This is going to be a long one today. There are stuff that I just can’t ignore.
The over reaction to Elon Musk taking over Twitter is still going on. Here is Karin Jean Pierre being asked if the are tools the government can use to control “misinformation” on Twitter. She gives a typical Leftist answer.
Reporter to WH: "What tools do you have" to stop @elonmusk from restoring free speech at Twitter?
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 28, 2022
There are some things that I really hate about this interaction:
- The reporter’s question that the media and the government are arbiters of what is “misinformation” and she thinks the government should have tools to fix them of someone gets out of control.
- The reporter doesn’t bitch about Facebook, or Instagram or TikTok (which is run by a Chinese company). That’s because those companies are already in line. Twitter is bad because Elon Musk is a free speech guy and trusts the users to do their own research.
- Just an FYI, the government has been the biggest purveyor of misinformation and disinformation in the country.
- They lied about COVID.
- They lie about China.
- They lie about the border.
- They lie about the economy.
- They lied about illegal aliens getting whipped at the border.
- They lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
- 50% of what KJP says in any given press conference is a lie.
- Then the violence and hate speech that affects minorities and gays and stuff. That’s something they always bring up.
- Nobody, ever, gives any examples of it. I guarantee if there was that much hate speech and threats of violence, we would constantly hear about it.
- I’m on Twitter pretty much all day. I never see any white supremacy stuff or threats of violence from Conservatives.
- I do see a lot of it from Leftists though.
- There are standards on Twitter. You can’t just say anything you want. I got a warning that my language wasn’t great because I was going to call a guy an idiot.
- Finally, who the hell told the government that what happens on Twitter is any of their business?
- Twitter is a private company that isn’t even under the Security and Exchange Commission.
- Twitter is a platform, not a publication so they are not responsible for what people say.
- Elon Musk is very transparent about what he’s doing.
- They just don’t like it that there will not be that much censorship and Musk is going to release what was happening before he took over, especially about the censoring of the Hunter Biden laptop case.
- The government and media is scared about what Mush is going to reveal.
In other news with Twitter, Apple, the wokest company in the United States that has their iPhones build with slave labor from China, says they are considering pulling Twitter from the app store. How did Musk respond? He might just invent his own phone. People kind of like that idea.
Apple should probably worry about other things. We’ll talk about that when we get to China.
Nope, You Don’t Get To Do That
There were two mass shootings in the last week and a half that are not going to get any attention.
- A shooter in Colorado shoots up a gay nightclub, killing 6 and injuring 25.
- A shooter in North Carolina that killed 5 and injured a bunch.
The shooting in North Carolina is already being ignored because it does not go along with the narrative:
- The shooter was black.
- The shooter used a handgun.
- The shooter was nuts.
- He left a manifesto.
- He believed he was possessed by the devil and needed to do the devil’s work.
Well, the narrative of the Club Q shooting is falling apart. Apparently, this shooter identifies as non-binary. He goes by the pronouns “they/them” and wants all legal documents to reject this. This goes against everything the media has been promoting about how this was a LGBTQ hate crime and everyone hates the gay people. The folks at CNN didn’t know what to say:
CNN panel in a state of confusion after the Club Q killer's lawyers say he's "non-binary" and uses "they/them" pronouns: "I don't know what to say about that"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 23, 2022
I love watching a narrative die. But it got worse for CNN.
They decided to bring on a dude that thinks he’s a chick and he f-ed everything up for the narrative. Listen and see if you can figure out the problem with his argument:
New rules on misgendering and pronoun policing dropped
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 24, 2022
Dude, you look like a dude. Is he saying because he looks like a dude, he is a dude?
This guy could be bullshitting to avoid the hate crime charges, but the hate crime charges really don’t mean much. This guy is getting five life sentences. The death penalty does not exist in Colorado.
The narrative has to change. Joe Biden changed it in one of the most awkward ways:
If you can’t blame the guy for being a white supremacist, then blame guns. Mind you, he said semi-automatic guns. That means all guns. That could have been a brain freeze but I doubt it. He is already pushing for a ban on “assault rifles”, whatever that means, but he won’t have the votes in the Senate.
Other News Around the World
China has always gotten a lot of love from Leftists and globalists for how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) runs the government and control their citizens. When I say Leftists and globalists, I mean elitists.
This week, Klaus Schwab was caught saying this about China:
That should scare you. This guy wants to run the world with a global government, unelected, by the way.
Taylor Lorenz, a pseudo-journalist for the New York Times and doxxer, responded to a Washington Post article that stated: “A coronavirus outbreak on the verge of being China’s biggest of the pandemic has exposed a critical flaw in Beijing’s ‘zero Covid’ strategy: a vast population without natural immunity.” He pointed out that the China virus is a lot worse than we were led to believe and the vaccine that China has is garbage, so the CCP has been limiting the movement of people and quarantining people for months at a time, separating families, and arresting those that don’t comply. The policy called the Zero COVID Policy. He’s basically saying that these get out of their houses, catch the virus and develop natural immunity. Their policy is not working.
