Joe Biden celebrates perversion at the White House and demonizing those he doesn’t agree with.
We need to keep a keen eye on Europe and Canada because what they’re doing will come here.
And a restaurant kicks out a Christian group but I think you’ll be surprised what think.
This Is Who He Cares About!
I love when Joe Biden signs a bill into law. Not because the law is probably a good one (and this one isn’t) but because he celebrates and says stupid things and things that reveal his true beliefs.
Yesterday, he signed the Respect for Marriage Act which basically legalizes at the federal level, gay and inter-racial marriage. Of course, those were already legal and no one was really threatening either, but that’s what Democrats do to get cheap wins. They had entertainers and a bunch of speakers including Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.
Of course, they had Kamala Harris. As usual, she made an ass out of herself:
.@VP Harris quotes "the great Harvey Milk" (who preyed on drug-addicted underage boys, whom he would bring into his apartment to rape/sexually assault; many attempted suicide, at least one successfully.)
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 13, 2022
The great Harvey Milk. Why was he great? Because he was gay?
Harvey Milk was also a pedophile. He used to lure teenage boys and have sex (including rape) with them. Several of the teens committed suicide.
Then old Joe comes up and he must have had his vitamin B because he talked for fifteen minutes. He said some pretty inflammatory and divisive things which shouldn’t be a surprise.
Here he is explaining how terrible the LGBTQI+ people have in the country. Let’s see if you can see the problem with what he’s saying:
BIDEN: "When a person can be married in the morning and thrown out of a restaurant for being gay in the afternoon, this is still wrong."
— (@townhallcom) December 13, 2022
Some things:
- Clarence Thomas said that because those precedents are bad rulings.
- But Thomas also said he didn’t think the Supreme Court had the stomach to overturn those precedents.
- No one is going after inter-racial marriage, contraception or gay marriage. But two things can be right at once. They can be considered super precedence and they can be based on bad rulings.
- Finally is he talking about. Where exactly are gay people getting kicked out of diners? I’m sure we would have heard about if it was true. Hell, that cake shop in Colorado has been sued three times over just not baking a cake for a gay couple. I’m pretty sure if gay people were kicked out of a diner, this would have been a news story.
- By the way, the LGBTQI+ group is the highest victim group in the intersectionality chain. Are these people really that victimized?
Here is Joe Biden demonizing half the country. The truly the most horrid a divisive thing he could have said.
Anyone who criticizes surgeons who perform transgender surgeries is responsible for racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, etc. because it's all "connected," says Biden.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 13, 2022
Some things:
- Colorado Springs was committed by a guy who identifies as as non-binary. He’s part of the LGBTQI+ group. He definitely is because he “identifies” as it. That’s enough according to these people.
- He wasn’t a right wing extremist. It was done by a crazy person. Of course, the democrats want it to be a right wing extremist.
- “Callous laws” in certain states? They don’t believe that man on man marriage is as valuable as a man and woman marriage that can create children and a family? “Callous laws” that prevent doctors from assigning untested, castration hormones to children at the age of 12? “Callous laws” that prevent doctors from cutting the healthy tissue of 16-year-old children.
- By the way, I wish he was as concerned with straight marriages as much as he is about gay marriages.
- Finally, the demonization. Anyone who does not support is the same as a racist, bigot, white supremacist, anti-Semite, transphobe, homophobe and probably wants the pandas to die. Hey, we should put all those people in jail.
- Joe Biden just describes half the country or more.
It’s Coming Here
Where is all this “trans-hate crap” going when it comes to this administration? The best way to find out is to look at Europe and Canada. Their policies always seem to be close to what we want to do.
Here is a story from the feminist news source, Reduxx. You already know this is not from a far-right white supremacist news source.
A woman in Norway is facing criminal charges and a possible prison sentence of up to three years for stating that men can not be lesbians. Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian artist, was notified on November 17 that she was under police investigation for hate speech over a statement she posted to Facebook.
In her post, Gjevjon railed against trans-identified males who call themselves “lesbians,” and condemned trans activists who seek to criminalize women who oppose gender ideology.
