California is going full demonic.
Disney is reaping the whirlwind of wokeness.
And even Mexico seems to think it is better off than some cities in the United States.
We talk about the Great Reset a lot. Of course a lot of people call it a conspiracy theory but the fact that the guy who came up with the concept from the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, has written two books about it and they have it written on their website kind of negates any doubt that it is being attempted.
Make absolutely no mistake, individual carbon footprint trackers will be programmed to Central Bank Digital Currency’s
— Pelham (@Resist_05) November 13, 2022
The Left and globalists say say that the only way to control people is to know what they are doing. They also are very fond of the idea of removing paper or gold based currencies and using a digital currency. The reason is they can track it. Don’t think that’s a big deal? Think about this: Mastercard, Visa and American Express have all categorized gun purchases when using their credit cards so they know who is buying guns. This is per the ESG standards World Economic Forum is promoting. These credit card companies are floating the idea of not allowing people to pay for guns with their credit cards. We’ve already seen that Donald Trump and Kanye West have been kicked out of banks and prevented from selling their wares.
This is a scary thing and we really need to stop ignoring it.
Now let’s get to the stupid.
Here is Nancy Pelosi being asked if Joe Biden should run for President again:
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Do you think President Biden should run again?"
PELOSI: "Oh, yes I do. President Biden has been a great president for our country."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 13, 2022
This is what’s really scary about these people, they really think they’re doing a good job. The fact that there was red wave makes them feel like them doing a good job is confirmed instead of the Republicans running crappy candidates and Donald Trump talking way too much crap. People weren’t thrilled about Democrats, they were just not thrilled about Republicans also.
She’s also giddy because she thinks the may remain Speaker of the House because Democrats have caught up in the House races. California, Oregon, Arizona and Nevada haven’t finished counting ballots a week after the election. Republicans still need six votes to get to the majority in the House.
Here’s Kamala Harris making a statement that’s actually correct. Listen:
Kamala on 18-24 year olds: “What else do we know about this population? … They are stupid!”
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) November 14, 2022
Here’s the thing, she’s correct. 18-24-year-olds are stupid. How do I know that? 68% of them voted Democrat. I love it how Democrats can insult their own voters all the time.
They Don’t Care About Life
According to the Daily Wire:
Limitless abortion measures were overwhelmingly approved Tuesday in California and Vermont, paving the way to enshrine so-called reproductive rights for women into both state constitutions next year.
In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade earlier this year, the decision to codify abortion went back to the states.
I said when Roe was overturned that this was not going to ban abortion throughout the country. In fact, if Roe was overturned, many states would expand abortion.
The article continues:
So far, approximately 3.5 million California voters have favored Proposition 1, which changes the California Constitution to say that the state cannot deny or interfere with a person’s so-called reproductive freedom and that people have the fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and use contraceptives.
Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, who signed 15 abortion-related bills this year with a $200 million state budget included, contributed $3.4 million from his re-election campaign on the measure.
Democratic Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, who authored the bill, told The Los Angeles Times that California voters sent a “loud, clear message to those who think they can control our bodies.”
“In California, we will not go backwards,” Atkins said.
So killing children is going backwards according to Leftist California politicians.
But that’s what’s the most disturbing about the law.
The article continues:
Current state law allows women to abort their child before the fetus can survive outside the womb or if the mother’s health is in danger, and further defines the term “perinatal” as “the period from the establishment of pregnancy to one month following delivery.”
California’s Health and Safety Code says babies born alive after a failed abortion should receive the same care as another infant of a similar age, and the code also maintains protections against fetal homicide.
“Perinatal” is the important term here. The definition of “perinatal” according to the state of Illinois:
Per the AAPD, the perinatal period begins at the 20th -28th week of gestation at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after delivery. It is characterized by complex physiological changes that may adversely affect oral health.
Some define it as up to a year after birth. Basically, California is legalizing infanticide.
This is a dangerous law to set. Someone who kills their child after birth could, technically, use this law to get off. I don’t know if Congress of the Supreme Court could do much about it at this point. You know someone is going to do something like killing their two week old and this will come up in court.
But, overall, the politicians in California are evil. This is an evil law.
Go Woke, Go Broke
Go woke, go broke.
According to the Daily Caller:
CEO Bob Chapek of Disney told executives that layoffs at the entertainment giant were likely, just days after a weak earnings report that missed expectations by over $1 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday, citing an internal memo.
The email also announced a hiring freeze among other cost-saving measures including a request to limit travel without prior approval from executives, according to the WSJ. The company missed expectations for its fourth quarter earnings on Nov. 8 after losing nearly $1.5 billion on its Disney+ streaming service, nearly 40% worse than what analysts anticipated.
“I’m fully aware this will be a difficult process for many of you and your teams,” Chapek said, according to the WSJ. “We are going to have to make tough and uncomfortable decisions.”
The article points out:
- Disney’s streaming platforms (Hulu, ESPN, Disney+) have lost $8 billion.
- They do have 285 million subscribers.
- They expected to turn a profit by 2024 but that is not looking good.
- The stock price is down almost 40% year-to date.
- The parks also have seen marked attendance decline. Some because of COVID but also the high prices and inflation.
All I have to say is good. Listen, money talks and BS walks. Disney has been catering to the woke for a long time and now they admit they are woke and are going to promote it more. People just don’t like this crap. They will just walk away. That’s what is happening to Disney. It won’t be long before the CEO has to resign. But that’s not going to help. They need a cultural change. I think they are going to need to lose a lot more money before this happens.
That’s Irony
The United States is not the only country that is facing a drug crisis. Mexico is also have big problems with pot, meth, heroin and fentanyl. They are also actively trying to get their people to stop using drugs and relay to them how drug use is a road to despair and death.
They decided to release an ad campaign using a city famous for its homeless and drug addicts: Philadelphia.
According to the Daily Caller:
Philadelphia is the new face for the War on Drugs as footage from the beleaguered Kensington neighborhood has found its way into a Mexican anti-drug ad.
The ads were presented Tuesday by Jesús Ramírez, the spokesman for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, according to the AP, though questions as to where the government obtained the footage or why they used them went unanswered. In a tweet posted Tuesday, Ramirez claimed that the videos were part of Campaign Against Addictions, which sought to inform young people of the damage that can be rendered by drug use.
I do want to point out all of the fentanyl and heroin is coming from Mexico but we have become the example of what happens when drugs get out of control and other countries know it.
I’m telling you, we need to declare Mexico and China a clear and present danger to the United States and we need to take a military response. We also need to stop legalizing all this crap. We are a very sick society right now and it may take generations to fix it.