Lorenz responded
“There is no lasting ‘natural immunity’ to COVID. You can get covid over and over and over again bc there are so many endlessly evolving strains and antibodies wane. Also, choosing not to kill off millions of vulnerable people (as the US is doing) isn’t a ‘critical flaw.'”
In other words, China is doing a good job. Our lousy freedoms are why so many people died of COVID (by the way, it’s been reported China has between 1 and 2 million dead but we’ll never really know). Her statement also is evidence that many Leftists never want this pandemic to end. They want the restrictions continued.
But, what is worse, this is medical misinformation. We can never develop an immunity to this virus? Is she saying that this virus doesn’t work like just about every virus in human history? A lot of kids are catching RSV this year and it is putting children in hospitals. RSV is not a new virus, it’s been around for a long time. Why is it so dangerous? Because kids have been locked away for two years and haven’t been able to update their immunity. She’s an idiot.
Anyway, there is a great, anonymous, China philosopher said about China:
Here is what’s happening in China under this Zero COVID policy:
- People are required to carry COVID identification on their phones to be able to travel.
- People need to be tested several times a day to travel on public transportation.
- People who tested positive have been taken from their homes and placed in quarantine facilities for an unspecified amount of time.
- If a town or city was found to be overwhelming infected, the town was shutdown and people needed to stay in their apartments.
- They were not allowed to step out, even to get food or they were arrested.
- People were starving.
- People got no medical assistance and would die in their apartments, the bodies not being picked up for weeks at a time.
- There are films of drones flying through these town warning the people to stay inside.
- The CCP is building a 90,000 quarantine complex. In other words, they are building another concentration camp. There are pictures.
But it is not only in this way that the CCP is making people miserable in China:
- Xi Jinping has elected himself dictator from life.
- He has replaced his entire cabinet with his own people.
- He has had opponents removed including the former president of China.
- He is arresting business owners who do not comply to his regulations and speak out against Xi.
- The economy is a mess.
- China is no longer a fascistic regime that mixes heavy regulation with free enterprise. It is creating a centralized, communist economy that allows the government subsidize certain businesses and control them.
- The above has never worked, by the way. This is what they want to do in this country right now.
- They have immense debt.
- They have huge inflation.
- The built huge cities that are empty because people can’t afford the property.
- They have a social credit system.
- A monitoring system.
- An overbearing police state.
- A energy shortage.
- A food shortage.
People are miserable. Whenever you have misery like this, a single event can spark a revolution. Enter the spark.
According to the Daily Wire:
The protests reportedly began on Thursday after ten people were killed in a fire at a residential high-rise building in Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang autonomous region. Videos of the incident posted on social media spawned accusations that lockdowns contributed to the deaths, the New York Times and Reuters reported. Residents of the city have been locked down and prevented from leaving their homes for as long as 100 days at a time, Reuters added.
Just an FYI, China told us ten people died. Thoughts are far more dead than that.
Needless to say, the people are now protesting and protesting hard. Millions are in the streets, tearing down blockades and fighting police. This is going to get ugly. Xi has released the military. This is going to be a Tiananmen Square event. Exponentially so because of the number of protestors. I will bet, right now, thousands of people are going to die. Xi is not going to give up his power and that means he needs to keep the population in trouble. Best way to do this is violence.
John Kirby was asked about what the Biden administration was going to do of this. His answer was less than satisfactory:
Reporter: "What is the president's reaction when he hears protesters in China chant 'freedom' or 'Xi Jinping step down'?"
Kirby: "The president's not going to speak for protesters."
Reporter: "So there's no reaction?"
Kirby: "These protesters are speaking for themselves."
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) November 28, 2022
What does any of that mean? That is a weak statement. I do want to point out a word here that Kirby says and that is the government supports “peaceful protest”. I’ll get into that in a second.
The Biden administration also released a statement that sounded much like Kirby’s statement:
“As we’ve said, we think it’s going to be very difficult for the People’s Republic of China to be able to contain this virus through their zero Covid strategy. We’ve long said everyone has the right to peacefully protest, here in the United States and around the world. This includes in the PRC.”
First, let’s talk about the term “peaceful protests”. People in China aren’t pissed off because of a single event. The fire in the apartment building was the spark. They are miserable. They are suffering from:
- Lockdowns.
- Lack of food.
- Lack of power.
- Lack of jobs.
- Lack of mobility.
- Lack of medical attention.
- An overbearing police state.
- No privacy.
- Basically, a lack of any type of freedom.
These people are calling for regime change. They want Xi gone and they are screaming it in the streets. They’re calling for revolution. This is not going to end without violence. That gives the Biden administration an out. The administration can tell the world, “Hey, we support peaceful protest. The reason the Chinese government killed 10,000 people is because it became violent.”
The next question I have is why the U.S. government supporting a communist dictatorship? Trump would have had a more hardline stance on this. I don’t know but I can think of some reasons.
- Maybe Biden is just a pussy. We already know he is.
- Maybe Biden is compromised and can’t talk bad about China.
- Maybe he’s worried about more economic impact in this country.
- Maybe Biden like what China is doing.
- The lockdown.
- The surveillance state.
- The population control.
- We know Klaus Schwab and Taylor Lorenz like it.
Something to think about. Something we shouldn’t turn away from.