Episode 591 – Can He Even Do That?

Joe Biden gives a speech about his debt forgiveness program. But it this legal? Well, no. So how are they able to do this?

Let’s talk about it and listen to how Biden officials are left to twist in the wind.





These are all lies.

  • It does not fix the system. It feeds the broken system, makes it grow.
  • It does not help people of color. Most people that go to college are white and Asian. Most people of color work straight out of high school.
  • It does not help working families. It takes their taxes and gives it to the to 30% of future white collar earners.







Too Important for These Two Bozos

The November elections are really important. There is little doubt that the Republicans are going to take the House, though, maybe, not by as much as they previously thought. But the Senate is in doubt. There are three reasons why the Senate may stay with the Democrats:

  • Only a third of the incumbents are running.
  • These are statewide elections so incumbents are much better known. It is harder to unseat an incumbent.
  • Finally, Republicans have really put up a group of very weak candidates.

An example of Republicans running in Pennsylvania, Mehmet Oz, is a rather shaky candidate. He has always been a Republican but very middle of the road.

  • He believes in climate change and believes it needs to be fixed. But he thinks we should lower regulation on fracking and oil drilling. That’s really middle-of-the-road thinking.
  • Prior to 2019, he was pro-abortion. He has changed his position.
  • He is pro-gay marriage and does not support conversation therapy (whatever that is). So, he was good with transing the kids. I don’t know what his position is now but , back then, he was terrifying.

But the guy he is running against, John Fetterman, is a disaster:

  • He is a socialist.
  • His only job was the mayor of a small town which paid him $150 a year.
    • He did sell insurance for a time.
    • Most of his work was voluntary.
  • He lived of $54,000 a year given to him by his father since 1988. He’s 53 years old.
  • He served as lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania since 2019.
  • He had a serious stroke in 2022 and is showing signs of not being recovered.
  • He is known for wearing jeans and hoodies, trying to look blue collar. He’s not blue collar.
  • His stance are extremely Left:
    • Abortion on demand to the point of birth.
    • Believes in legalizing drugs.
    • Believes in criminal justice reform.
    • He believes climate change needs to end at once.
    • He believes in gun control.
    • He believes in ending the filibuster.
    • He supports universal healthcare and Obamacare.
    • He supports minimum wage being set at $15.
    • He believes in a wealth tax.

This guy is just a squad member in the Senate. Oz should beat this guy like a red-headed step child. But Oz is losing by 5 points. This is just an example of a squishy Republican running against a socialist. It really doesn’t leave much confidence in this election and is an example of why they might lose the Senate.
