The institutions and the government are now cancelling those who disagree.
A woman get lambasted for pointing out facts.
And it’s all about the science until it’s not.
This Is Dangerous
We have some wild crap happening that is affecting our institutions, thanks to orders from the government.
- Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients. This is a dangerous, and likely unconstitutional, effort that other states must resist.
- The statute instructs that “It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”
- California law requires the Medical Board of California to take action — up to and including license revocation — against any licensed physician charged with unprofessional conduct.
- This is unconstitutional.
- PayPal recently introduced a $2,500 fine for anyone involved in “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that — in “PayPal’s sole discretion” — “promote misinformation.”
- After a firestorm of criticism, PayPal withdrew the policy, claiming the whole thing was a misunderstanding and was not official policy — hardly a convincing explanation from a site with a history of banning those it considers politically incorrect.
- JPMorgan Chase bank was ending its banking relationship with West.
- This comes after Kanye West made some anti-Sematic comments and admitted to supporting Donald Trump.
- It also comes after he was at a French fashion show wearing a “White Lives Matter” T-shirt with Conservative black woman, Candace Owens.
- JPMorgan stated:“We are sending this letter to confirm our recent discussion with [redacted] that JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A (the ‘Bank’) has decided to end its banking relationship with Yeezy, LLC and its affiliated entities (collectively, the ‘Company’),” the bank said in an email to West. “To provide the Company with sufficient time to transition to another financial institution, we will continue to maintain the accounts (attached as Exhibit A), including all related products and services, until November 21, 2022.”“To avoid any transaction delays, we suggest that you stop processing Company transactions and/or using any products associated with the accounts five business days before the scheduled closure date set forth above,” the statement continued. “After that date, the Bank will close any open accounts, and after deduction of any permissible service charges and pending transactions, remit all remaining funds in the form of a check delivered to the Company at the address of record.”
- West is worth $2 billion but somehow I think he’ll survive, He will just become part of a Conservative seller and will be fine.
- But what about those that aren’t worth $2 billion but have differing opinions from our banking institutions?
- We are next.
- Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $1 billion to the families.
- I don’t like Alex Jones, he’s nuts.
- What he said was terrible and did lead to some harassment of the parents.
- But $1 billion?
- This is a free speech issue.
Imagine What She’s Going Through
Sometimes the truth is cruel and can hurt.
According to the New York Post:
Dr. Sydney Watson, who claims to be an American-Australian political commentator, took to Twitter last month in an unruly campaign arguing, “If you need a seat belt extender, you are TOO FAT TO BE ON A PLANE”.
Her offensive comments came after she sat between obese siblings on the short-haul American Airlines flight she said someone else had paid for.
She also tweeted:
“I am currently – literally – WEDGED between two OBESE people on my flight. This is absolutely NOT acceptable or okay. If fat people want to be fat, fine. But it is something else entirely when I’m stuck between you, with your arm rolls on my body, for 3 hours.”
These are terrible comments but, guess what, she’s right. I would have the same reaction if I were in her position.
- She pays big money for a seat on the plane.
- They stick her in between two morbidly obese women.
- I mean morbidly obese.
- Like 300 pounds each.
- These women couldn’t even fit her seat
- And she needs to sit there for three frigging hours like this?
Watson should, not only get an apology, but she should get vouchers for free flights. This is ridiculous. Here’s the thing, these two fat asses should have had to pay for two seats each. I know, they would have thrown a fit and accused American Airlines of fatphobia, whatever that is.
Here’s the thing: these two women are violating Watson’s personal space and her rights. No one seems to think anything about that.
So, if you think I’m cruel for saying these fat chicks are fat and that American Airlines is being victimized by Dr. Sydney Watson, but yourself in her shoes sitting in between two sweaty, morbidly obese women for three hours. I would have been in the bathroom for the entire flight.
It’s All Crap
Here is an article by Bjorn Lomborg, who is the president of the Copenhagen Consensus and visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He wrote an article called, Suppressing good news is scaring our kids witless. It talks about all the bad news we hear about the environment from the media but none of the good news.
Let’s go through it:
It’s easy to believe life on Earth is getting ever worse. The media constantly highlight one catastrophe after another and make terrifying predictions. With the never-ending torrent of doom and gloom about climate change and the environment, it’s understandable why many people — especially the young — genuinely believe the world is about to end. But the fact is that though problems remain the world is getting better. We just rarely hear about it.
We are incessantly told about disasters, whether it is the latest heat wave, flood, wildfire or storm. Yet the data overwhelmingly show that over the past century people have become much, much safer from all these weather events. In the 1920s, around half a million people were killed by weather disasters, whereas in the last decade the death toll averaged around 18,000. This year, like both 2020 and 2021, is tracking below that. Why? Because when people get richer, they get more resilient.
This is the big thing you never hear from climate activists. Man is better to adapting to the climate than trying to prevent climate change from happening. The statistics prove that. People like Lomborg and Michael Shellenberger (who are climate activists) constantly point out.
