Episode 562 – And the Fun Begins!



Another Victory




All Those Sweet Leftist Tears








Of course, celebrities got into it.

  • Samuel L. Jackson called Thomas, “Uncle Clarence”.
  • The lead singer of Green Day said he was going to renounce his U.S. citizenship and move to England.
  • P!nk said that anti-abortionists should not listen to her music.











But there might be some with rational thoughts. This gal hit it out of the park:

She is wrong about one thing. The Supreme Court did make the right decision but she was right about Leftist extremism being a real problem.


What Are They Going to Do Now

Democrats are really behind an eight ball. They really don’t have much the can do. So they have gone to the same old well.

  • Impeach the Justices.
  • Pack the court.
  • Eliminate the filibuster.
  • Codify the law.
  • Demonize the system.
  • Fear monger to get people to vote for them.
    • They say SCOTUS will end gay marriage.
    • They say SCOTUS will end interracial marriage.
    • They say SCOTUS will end contraception.
    • None of these things will be done even though they are also based on bad precedence.

Here’s the thing, this is going to go away in a couple of weeks. This is just not an important topic. Even people who are pro-abortion


The Riots

We were expecting a “night of rage” on this weekend. There were protests, some violent, but, for the most part, there really wasn’t much happening. There were some violent protests in Washington, Oregon, California, New York, Washington DC and Massachusetts. Notice something (you should, I said this would happen). Most of the most violent protests occurred in cities and states that are not banning abortion. There weren’t any riots in Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah or Mississippi. Those states are banning abortion. But the people of those states want to ban abortion.

  • In Los Angeles, a man was charged with attempted murder of a police officer by using a makeshift flamethrower.
  • In Colorado, a pregnancy center was firebombed.

There were two semi-riots in one red state and one purple state.

In Austin, Texas, they had some scrums. But, understand something, Austin is a blue city within a red state. Texas has come under the scourge of blue big cities. Dallas, Houston and Austin are pretty blue so it is not a surprise to see some protests.

In Phoenix, Arizona, we probably had the most violent riot. A bunch of droogs decided to riot around a city council building, trapping the lawmakers inside. There was some damage and it was a scary moment but it was pretty tame. Either way, wouldn’t this be considered an insurrection?  Again Phoenix is a conservative, purple state that is, for the most part, anti-abortion. But the big cities, like Phoenix, tend to be more liberal.

The fact that there were very few violent riots is good and bad news for Democrats.

  • Good news is if there were riots, the January 6th committee might as well dissolve (though the temper tantrum of the idiots may be enough for that already).
    • AOC and Maxine Waters specifically called for people to go on the streets. Would they have been investigated? Should they be investigated?
    • The hypocrisy would be too much if they did not investigate riots in Washington DC.
    • It might be too late though because people are wondering about the leaked draft and why people weren’t arrested when protesting in front of the judges’ homes.
  • Bad news is that this does not look like it is going to be an important platform for the November elections which is what they are pushing for right now.
    • Most people do want restrictions put on abortion and the Left has gone way too radical.
    • Abortion is not affecting most people’s daily lives.
    • We have way too many more important problems like inflation, gas prices and the war in Ukraine.

But we’ll wait for it. It’s still early in the summer. Maybe Antifa will be able to rally more people when it get hotter.


They Won’t Learn

Companies are back at it. They seem really upset about abortion being banned. So they have all decided to support women who are in states that ban abortion by sending them to states that aren’t banning abortion.

Those companies are:

  • Disney
  • Dick’s Sporting Goods
  • Netflix
  • Comcast
  • Paramount Pictures
  • JP Morgan
  • Pay Pal
  • Just to name a few.
  • Apple
  • Tesla
  • Meta

Question for you, is this an attempt to be woke or do these companies have an ulterior motive? The reality is it is cheaper for a corporation to pay for an abortion than it is to pay for a pregnancy. So let’s be careful with the woke thing. I think this might be only about greed.