? I don’t think this is normal.
  • The Left says that things like this proves that men can get pregnant. That’s weird, because this chick was a chick. I see that it just proves that women cannot turn into men.

I don’t wear Calvin Klein underwear or anything else so saying that I’m not going to buy them is kind of irrelevant. But it’s crap like this that turns people off.



We Already Knew This

There is some sanity out there.

According to Fox News:

56% of respondents said they would support a ban, while 34% said they would not. A little over a third of those respondents identified as Democrats, while 37% identified as Republicans, and just under a quarter identified themselves as Independents, according to the survey by the American Principles Project Foundation. 

I find it disturbing that only 56% of people polled think that drugging kids is bad but this is just a poll. I also believe a lot of people don’t understand that the hormones being used are permanent. That’s because the media has been pushing that hormone therapy can be reversed. That’s not necessarily true. One of the drugs used for transitioning, Leuprolide, is used on sex offenders for chemical castration.

Fox News continues:

In another question, respondents were asked whether they supported or were against children being pushed into a sex change. Around 63% of respondents agreed that children were too young for the decision. Around 22% of respondents believed that opposition to gender transitioning was transphobic. 

Again, 63% seems really low. I have seen other polls that had it in the high 70 percentile. As far as 22% thinking it’s transphobic, I can believe it though I think that’s a little high. Remember it’s just a poll.

The article continues:

The poll was conducted by OnMessage Inc. for American Principles Project (APP) in six Senate battleground states – Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and New Hampshire – targeted likely general election voters via telephone. The margin of error for the survey was +/- 2.82%.

So you can see this is not a popular trend among normal Americans. I think the Democrats should run on this in those battleground states. That way the rest of the country can end up like Virginia.



Please End the Craziness

Hey, we may not need to worry about any of this crazy anyway. We may all die or be enslaved by our alien overlords at any moment.


UFO Hearings



Close Encounter

According to the New York Post:

NASA is keeping a close eye on a huge asteroid that’s heading towards Earth.

The giant space rock is predicted to be up to 1,608 feet wide.

In comparison, New York’s iconic Empire State Building stands at 1,454 feet tall.

An asteroid of this size would cause some serious damage if it hit Earth.

There’s no need to panic though as Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3) should pass us from a distance of about 3.5 million miles away.

That may sound pretty far away but in the grand scheme of space this isn’t a large distance at all.

That’s why Nasa has still flagged it as a “close approach”.