Weather-fixated television news would make us think disasters are all getting worse. They’re not. Around 1900, about 4.5 percent of the land area of the world burned every year. Over the last century, this declined to about 3.2 percent. In the last two decades, satellites show even further decline: in 2021 just 2.5 percent burned. This has happened mostly because richer societies prevent fires. Models show that by the end of the century, despite climate change, human adaptation will mean even less burning.
And despite what you may have heard about record-breaking costs from weather disasters — mainly because wealthier populations build more expensive houses along coastlines — damage costs are actually declining, not increasing, as a per cent of GDP.
But it’s not only weather disasters that are getting less damaging despite dire predictions. A decade ago, environmentalists loudly declared that Australia’s magnificent Great Barrier Reef was nearly dead, killed by bleaching caused by climate change. The Guardian newspaper even published an obituary. This year, scientists revealed that two-thirds of the Great Barrier Reef shows the highest coral cover seen since records began in 1985. The good-news report got a fraction of the attention the bad news did.
This is true. The Great Barrier reef hasn’t gotten better over the last two years. It’s been getting better over the last twenty years. What is more important to realize is that no one is talking about it. We kept hearing about the Great Barrier Reef all through school, then nothing.
Not long ago, environmentalists constantly used pictures of polar bears to highlight the dangers of climate change. Polar bears even featured in Al Gore’s terrifying movie An Inconvenient Truth. But the reality is that polar bear numbers have been increasing — from somewhere between five and 10,000 polar bears in the 1960s up to around 26,000 today. We don’t hear this news, however. Instead, campaigners just quietly stopped using polar bears in their activism.
That movie was nothing but gaslighting and exaggerated. The polar bears that he showed in that “documentary” had just come out of hibernation. The bear hadn’t eaten in three months.
There are so many bad-news stories that we seldom stop to consider that on the most important indicators, life is getting much better. Human life expectancy has doubled over the past century, from 36 years in 1920 to more than 72 years today. A hundred years ago, three-quarters of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty. Today, less than one-tenth does. The deadliest environmental problem, air pollution, was four times more likely to kill you in 1920 than it is today, mostly because a century ago people in poverty cooked and heated with dung and wood.
This is why we need to get back to oil, natural gas and nuclear power until some renewable power comes along that’s efficient. It will come but it might take time. And let’s face it, nuclear power is very clean. There’s no reason we don’t run that now.
But these climate nuts don’t want to. They want to eliminate oil, natural gas and nuclear all together. No, Europe is starting up coal power plants. People are storing coal, wood and wood pellets. Heck, they are fighting over it now. Does that sound like progress?
Despite COVID-related setbacks, humanity has become better and better off. Yet doom-mongers will keep telling you the end is nigh. This is great for their fundraising but the costs to society are sky-high: we make poor, expensive policy choices and our kids are scared witless.
We also end up ignoring much bigger problems. Consider all the attention devoted to heat waves. In the United States and many other parts of the world heat deaths are actually declining, because access to air conditioning helps much more than rising temperatures hurt. Almost everywhere, however, cold quietly kills many more people than heat does. In the U.S., about 20,000 people die from heat every year, but 170,000 die from cold — something we rarely focus on. Moreover, cold deaths are rising in the U.S. and our incessant focus on climate change is exacerbating this trend because politicians have introduced green laws that make energy more expensive, meaning fewer people can afford to keep warm. Lacking perspective means we don’t focus first on where we can help most.
They want to end all fossil fuels which heat our homes, but they have no solutions to replace them and cold is what really kills.
On a broader scale, global warming prompts celebrities and politicians to fly around the world in private jets lecturing the rest of us, while we spend less on problems like hunger, infectious diseases and a lack of basic schooling. When did politicians and movie stars ever meet for an important cause like de-worming children?
There’s a news flash. Hunger kills more people than the environment. COVID was not the first, nor will it be the last, pandemic and we didn’t handle that too well (mostly because of politics). And what about education? It’s been going straight to hell over the past couple of generations. How are future generations going to innovate efficient, renewable energy if our children can’t add because math is racist?
We need balance in our news, but that doesn’t mean ignoring global warming: it is a real problem humanity has caused. We just need perspective. To know what to expect from a warming planet, we can look at the damage estimates from the economic models used by the Biden and Obama administrations, which reveal that the entire, global cost of climate change — not just to economies, but in every sense — will be equivalent to less than a four per cent hit to global GDP by the end of the century.
Humanity is getting more prosperous every day. The United Nations estimates that without global warming the average person in 2100 would be 450 per cent better off than today. Global warming means people will only be 434 per cent richer instead. That is not a disaster.
Climate change fear is causing life-changing anxiety. You might be hearing nothing but bad news but you aren’t hearing the full story.
The media, Hollywood, politicians and the education system is trying to panic the kids. This will lead to despair and suicides. We will see this in a few years.