“It’s just as impossible for men to become lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant,” Gjevjon wrote, “Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes.”
That’s what transvestitism is. That’s what drag is. It’s a fetish. It is impersonating women but to the extremes. It’s blackface.
Gjevjon particularly singled-out the actions of prominent Norwegian trans activist, Christine Jentoft – a man who claims to be a lesbian mother, and who currently serves as a representative for the nation’s leading trans activist group, Foreningen FRI.
Jentoft has been at the center of a clash between women’s rights activists and Norway’s hate speech legislation, which was revised in 2020. The amendments, which went into effect last year, included the category of “gender identity or gender expression” – a move women’s rights campaigners in the nation warned would result in a chill over free speech, especially where it related to the reality of biological sex.
Earlier this year, Jentoft filed criminal charges against Christina Ellingsen, a representative of Women’s Declaration International (WDI) Norway, for stating that men can neither be lesbians nor mothers. As reported by Reduxx in May, a police investigation was launched into Ellingsen’s alleged “transphobia,” and, like Gjevjon, she is facing up to three years in prison if found guilty.
By the way, this is already happening in Canada. There’s a guy named Jessica Yaniv who thinks he’s a chick in Canada who sued a beauty parlor because the woman would not wax is balls. Rob Hoogland is facing charges for fighting the trans-ing his kid in a court in Canada. They want to put you in jail if you don’t tow the party line. That’s why they compare people who don’t want to cut the boobs off of 16-year-old girls with anti-Semites, racists, bigots and homophobes.
By the way, just a little transparency, Jews, Christians and Muslims are all against this!
And it’s not going to end there. Give a mouse a cookie. Slippery slope.
They are going to go after religion. They are going to go after private schools that don’t push their agendas. They are going to go after home schooled kids. They are going to try to take kids out of their homes from parents that don’t agree with this. Watch California. Watch New York. It’s coming and it’s coming soon.
Tis the season where we celebrate the birth of Christ and enjoy the holidays with family and, for Christians, the Christian community. Unfortunately, the Christian community is seen as evil and dangerous.
According to Fox News:
The head of conservative Christian group in Virginia is speaking out after members of her organization were turned away from a restaurant based solely on their religious views.
Victoria Cobb, president of the non-profit Christian lobbying organization Family Foundation of Virginia, told Fox News Digital that several members of her group were scheduled to hold a private event at a side room at Metzger Bar and Butchery in Richmond, Virginia when they received a call an hour and a half before the reservation saying their reservation had been canceled.
The reason given for the cancelation, according to Cobb, was that a member of the staff at the restaurant had looked up the organization’s website, which states that the group advocates “for policies based on Biblical principles that enable families to flourish at the state and local level”, prompting the wait staff to refuse to serve the group.
“It’s alarming and disgraceful that a restaurant has a religious or political litmus test for who gets in the door,” Cobb told Fox News Digital. “I think people will find that very disturbing.”
Metzger Bar and Butchery released a statement on Instagram:
“Metzger Bar and Butchery has always prided itself on being an inclusive environment for people to dine in. In eight years of service, we have very rarely refused service to anyone who wished to dine with us. Recently we refused service to a group that had booked an event with us after the owners of Metzger found out it was a group of donors to a political organization that seeks to deprive women and LGBTQ+ persons of their basic human rights in Virginia.”
“Many of our staff are women and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community. All of our staff are people with rights who deserve dignity and a safe work environment. We respect our staff’s established rights as humans and strive to create a work environment where they can do their jobs with dignity, comfort and safety.”
Some things about this story:
- It is really tacky that they waited until an hour and a half before the event to cancel. But this will come back to hurt the bar.
- The bar is probably not in a great position when they let their employees run everything.
- The bar does not understand that what they are doing is pure discrimination against a group that makes up most of the country. Replace Christians with blacks and see what happens to Metzger’s Bar.
- Remember, this type of discrimination always takes a toll due to capitalism. I would never go to Metzger’s Bar again.
- I say, let Metzger’s Bar do what they want. They should be allowed to do this. But I don’t want to hear anything about a baker not baking a cake for a gay couple anymore.